
In other sponsorship news...


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Scott signs with Columbia as their bike sponsor, kind of a no-brainer. I do have trouble imagining Hincapie on an Addict though...
Where does that leave American Beef? Maybe they'll ride cows.
Ridley leaves Lotto for Katusha, the giant Russian team with the amazing budget.
Look and Museeuw bikes are in the running to replace them. I'd love to see someone riding those Museeuw bikes though, the flax fiber frames are pretty neat.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.

Felt will continue with Slipstream. For some reason I'm surprised by that.
Felt Bicycles has extended its sponsorship of Team Garmin-Chipotle presented by H30 until 2011. Under the extension, Team Garmin-Chipotle will race exclusively on Felt’s framesets for the next three years, including Felt models F1, Z1, AR and DA in 2009.

‘The relationship we have with Felt is tremendous.” says Jonathan Vaughters, the team's director and owner. “Not only do they know their business better than any other, they work tirelessly with our riders and staff to push the edge of what’s technologically possible. We are fortunate to work with such a progressive and passionate bicycle company.”

Felt’s US President Bill Duehring said, “In one short year the team went from vision to reality and for us, we could not be happier. JV has done a brilliant job of putting all the pieces together. Between the team’s core message and its bona fide results, it is clear that Team Garmin-Chipotle presented byH3O is the new face of cycling. Felt is proud of this association.”


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
just found this on cyclingnews.com


i always thought that teams had bike sponsors lined up before the season starts and usually stick to them for a contract period. maybe James can shed some light on this??
I wouldn't call Rock a "normal" team, they seem to just use anything they want. Even with an "official" wheel sponsor, you don't see all the guys riding that. I have a feeling that the US distro probably said "ok, we'll give you X number of bikes for the season for the sponsorship, and when those are gone, you're on your own." Rock has never really stuck with a bike company long enough, last Interbike Look had a team bike painted up in their booth, then by the time the season started, they were on DeRosas.
Most teams are like that, the riders will use the stuff until the end of the year, per the contracts. Which is why when you see late fall training camps, everyone is wearing different clothes, they're under contract to ride in their Astana, or Columbia, or whatever, stuff until December 31st. Same with the bikes. Then on Jan 1, they can switch over to the new stuff officially.
Which is why there was a bit of bad feelings when Focus bikes showed of a Milram team frame at Eurobike, when the team is under contract with Colnago until the end of the year...


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
I'm shocked James doesn't think Rock Racing is "normal" :biggrin: