
Im sorry mother earth...


Aug 3, 2003
Charlottesville, Virginia
So im in this horrible class and for the final project I have to create a big notebook that will compile all my work with every other persons in the class. So there are 18 people in my class, my report covers 5 sections with a total of 20 pages between them, So i need to make copies of all of this (off my dorm printer) for all the people that comes out to 360 copies. And every one of those 18 people is doing the same so that the rest of us can make our books. so lets assume im the standard (which im not) that means that over 6480 pages of printing paper will be wasted on this damned project. And what gets me is this is a Recreation class ( yeah i was gonna minor in it, but no longer...) one week we are discusseing the need for forest preservation the next we chop that very forest to the ground. Maybe im just upset because its 5:24am and i havnt slept in a loooong time. Life is hard. I gota go staple about a billion peices of paper together. Bye bye. :dead:


Monkey Pimp
Jul 25, 2001
Aboard the Inchcliffe Castle
The removal of trees and the study of natural reforestation (is that a word) is an important part of your learning.

Wait till you get into the real world. Corporate America wastes alot of paper.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Yossarian said:
Wait till you get into the real world. Corporate America wastes alot of paper.
especially in our "paperless" society where every dillhole prints out their emails to read them... :mumble:


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
reflux said:
please tell me you're joking... how f'n lame.
No, he's not. It's taken me years to learn to not let the corporations waste get to me. When I first got hired I couldn't believe the wastefulness (is that a word?) of the company I work for. I hate workin for the man.


Jul 21, 2004
whereabouts unknown
narlus said:
especially in our "paperless" society where every dillhole prints out their emails to read them... :mumble:

There is some much truth to that.

At work I save all emails (7000/year), I print out the ones I need to take to meetings ect...
But Japanese Boss on the other hand... Has 25000+ emails saved cleans his in box once a year... He prints them all out, every time he gets a email he prints it and files it.... I needed a email from august 2003...He pulled out his file form 2003 and pulled me a copy with all the attachments printed out. Then he emailed it to me.
There is 50 people in the office we use 4 cases (10 reams per case) of paper a week.
Not counting the plotters....


Mar 17, 2002
I kill so many trees at my job it's not even funny. Here is some research I did while bored one day:

Eating lunch at my cubicle one day, like most people with no life, I decided to find out how many trees our copy machine has killed.

Our department has been using the Xerox Work Center Pro 90 for about 10 months. While the copier's output is second to none (It's practically the world's most powerful copy machine, I mean all of you office people should be jealous), it is my sworn enemy.

Even in the year 2004, copy machines jam. The Work Center Pro 90 is no exception. It jams. It jams with a vengeance.

It jams in "Area 2", it jams in "Area 3A", "3B", and dammit, it always jams in the "Finishing Area" and in the "Scanner". Yaargh.

The Story Department (Where I work) uses this copy machine a lot. Everyday. Multiple copies of scripts that are at least 100 pages has got to put the hurt on the Earth's natural resources.

So according to this website:

It takes one tree to make 8,333 sheets of paper.

One ream of paper (500) pages is about 6% of one tree.

According to our copier's state of the art digital menu, I can access how many sheets of paper the copier has put out.

That total is 710,088.

With a little bit of number crunching with my trusty calculator...that means my department alone has killed 85.21 trees.

Going further, Friday's are usually our heaviest copy day. Sometimes I go through around 8 reams of paper in one or two hours. 8 reams is 4,000 pages. That's like half a tree in in a couple of hours.

Sure, some of those copies might have been mistakes I made, where I copy the wrong draft of a script 15 times, but that's neither here nor there.

But 85 trees in a 10 month period is a lot lower than I had thought. I thought it would be in the hundreds. That just basically tells me that this whole business of needing to conserve trees is hogwash.

Verdict: The Xerox Work Center Pro 90 is an effective tree killing machine, however the amount of trees it has destroyed in a ten month period falls way below expectations.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
special O said:
i dont see why people are so tripped out about paper. it GROWS. its oil we need to be savin.

i suppose paper is produced like leaves, straight from the tree?

it takes energy to plant the tree, cut down the tree, haul the tree from the logging site to the pulp mill, to process the pulp, to make the paper, to package the paper, to make the packaging for the paper, to drive the paper to the distribution point and ultimately end up in yr printer.

now what was that about oil?


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
narlus said:
especially in our "paperless" society where every dillhole prints out their emails to read them... :mumble:

Damn straight...I even print out evey single work related email that I send. In the event that somehow all electronic crap gets lost, then there's still a way to cover my a$$. It's all about covering one's a$$ when working for the man.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
firetoole said:
just make sure you recycle the paper otherwise the tree's will get you!
That made me think of the funny ESPN spot where the anchor throws his paper into a trash can even though a white paper recycling container is right next to it...then looks up to see his transgression was witnessed by the Stanford Tree mascot. He then guiltily retrieves his paper from the trash and redeposits it in the recycling container beneath the unflinching supervision of the Stanford Tree. :D


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
narlus said:
i suppose paper is produced like leaves, straight from the tree?

it takes energy to plant the tree, cut down the tree, haul the tree from the logging site to the pulp mill, to process the pulp, to make the paper, to package the paper, to make the packaging for the paper, to drive the paper to the distribution point and ultimately end up in yr printer.

now what was that about oil?
Not to mention the *NASTY* $hit that is used in the production process.

All natural resources, whether renewable or not, should be conserved as much as possible, IMNSHO.



Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
The 1979 movie "Prophecy" is about a giant mutant bear who was created by the waste water from a paper mill. The bear was all badass and was named Katahdin. If we don't use so much paper, we just might avoid being killed by the giant mutant bear. Seriously :monkey: