
I'm taking an econ class, question on republican economic policies


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
No, I'm just a free market capitalist.

On a side note, a great way to stop outsourcing of jobs would be as simple as a very high import tax on foreign made products from US companies. That would almost immediately bring US market production back into the US, as well as huge capital investments from those companies. Couple that with a tax holiday to re-patriate foreign held cash, and you have a return of manufacturing.

Also, brining the miltary back from Afghanistan, and having them fortify and patrol the US southern border would effectively eliminate illegal immigration opening up more jobs in the US.

People would (gasp) have to work in the jobs that nobody wants, but we did it up until the '70's, so I don't see what the problem is now, beyond entitlement. Which brings me back to point with this thread.
Like motorcycles, right? There have been heavy tariffs in the past on foreign motorcycles, particularly the Japanese imports.

In response, Harley has made the best, 40's era technology, motorcycles available as well as the coolest t-shirts and leather vests out there.

So instead of riding a reliable and fast Japanese sport bike, I can get myself a 100ci carburated cruiser with a free pan for the leaking oil?

Is that part of the free market? Tarrifs?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
On that note for all the Norcal monkeys, I wouldn't take the arguments too seriously.

From my first years on RM, I used to cross swords regularly with OGRipper. I remember I was about to call him out and ask to meet with him to duke it out. For real.

Well, I did meet him. We both went to a trail epic in Downieville and we hung out for the whole weekend without a problem.

Only until OG was driving back did he realize who I actually was. And we have been friends since.

Since I personally know TheJoker, Ohio, and TheMontashu, I think they would all get along fine, even though they argue like crazy here.

I personally like the near personal arguments here. While we all take it an extreme, it is not as bad as I see on the other forums I am on.

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Actually, we've never met, but I'm pretty sure I'd like the guy in person.

Joker, I would only suggest you stop presenting yourself as a principled ideologue. It's fine to have conflicting opinions for nuanced reasons... that usually makes someone a moderate. You get into trouble by declaring these black and white Randian "truths" about the world that inevitably you contradict because they were psychotic when Rand wrote them, and just as psychotic when you repeated them. The fact that you later contradict them demonstrates not that you're a hypocrite, but that the ideology is flawed.

Wait, let me get this straight...you want him to stop doing that?

Way to ruin the fun sister mcfunnykilly.