
I'm voting for Bush but my wife is voting for Kerry


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
so basicly, we are canceling out eachothers vote.

can you give me a good reason for us to even bother voting?

maybe I should tie her up so she can't vote and then my vote counts!:)


Oct 17, 2002
pnj said:
can you give me a good reason for us to even bother voting?
No. Stay home and have sex. Wear a little sticker that says, "I got laid today instead of screwed."


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
pnj said:
so basicly, we are canceling out eachothers vote.

can you give me a good reason for us to even bother voting?

maybe I should tie her up so she can't vote and then my vote counts!:)

Write in for Ham Sandwich.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
pnj said:
so basicly, we are canceling out eachothers vote.

can you give me a good reason for us to even bother voting?

maybe I should tie her up so she can't vote and then my vote counts!:)
well, since your wife isn't here, tell us why you're voting for bush? do you agree with his social, economic, foreign policies over the last 4 years?

btw, what state are you in? most of the time it won't matter whether you vote or not due to the electoral college... :thumb:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i'll buy you a six pack of your favorite beer if you vote for Kerry instead. :devil:

i'm totally serious, it'll be a damn good investment for a working man.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
i have a bridge to sell you as well, just sign right here......

I am voting for Bush because he wants to cut down all the trees. less trees = more cement = more street riding! hell yea.

let me ask again, if we both vote for a different person, canceling our votes, why should we vote at all?

*Lord O Pie wins with the best post ever.:)


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
You should both vote, since you will be the only person voting for Bush. He would be sad with 0 votes.

But really your votes would only cancel each other out if the candidates were exactly tied.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
fluff said:
If you vote for Bush and she ever lets you have sex again, I'll shoot her on general principle.

I'll hold you to this, after the elections. :p

my prediction is, Bush will win. just like he won the last time......


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Tenchiro said:
But really your votes would only cancel each other out if the candidates were exactly tied.
one for me, one for you.

I don't get it, can you explain this better?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
you should both go vote, since the diebold machines will probably award both of your votes to bush


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Toshi said:
you should both go vote, since the diebold machines will probably award both of your votes to bush

the new electronic machines they have are pretty cool. not sure if they are in every state though.


Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
Hell me and my wife are voting for Bush, and we aern't Republicans (Independents).

The more we hear this liberal whaco, conspiracy theory crap about Bush, the more we like him. Hell, much more of it and i'll register as a republican!


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
dante said:
oh, I think you should just agree NOT to vote at all. then when she leaves to go "to the store" at about 7pm, just sit back and watch the simpsons and trust that she's not going to go vote anyway. :thumb:
Haha I am picturing a Spy vs Spy (thanks 7-Up :angry: ) sort of day for pnj and his wife.

Both trying to trick the other......sneaking around all day following each other and trying to outwit the other one. :D


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Jesus said:
Hell me and my wife are voting for Bush, and we aern't Republicans (Independents).

The more we hear this liberal whaco, conspiracy theory crap about Bush, the more we like him. Hell, much more of it and i'll register as a republican!
Way to form an opinion! I'm sure America is proud of your astute judgement.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Bush is an idiot, plain and simple. I can't speak for the rest of you, but i don't want an idiot running the country.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Is it just me, or do a lot of people use their 'freedom of choice' as a 'freedom to not use my brain, be ridiculously short sighted, willfully ignorant, prejudiced, arrogant and bloody minded?'

Well, I suppose under GW it's one of the only freedoms left - enjoy it while you have it, republican voting idiots. Soon you and your children will be working your entire lives to pay off your deficit, your natural heritage will be in ruins, and you'll be loving the convenience and 'safety' of living in a police state.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
chicodude01 said:
Bush is an idiot, plain and simple. I can't speak for the rest of you, but i don't want an idiot running the country.
i'm more worried about his sinister (and brilliant) supporting cast. cheney, rumsfield, wolfowitz and co. seem to be running the show, and i don't like them one bit.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 1, 2004
chicodude01 said:
Bush is an idiot, plain and simple. I can't speak for the rest of you, but i don't want an idiot running the country.
So what your really trying to say is that you dont believe in what Kerry stands for,
your just an ANYONE but bush kind of guy? :rolleyes:

They are both Idiots. Thats what makes them Politicians.
I'm voting for whom ever has the button to magically make jobs reappear
and the stock market turn around so we can all of the sudden feel like we
are living in "pleasantville again. Nevermind the fact that we need someone
strong to lead our nation against these Middle eastern murderers Who's whole Ideal is to
destroy our way of life no matter if we leave their stupid countries or not.
Look, You and I both know that Even before the Unites States was the United States
they were fighting with someone. But I know how some people look at it.
Blame America first. Oh it's all our fault, if we didn't (put subject here) to them,
then they wouldnt hate us. Give me a break. These people hate, because they hate.
They are taught that from birth. They love to fight, Kill and die.
If we are gonna fight, we might as well fight to win. Thats my only beef. With today's
political correctness, we have not even tried to win. If we would have tried, the war would be over
already. If they wanna die for Allah, we can help them. They dont need to kill everything
in sight to do so. I've gotta gun and I've gotta bullet, and it has their names written all over it.

