
I'm so PISSED!!


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
So I thought I had a buyer for my Honda. It was for a girl graduating from high school. She loved it. She wanted a two door silver one. It's a two-door silver one. (This was two nights ago). They were very interested. Girl was all giddy. But they wanted it to be checked by their mechanic friend. So fine. We arrange to have it looked at last night. I rush ome from work to make this appointment. We go. The guy blesses it. Girl is all happy. she says that daddy will call me later that night.


i get a call tonight and the ****er offers me 2/3's what I'm asking.....which isn't even what I owe on the ****ing thing.

Thanks for wasting my time, jackass!!


Sep 28, 2003
Boone, NC/N. Greenville county, SC
Brutally beat them, then leave them for dead in a ditch. Get one of those black sprinkler hoses that have holes in them, and pump gas into it, have a wall of fire around them so nobody can get to them, then if someone does get to them, it could be a minefield. While all this is going on, you could be driving your honda to mexico. Or if you arent feeling so adventurous, just go drive the car into a lake. Or blow it up.


Jun 17, 2002
Originally posted by T-Pirate
Brutally beat them, then leave them for dead in a ditch. Get one of those black sprinkler hoses that have holes in them, and pump gas into it, have a wall of fire around them so nobody can get to them, then if someone does get to them, it could be a minefield. While all this is going on, you could be driving your honda to mexico. Or if you arent feeling so adventurous, just go drive the car into a lake. Or blow it up.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by dexterq20

That's a little...

But you...


That's too disturbing to be funny.
are you saying I topped T-Pirate? Cuz his was awesomely disturbing.


Sep 28, 2003
Boone, NC/N. Greenville county, SC
Originally posted by drtbikrr
I think any time you use the phrase "have sex with her dead body" you automatically top everything ever said, the only was to top that would be to say "have sex with his dead body". Lord Opie wins, everyone else just stop talking.
Kill them both, then superglue a video camera in her hands while you have sex with his dead body. Then keep the bodies around just to remind yourself how powerful you are.

did I win yet?


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Originally posted by T-Pirate
Kill them both, then superglue a video camera in her hands while you have sex with his dead body. Then keep the bodies around just to remind yourself how powerful you are.

did I win yet?



A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
What if I knock him down, drive over his head, and pop the clutch and spin the tires out on his face, wearing it down to his exposed brain....and then have sex with his daughter, in front of her mother?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
Originally posted by T-Pirate
Wow....so tempting to post more stuff, but I am going to try not to get banned tonight.
i did not see a rule about necropheliacs on here. is the girl hot? if not ask her out then stand her up. if he is take her out and dont briung her home till the next day. make sure she gets grounded for it then run like hell.
or you could agree to the price then get the dad all excited about how awesome of a deal maker he is and then back out of the deal.


Sep 21, 2001
Well what do you expect, someone to just call you up and offer you your asking price sight unseen?!

Honda's are a dime a dozen; there's tons out there and at varying price ranges. Of course the guy is gonna offer low to give some room to haggle. If you're not willing to go down, he'll go to one of the other 3 dozen ads in the paper for Honda's and find someone that will.

Obviously you are asking too high if no one has shown any interest. It doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to figure that out :rolleyes: Boo-hoo, you won't get the exact amount you wanted, but at least the car will be sold.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Of course, retard, I'm not expecting the asking price. Perhaps you don't "read good". This was hardly sight unseen. (And actually, I've had someone offer me MORE sight unseen over the phone already, but he sounded really sketchy). But this was a two day ordeal of jumping through their hoops. (there was more to the story, but I left it out). And he knew the asking price. And yes, I know all about haggling. But when the offer isn't even close, haggling just won't happen. I didn't pull my asking price completely out of my ass. A little research went into it. This is HIS daughter. I'm not making it a present to her.

The guy basically went to KBB.com and offered me less than "dealer trade-in value"....which he only looked up yesterday before he called me.....AFTER making me run all over the place getting the car "approved".

Originally posted by Honeywell
Well what do you expect, someone to just call you up and offer you your asking price sight unseen?!

Honda's are a dime a dozen; there's tons out there and at varying price ranges. Of course the guy is gonna offer low to give some room to haggle. If you're not willing to go down, he'll go to one of the other 3 dozen ads in the paper for Honda's and find someone that will.

Obviously you are asking too high if no one has shown any interest. It doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to figure that out :rolleyes: Boo-hoo, you won't get the exact amount you wanted, but at least the car will be sold.


Sep 21, 2001
MMike said:
Of course, retard, I'm not expecting the asking price. Perhaps you don't "read good". This was hardly sight unseen. (And actually, I've had someone offer me MORE sight unseen over the phone already, but he sounded really sketchy). But this was a two day ordeal of jumping through their hoops. (there was more to the story, but I left it out). And he knew the asking price. And yes, I know all about haggling. But when the offer isn't even close, haggling just won't happen. I didn't pull my asking price completely out of my ass. A little research went into it. This is HIS daughter. I'm not making it a present to her.

The guy basically went to KBB.com and offered me less than "dealer trade-in value"....which he only looked up yesterday before he called me.....AFTER making me run all over the place getting the car "approved".
Ohhh, someone's a bit cranky tonight. Perhaps you don't "understand good." From all the posts you've made on the topic it sounds as if you're expecting someone to just call you right up and agree to buy the car for your asking price. The car is going to sell for what the buyers are willing to pay. If that's not what you want to get for it then tough luck.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Serial Midget said:
Yep - priced too high. Give it back to the bank and get out from under those payments. The next seven years are gonna fly by anyway with your new baby and all.
:think: Yeah, except that if he does that, the bank sells it at auction and makes him responsibile for the difference between what they sold it for and what he owes.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
you could always try to negotiate? Or tell him you can't go that low, and let him deal?

Bitching about it won't get it sold. You have a guy who wants to buy your car, he knows it's in good shape, his daughter likes it, and he's interested. It's all a matter of power now. Does he want your car bad enough to increase what he's willing to pay, or do you need to sell the car quickly, and therefore are willing to lower your asking price? It all depends....

Good luck, I would call him up and say I can't go that low, but am willing to deal. See what he says, if it's too low, you don't have to sell. Nobody made you have it inspected, either. In all honesty, that is probably something they should have had arranged. Also, in general you want to ask more than what you need for the car. That's what I did with my kit car, I asked too much for it, and when it got sold, the guy paid me exactly what I wanted, but he thought he was getting an incredible deal. Nobody has to know, and it's win/win.

I suck at selling bikes though, cyclists are too cheap and greedy.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I think I liked this thread better when it was discussing various ways of violating the daughter's (possibly mutilated) corpse...


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
biggins said:
Agree to the price then get the dad all excited about how awesome of a deal maker he is and then back out of the deal.

Dont back out though... 1 day before he is suppose to give you a check just tell him that you have a buyer that is offering just below asking price :devil: then if he really wants it he'll have to give you what you want :sneaky: