
Impotency can cost you..


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.

ROME - An impotent Italian man who kept his problem a secret from his wife until after their wedding must pay her damages for "eroding" her right to have a family, Italy's Supreme Court has ruled.

The woman, identified by the Italian media as Cristina S., was quick to get her marriage annulled in the 1990s after learning to her horror that her husband could not consummate it.

She then demanded damages, saying she had been robbed of her "right to sexuality" and the promise of a family. Despite losing legal battles in lower courts, she kept appealing, and finally the Supreme Court found in her favor.

"Her fundamental right (was) eroded to fully realize a family, as a woman and a wife, and eventually as a mother," according to excerpts from the court ruling published in Italian newspapers on Thursday.

The amount of damages will be settled by a lower court in Sicily, where the unhappy couple were married.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Just goes to show what I've always said...

You wouldn't buy a car, without taking it for a test drive first, would you?



Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
uhhhmmmmm well theres one for the "no sex before marriage"people. its kinda strange cause he can still make baby batter, he just can't rise to the occaision.