Liberals and Democrats: Let me ask you one thing, on 9-11 did it feel good to
watch the news and see these people celebrating in the streets dancing and
singing the fact that 3000 American people were murdered?
After all, we brought it upon ourselves Right?
Would you feel the same, if it was your Wife, Your Husband, Your Mom, Your Dad, Your Brother, Your Sister or Your Child that was killed?

I'm sure someone has a Rebuttal.
But you know, I'm Right.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
bpatterson6 said:
Nevermind the fact that we need someone
strong to lead our nation against these Middle eastern murderers Who's whole Ideal is to destroy our way of life no matter if we leave their stupid countries or not.
how much do you know about islam? how much do you know about osama bin laden? how much do you know about al qaeda?* many intelligent, rational people have come to the conclusion that the bush administration has been feeding the american public a pack of lies from the very beginning. a huge part of this pack of lies is convincing people that al qaeda is fighting against us because they "hate freedom" or want to "destroy our way of life", in your words. that's not what they say or do, tho. yes, they're terrorists. yes, they have attacked americans on u.s. soil.

(* that has not been spoonfed to you by gwb + his cronies)

but why? are they outraged because you live a middle class existence and can afford to buy enough beer to get drunk when you beat your wife? :rolleyes: (nb: it's an old joke. get it?) that's what the fascists would have you believe: "they hate us because we're so PERFECT, because they can't stand freedom!"

if you actually read a little yourself instead of staying glued to terror alert levels and fox news, then it would be clear that al qaeda's objectives (not comprehensive, of course, summarized from my reading of various sources, including the book "imperial hubris") are mainly: 1) stop u.s. support of israel. 2) stop u.s. support of corrupt, decadent regimes in the middle east (saudi arabia, egypt, jordan come to mind). 3) stop the perceived attack on islam by the west (in this category fall the various independence struggles; "imperial hubris" mentions the christians in georgia vs. the muslims of east timor). is this all a big secret? no, but the government would certainly rather have you believe that al qaeda is simply a bunch of deranged nuts with explosives and an irrational penchant for killing westerners.

if you, and the rest of the american populace, are so easily swayed by the propaganda and misinformation of the bush administration that you truly believe (without evidence) that we're fighting against "Middle eastern murderers Who's whole Ideal is to destroy our way of life no matter if we leave their stupid countries or not" then perhaps you deserve bush. i don't believe, or deserve another 4 years of diminished civil liberties and constant war, and i sincerely hope that america comes to its senses before election day.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
bpatterson6 said:
I'm voting for whom ever has the button to magically make jobs reappear
and the stock market turn around so we can all of the sudden feel like we
are living in "pleasantville again. Nevermind the fact that we need someone
strong to lead our nation against these Middle eastern murderers Who's whole Ideal is to
destroy our way of life no matter if we leave their stupid countries or not.
Look, You and I both know that Even before the Unites States was the United States
they were fighting with someone. But I know how some people look at it.
Blame America first. Oh it's all our fault, if we didn't (put subject here) to them,
then they wouldnt hate us. Give me a break. These people hate, because they hate.
They are taught that from birth. They love to fight, Kill and die.
If we are gonna fight, we might as well fight to win. Thats my only beef. With today's
political correctness, we have not even tried to win. If we would have tried, the war would be over
already. If they wanna die for Allah, we can help them. They dont need to kill everything
in sight to do so. I've gotta gun and I've gotta bullet, and it has their names written all over it.

Liberals and Democrats: Let me ask you one thing, on 9-11 did it feel good to
watch the news and see these people celebrating in the streets dancing and
singing the fact that 3000 American people were murdered?
After all, we brought it upon ourselves Right?
Would you feel the same, if it was your Wife, Your Husband, Your Mom, Your Dad, Your Brother, Your Sister or Your Child that was killed?

I'm sure someone has a Rebuttal.
But you know, I'm Right.
Fox 'News' victim #42,567,982. Do you really believe that everyone in the Arab world is somehow fundamentally different to you? How retarded are you?


