
~~ I'm up! Tuesday GMT ~~


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Sofia made for a fun weekend with a lot of good food and a lot of cocktails. Highlight for me was hike along the seven lakes in the Rila mountains.


Retail was nothing special but I found a cool store Bare Hands Society where one of the owners also makes posters for metal bands so we all supported it with bags full of goodies.



Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Light night of sleep; doggo had to go to the surgeon for a consult early this morning. Hoping they can do the surgery today so we can get this over with.

Time to grab a coffee and get a couple things done. I see a nap in my future.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
woke up at 3:15 because HEY FUCK YOU ANDY

still got up at 5 to work out because HEY FUCK YOU BODY

now my brain is all HEY FUCK YOU WORKDAY

so it's been a tough morning.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. Working from home on a regular shift with flexible hours + shuttling kids + wind ensemble rehearsal tonight.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Tired. Late night to start with, then Layla got sick. Had to keep her downstairs with the doggy door open. Slept for all of an hour when the coyotes started howling really close and the neighbor dogs were barking. Found Layla chilling in her crate, but still not risking it, given it sounded like they were within 100' of the house. Hard to get back to sleep, because they were fucking loud. Glad I kept her downstairs, because she threw up again on the wood.

I scheduled today off to work on projects for Wifey, but my workload is pretty high right now. On the fence of going downstairs to work.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2003
Sorry, I'm Canadian ..sorry...

Caught a little more sleep last night, In-laws are all at our place, not a couch to spare. GMIL was moved to hospice with a few days expected. She was always stubborn and strong.

Bit of everything to do today, including getting my van running again.....


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Did nothing but catch up on sleep yesterday. Legs were extra sore and stiff after a 3.5 hour hike and several days of walking at a moderate to fast pace on hilly terrain.

Perhaps a ride in the woods is in order.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Back aches like a mofo. I think it's from sitting around for a week. Dammit. Going to suffer through a Greenway dusk pedal tonight. Hopefully the shadow urchins don't shank me.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Had amusing interaction at the shop today. I took the 4x to the shop today to get the rear wheel tensioned, as I don't have time to deal with it. Newer, younger guy working the counter was pointing out all the small dents in the rim (and @Full Trucker says I'm not smooth) and how he wasn't sure that they could get it true. He was really struggling when I said I wasn't too concerned about being super straight, close enough was good enough; I was more concerned about getting the tension up. Once he kinda wrapped his head around that and started to type in the work order he got stuck figuring out what kind of bike it was. They're a Yeti shop, so the color was an easy flag, but couldn't figure out the model. After about 10-15 seconds looking (I wasn't really paying attention) one of the older guys in the back yells up to him, "it's a Yeti 4x - one of the old Special Projects bikes. You'll probably never see another one so make sure you have a chance to ride it while it's here." Pretty much the whole shop just dead stopped to look at this old ass, non-descript, 26" bike hanging on the stand. Guy standing next to me looked at the 4x then his new Pivot, and the reverse a few times with that "what's so special about that?" look on his face.

Was an interesting interaction. I doubt it would occur up in Golden or any bike-heavy town, but in the deep suburbs, it kinda makes sense - low production bike, from a then relatively small, boutique manufacturer. Me and the other older guys all got a bit of a chuckle out if it.

And in other news, I listed Wifey's ASR on Craigslist and saw this guy leaving the shop:

I don't know him, but I like him.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
fucking rube.
He was there very confused why his shifting wasn't working. His best comment "I mean, there's a chance I might have hit it on something". There was clear bend in it. Whether it was the hanger or derailleur, something was properly bent. Customer says... :disgust1:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
He was there very confused why his shifting wasn't working. His best comment "I mean, there's a chance I might have hit it on something". There was clear bend in it. Whether it was the hanger or derailleur, something was properly bent. Customer says... :disgust1:
ps sell me the 4x when you're done with it.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Ruth was driving though downtown. the roadway has a double yellow center stripe The car in front of her pulled to the curb mid block and as she was passing them they tried to flip a U turn from the curb and hit her. The other car was a Mazda 3 with totally blacked out (non Legal tint) widows. She got out and yelled at the driver to open his window and overheard him on the phone say "mommy I just hit another car what do I do"...Dude was 25 years old. He nailed Ruths passenger door and quarter panel, Needless to say she was pissed. She told me she scared the fuck out of him when she yelled what the fuck were you thinking you moron? I know that look on her face when she is that mad, It scares me too. LOL


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
ps sell me the 4x when you're done with it.
No. @Nick has dibs and I believe there is a next in line after that. I don't intend on selling though.

Ruth was driving though downtown. the roadway has a double yellow center stripe The car in front of her pulled to the curb mid block and as she was passing them they tried to flip a U turn from the curb and hit her. The other car was a Mazda 3 with totally blacked out (non Legal tint) widows. She got out and yelled at the driver to open his window and overheard him on the phone say "mommy I just hit another car what do I do"...Dude was 25 years old. He nailed Ruths passenger door and quarter panel, Needless to say she was pissed. She told me she scared the fuck out of him when she yelled what the fuck were you thinking you moron? I know that look on her face when she is that mad, It scares me too. LOL
Sounds like she's ok though?


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
You can probably insert yourself after Nick. The gentlemen's agreement is that we "keep it in family" on the off chance @Full Trucker does want to buy it back, since it has personal value from his time working with Yeti. That and nobody is profiting off of it. Just part of keeping it in the family.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
You can probably insert yourself after Nick. The gentlemen's agreement is that we "keep it in family" on the off chance @Full Trucker does want to buy it back, since it has personal value from his time working with Yeti. That and nobody is profiting off of it. Just part of keeping it in the family.
every now and then the Yeti bmx frames show up on an FB group I belong to.