
In the great spirit of leading on scammers...


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
So this dude emailed me about my Homegrown for sale...I respond, get the general scam "i'm a minner from moscow (one who extracts mineral resources from the ground)" type thing. I ignore it, then me and my maniacal friend decide to email him back saying "Send me the check and the bike's yours."

So the douche emails me this:

to me
More options Nov 23 (9 hours ago)
Hiii Nathan King ,
I got your mail safely and so Right now you know I'm going to ask my associate to issue the check of $5,850 US Funds in your name and you'll send the excess funds to my shipper via western union,for him to come for the pick up at your location,I ll give you my shipping agent's datas as soon as the check gets to you,He's handles my shipping arrangement. I will be giving $300 for your (efforts and western union fees) I'll be very grateful if really you can do everything the same day you recieve the check for a faster transaction and bcos i am really eager o see it....
I'll need your datas for the check to get to you soonest..
Pls mail me today,to let me know what's good.
I know I can trust you,
Best Regard.

Once more, standard scammer BS. Now, should I continue to lead on the scammer by giving him my info, or not? I really don't want to give him my phone number...But I'd be interested to see what he would send me. Thoughts?


Nam I am
xbluethunderx said:
Once more, standard scammer BS. Now, should I continue to lead on the scammer by giving him my info, or not? I really don't want to give him my phone number...But I'd be interested to see what he would send me. Thoughts?
Of course you should!!!

there is just tooo much fun to be had!

I like to use

Johnny Damon
1 Yawkey Way
Boston, Ma, 02114
617 637 3422


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
You should give him this address...

Joseph Smith and Bringham Young
50 East North Temple, 20th Floor
Salt Lake City, UT 84150


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
tell him you've got anothe offer and are now asking several hundred dollars more for the frame, add that you are still selling the frame at a loss and were counting on inflating the price of shipping to offset the selling price, since he's offering to provide a shipping agent request an additional 10%, then make up some BS about fees for cashing the money order. Do whatever you can to inflate the price and see if he's still willing to pay. If so, say you crashed and cracked the frame, but explain that it can be re welded and heat treated, offer it for the same price and see if he's still interested. Tell him you decided to keep the bike but have a guitar or something totally unreated that you'd like to sell for the same price, act like you really want to help his shipping agent get that check cashed, inflate the price of that item if interest is expressed.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
My first instinct would be to give the guy your address and when he shows up you and your buds RESPECT the tar out of him and then torch his car. HOWEVER, I'd be very leery of giving my address out as you just can't tell what folks will do anymore.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
I emailed him some crap BS...in total I want 3 grand from him :D

When he emails me back I'll tell him the bike broke but I have a healthy 6 year old cornfed american male to sell him for the same price. Of course, I want to part him out, so he could get a deal on the limbs etc...


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Hmmm...Nah...I could offer him a recliner though. I don't know if the FBI would appreciate me "selling" my little brother...


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
xbluethunderx said:
I emailed him some crap BS...in total I want 3 grand from him :D

When he emails me back I'll tell him the bike broke but I have a healthy 6 year old cornfed american male to sell him for the same price. Of course, I want to part him out, so he could get a deal on the limbs etc...
That could get funny as hell.