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Toshi said:
... then it would be clear that al qaeda's objectives (not comprehensive, of course, summarized from my reading of various sources, including the book "imperial hubris") are mainly: 1) stop u.s. support of israel. 2) stop u.s. support of corrupt, decadent regimes in the middle east (saudi arabia, egypt, jordan come to mind). 3) stop the perceived attack on islam by the west (in this category fall the various independence struggles; "imperial hubris" mentions the christians in georgia vs. the muslims of east timor). is this all a big secret? no, but the government would certainly rather have you believe that al qaeda is simply a bunch of deranged nuts with explosives and an irrational penchant for killing westerners.
To be blunt... so what?

Do you beleive that simply stopping what listed above will stop anything?

Now that we have unmasked the true reasons why religious extremists are willing to slit the throats of civilians if their demands are not met.... Is their decision to commit acts of terrorism justified by them not liking what the US is doing? I say no. They decided how to handle the US was to attack and kill us. Fair enough. They changed the playing field. We have come to play.

What is to happen if the US stops dealing with the terrorists? Will they stop if they see us (big evil USA) not doing the things they object to?

Was hijacking planes and running them into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, a field in PA supposed to make us sypathetic? To make us feel for their struggle? They unleashed a war against the USA...for the reasons listed above us or something else. They are getting what they wanted I suppose.

If you think the USA is bad about diplomacy.....we are light years ahead of the islamic extremists. ;)

As far as
deranged nuts with explosives and an irrational penchant for killing westerners(people)
that sounds like any religious extremist, right?

You know what. I think a large portion of americans have a laundry list of why Islamic extremists are pretty rotten too. They can have their reasons but they chose how they were going to advance their cause. They will not turn back so what are we to do....or have done after 9/11? Fold to the cold hearted hand of people willing to slaughter innocents (In every right they were innocent) The terrorists signed thier "ignore our plight card" when they boarded the jets that day (and the other times before....)


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Changleen said:
Fox 'News' victim #42,567,982. Do you really believe that everyone in the Arab world is somehow fundamentally different to you? How retarded are you?
While I agree with you, Changleen.

He might be more focused on the islamic extremists.....just a thought. *shrug*


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
RhinofromWA said:
To be blunt... so what?

Do you beleive that simply stopping what listed above will stop anything?
yes, i do. i believe it would make approximately 1 billion of the people on this planet a whole lot less angry, and furthermore would be good for those currently under the corrupt rule of the saudis (just to pick one well-publicized country out of the hat).

RhinofromWA said:
Now that we have unmasked the true reasons why religious extremists are willing to slit the throats of civilians if their demands are not met.... Is their decision to commit acts of terrorism justified by them not liking what the US is doing? I say no. They decided how to handle the US was to attack and kill us. Fair enough. They changed the playing field. We have come to play.
i agree. and that's why WE SHOULD BE GOING AFTER BIN LADEN. but what are we doing instead? we're fighting a war that the neocons dreamed up a decade ago and we're posturing as if we're going to take on iran next. these wars are making the world less safe for americans. these wars bring the true perpetrators of 9/11 no closer to justice.

RhinofromWA said:
You know what. I think a large portion of americans have a laundry list of why Islamic extremists are pretty rotten too. They can have their reasons but they chose how they were going to advance their cause. They will not turn back so what are we to do....or have done after 9/11? Fold to the cold hearted hand of people willing to slaughter innocents (In every right they were innocent) The terrorists signed thier "ignore our plight card" when they boarded the jets that day (and the other times before....)
see above. IRAQ IS NOT AL QAEDA.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 1, 2004
Look...I'm what I would call a Liberal Conservative.
I read ALOT but I can also read between the lines to know
what the deal actually is. I'm old enough to have been around a
while. I'm old enough to have seen alot and remember things that happened in the 70's and early 80's and know whats right and wrong. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it all out. So to answer you question Changleen, no I'm not retarded.
I am very well educated, and come from a very well educated background.
I'm not young dumb and full of ...well you know.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
bpatterson6 said:
Look...I'm what I would call a Liberal Conservative.
I read ALOT but I can also read between the lines to know
what the deal actually is. I'm old enough to have been around a
while. I'm old enough to have seen alot and remember things that happened in the 70's and early 80's and know whats right and wrong. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it all out. So to answer you question Toshi, no I'm not retarded.
I am very well educated, and come from a very well educated background.
I'm not young dumb and full of ...well you know.
i wasn't alive in the 70s and early 80s (well at least until the end of 1981). what happened then that's made you so sure of your current stance now? lebanon? saddam hussein's initial rise to power? the oil crisis? the russians vs. islamic rebels in afghanistan (that was later, no?)?


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Toshi said:
yes, i do. i believe it would make approximately 1 billion of the people on this planet a whole lot less angry, and furthermore would be good for those currently under the corrupt rule of the saudis (just to pick one well-publicized country out of the hat).
The believe the word I am looking for is nieve (if I can even spell it :D) And fuzzy thoughts and all.

i agree. and that's why WE SHOULD BE GOING AFTER BIN LADEN. but what are we doing instead? we're fighting a war that the neocons dreamed up a decade ago and we're posturing as if we're going to take on iran next. these wars are making the world less safe for americans. these wars bring the true perpetrators of 9/11 no closer to justice.
The terrorists have moved the field to Iraq. They are a piece from teh same puzzle Bin Lade came from....though not necessarily directly tied too Laden him self.

Iraq was the removal of Saddam....terrorist made Iraq an extension of the "war on terror". Saddam should have went a decade ago...we did it the UN way and the problem was still there over a decade later. Your sceming plan theory is about as biased as they come. :rolleyes: The true Purpetrators of 9/11 are one thing, the terrorist fighters keeping the bullets flying in Iraq are another. Why do you have a hard time seperating the two?

see above. IRAQ IS NOT AL QAEDA.
You must be lost again. :D I don't believe I said they were.....:think: But go ahead and make a NON-point.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
So Rhino, do you think that killing Arabs is going to help?

Rhino said:
Do you beleive that simply stopping what listed above will stop anything?
If the US stopped it's ludicrous policy of support of Israel, then A LOT would change.

While you are debating this issue with a lot more intelligence than bpatterson, I feel that you are still suffering slightly under the impression that these people are in some way fundamentally different from you. They're not. Until the US learns to treat these people as humans nothing is going to change, killing more of them has been shown to be blatently counter productive (suprise!) but for some reason, despite the evidence to the contrary, the right in America still insist that military force is the only way to win 'the war on terror'.

Frankly, that's BS. 'TWOT' is a political invention designed to manipulate voters and the mindset of the public. Can you not see how this has affected even you? I'm sure that at some level you would admit that Arabs, or Chinese, or Africans or whoever are no different from you. Yet somehow, you now seem to think that these people can't be talked to, cannot be rationalised with - do you realise how stupid you sound? Do you really think that all these organisations simply exist just to kill westerners? That there is no deeper reasoning than 'we're right, they're wrong?' - Rubbish, as Toshi pointed out. And ironically, and very sadly for the American public, this is the very attitude that is now prevalent amongst republicans and the right in the US - 'It's them or us!'. You've been manipulated into thinking, or rather not thinking, in a way even more simplistic than GW would have you despise the 'religious extremists' for - oh the hypocracy!

Oh and re: 9/11, was it the terrorists who demolished WTC7? I didn't see any planes hit that...


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
RhinofromWA said:
Iraq was the removal of Saddam....terrorist made Iraq an extension of the "war on terror". Saddam should have went a decade ago...we did it the UN way and the problem was still there over a decade later. Your sceming plan theory is about as biased as they come. :rolleyes: The true Purpetrators of 9/11 are one thing, the terrorist fighters keeping the bullets flying in Iraq are another. Why do you have a hard time seperating the two?
"naive", "perpetrators"

i can't make heads or tails of what you're saying. are you claiming that terrorists are all the same, and that mentally separating, say, iraqi guerillas or insurgents from al qaeda operatives is impossible? that's ridiculous. how about IRA bombers vs. al qaeda? are they all indistinguishable?

or are you claiming that yes, they're different, but it's ok that our "war on terror" is against people who had nothing to do with the attack that started this mess? that's even more ridiculous. you're being played like a harp, and this war is nothing but the modern equivalent of blood flowing in the coliseum.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Changleen said:
So Rhino, do you think that killing Arabs is going to help?
When being fired upon......

If the US stopped it's ludicrous policy of support of Israel, then A LOT would change.
How so?

While you are debating this issue with a lot more intelligence than bpatterson, I feel that you are still suffering slightly under the impression that these people are in some way fundamentally different from you. They're not. Until the US learns to treat these people as humans nothing is going to change, killing more of them has been shown to be blatently counter productive (suprise!) but for some reason, despite the evidence to the contrary, the right in America still insist that military force is the only way to win 'the war on terror'.
Yet the evidence to ignoring them and leaving them alone did us no good (suprise! ;)) the precursors to 9/11 taugh t us that. So what is the answer? I don't rightly know....no one her does for sure.

