
I'm trying to get laid off...


Feb 18, 2013
Downingtown, PA
I was laid off for a four month period at my job. The first thing I bought was a bottle of champagne and then applied for unemployment online. I thought it was gonna be awesome having all this free time. I took classes at night twice a week, but I was still bored. This was before I got back into MTB. I basically woke up at 2 everyday and went to the bars mostly.

When they called me back, because I was a contractor, I changed my residency back to NJ, and got a year of split per diem. So that was nice.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Just what our military needs, a lazy non motivated **** being involved in product design. I will remember you the next time an experimental aircraft goes down because of design flaws, and I supervise the recovery efforts and see people I know comforting the family of the crew.


Feb 18, 2013
Downingtown, PA
Best bet is to have your own 8 month to a 2 year personal safety net in savings, just for a worst case scenario. Unemployment pays okay in some states, but you shouldn't be in a situation where you have to wait for the check to pay some bills.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Just what our military needs, a lazy non motivated **** being involved in product design. I will remember you the next time an experimental aircraft goes down because of design flaws, and I supervise the recovery efforts and see people I know comforting the family of the crew.
not everything is about you.


Jul 16, 2007
Just what our military needs, a lazy non motivated **** being involved in product design. I will remember you the next time an experimental aircraft goes down because of design flaws, and I supervise the recovery efforts and see people I know comforting the family of the crew.
If I start working slower/lazy it doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to forget how to be an engineer. I've been doing this for nearly a decade and have fixed way more problems than I've caused.


Feb 18, 2013
Downingtown, PA
If I start working slower/lazy it doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to forget how to be an engineer. I've been doing this for nearly a decade and have fixed way more problems than I've caused.
I argue with engineers everyday at work over drawings. I'm sorry, but I am your enemy! For I am QA!! :)


Jul 16, 2007
Not to mention another leach on an already overburdened system. I hope you get exactly what you are asking for.
I pay far more taxes than most. My wife and I make enough where we lose all kinds of deductions. Like I said before, I really want my 10 weeks of severance pay.

Also I started working on a PhD, I realized I wouldn't have time for a proper dissertation so I tabled that. If I quit I have to pay back several thousand in tuition. If I get laid off I'm off the hook.
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Not even worth repying to...ithnu, I certainly hope for your conscience sake that your actions do not result in any unneccesary deaths, injuries or cost overruns. Good luck...
if you'd like your own soap box, allow me to direct you to the "new thread" button


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Oh I'm not worried about finding another job. I'll just get 10 weeks of paychecks (severance) and unemployment if I get laid off. So that's the goal. I'm not in my 20s anymore, I'm not going to harden the f%uk up. I want the summer off.

And the your dime? All I work on is government projects so the money is coming from your dime no matter what. ;)
You're my fvking hero. Let me know when you figure it out. Inspiration!