
In the Fall: Pics, Words and Video


News & Reviews
Jun 26, 2009

You may have seen the video in the downhill forum, but its creator, Liam Mullany, has endeavored to round up some photos and write an editorial piece for us on his time at university and behind the lens. Check it out...

Words and Video by Liam Mullany
Photos by Pat Taillefer

It's snowing outside with a wind chill of -20 Celsius and most of us in Canada are beginning the annual process of settling into our igloos for the winter, with nothing but our caribou hides and Hockey Night in Canada for warmth and entertainment over the long winter months. As I sit here eating my Maple Syrup Poutine, the half melted curds of cheese remind me of warmer times and drier trails. Although frozen and currently buried in pow, up until a week ago Kelowna's many riding spots were in prime condition.

A frame grab from the video masquerading as a photo.

It's no secret Kelowna's mom has got it goin' on when it comes to riding. The past few years have been flooded with coverage of backyard jump spots, fast pinner trails and amazing young talent.

Over the past 3 months, a collection of riders at UBC Okanagan have been making the most of the the fall season, digging in a multitude of new spots to ride as well as shuttling around to the various mountainous trails overlooking the small city. With most of us having differing class schedules there always seems to be a constant rotation of builders fabricating new lines to ride, from pump tracks to slalom berm trails and trick stepups.

Steve Leslie does laps on the pump track...

...before going for a spin.

Building in the beginning of the fall proved to be more of a waiting game, a matter of waiting out the long dry spells for an overnight shower to get out and put in some new berms. The newly packed turns would soon turn to dust a day later and the majority of the material would be coated across the adjacent trees. Eventually, the dry spells became shorter and shorter and the dust patches turned to mud as an indication of the approaching end of season.

Geoff Hodson comes popping out of the pocket corner...

...and then gets sideways.

With the snow piling up and the temperatures falling, the riding in Kelowna has for the most part wrapped up for the season barring a heat snap and a quick melt. For now, a low-key video I shot and edited over the span of the fall can be seen below.