So a christian extremist that shoots a young female leaving an abortion clinic (no different than any religious extremist) is the same as you or I? :think:

Frankly, that's BS. 'TWOT' is a political invention designed to manipulate voters and the mindset of the public. Can you not see how this has affected even you? I'm sure that at some level you would admit that Arabs, or Chinese, or Africans or whoever are no different from you. Yet somehow, you now seem to think that these people can't be talked to, cannot be rationalised with - do you realise how stupid you sound? Do you really think that all these organisations simply exist just to kill westerners? That there is no deeper reasoning than 'we're right, they're wrong?' - Rubbish, as Toshi pointed out. And ironically, and very sadly for the American public, this is the very attitude that is now prevalent amongst republicans and the right in the US - 'It's them or us!'. You've been manipulated into thinking, or rather not thinking, in a way even more simplistic than GW would have you despise the 'religious extremists' for - oh the hypocracy!

Oh and re: 9/11, was it the terrorists who demolished WTC7? I didn't see any planes hit that...
:D Changleen I fear we will not see eye to eye on this 9/11 stuff for some time (if ever). Though it certainly does feed your hate for the government so for that I say "good show" :thumb:

As far as these organizations just killing us westerners....no they are killing alot more than just us....don't be fooled.

It is their deep religious beliefs that gives them their strong "They're right, we're(the US) wrong" backing. Right or wrong, they have it....and we are the devil.

I might just sound strange listening through a hole in my thoat. :eek: How does any organization that will hold hostages and slit thier throats, on camera no less, expect to be heard by unbiased ears? Burn them and hang them from bridges, blow up busses of civilians, the list goes on and on.......

They are people but THEY ARE "fundamentally" different than you or I.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Toshi said:
"naive", "perpetrators"

i can't make heads or tails of what you're saying. are you claiming that terrorists are all the same, and that mentally separating, say, iraqi guerillas or insurgents from al qaeda operatives is impossible? that's ridiculous. how about IRA bombers vs. al qaeda? are they all indistinguishable?

or are you claiming that yes, they're different, but it's ok that our "war on terror" is against people who had nothing to do with the attack that started this mess? that's even more ridiculous. you're being played like a harp, and this war is nothing but the modern equivalent of blood flowing in the coliseum.
Thanks for the gramatical help there coach. :)

You are saying that Islamic terrorists are not in Iraq.....oh OK I must have missed that....:think:

You are saying we should be going after the ones directly responsible for 9/11. Good! Now what about the ones not directly responsible for 9/11 but have used the country of Iraq to attack the devil that is the USA? They are separated by YOU also.

Both groups are terrorists and so that way they are the same. They weren't around when the US went into remove Saddam. They came after! I can't make it much clearer for you unless I brake out crayons. ;)

9/11 = Bin Laden and his islamic terrorist fringe
Iraq w/Saddam = removing dumb dictator that didn't play nice
Iraq w/o Saddam = Inflow of Islamic terrorist (not neccesarily Bin Laden) to mount a new front (a new 9/11) with America

9/11 and Iraq w/o Saddam are similiar in the fact that they are rooted in islamic terrorism. They do not need to be attached at the hip. The fact that they chose Iraq to wage their battle is TOTALLY seperate from the reason we went into Iraq in the first place.

YOU are talking like the Iraqi terrorists are exempt from US action because they are not part of the group that participated in 9/11.... Wrong! They attacked us in Iraq (new field of battle) They are now terrorists. It isn't the war on BinLadens group specifically but any group that decides they need to kill americans and concequently other nationalities to get to us.

I suggest you relook at your classification because it would seem you think the Islamic terroist in Iraq are not guilty of attacks on the US and the people we are there to protect.

That makes no sense.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Changleen said:
Rhino, can you define for me who the 'terrorists' in Iraq are please?
Must be the same guys who helped the US government fake all those plane crashes. ;)

I think I did in response to Toshi's thread above.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
RhinofromWA said:
Yet the evidence to ignoring them and leaving them alone did us no good (suprise! ;)) the precursors to 9/11 taugh t us that. So what is the answer? I don't rightly know....no one her does for sure.
i agree that pre-9/11 policy won't stand in today's world. but the u.s. certainly wasn't "ignoring them and leaving them alone" before 9/11. we have been the biggest supporter of israel and its policies by far ever since the country's foundation. we have installed and supported corrupt regimes, largely if not entirely because they sell us oil. bin laden has such widespread support among the muslim world because his grievances are real, are logical. this is not to say that the majority of these muslims, let alone myself, support terrorism as a legitimate means of change so he may be shooting himself in the foot.