
in the past 32 hours....


Jun 10, 2002
in the past 32hrs, the 2 cats here have combined to puke up 4 hairballs, and 2 globs of undigested food. i have to say....this is ****in' annoying. and i think mandi and i have the only bulimic cat in existence.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
the Inbred said:
in the past 32hrs, the 2 cats here have combined to puke up 4 hairballs, and 2 globs of undigested food. i have to say....this is ****in' annoying. and i think mandi and i have the only bulimic cat in existence.

Nope. One of ours throws up a lot. We talked to the vet about it. Here's what she told us: It is probably a food allergy. Try changing food and / or adding more wet food to their diet. The wet food is much easier for them to digest. Look for foods that contain as few ingredients as possible and keep trying new ones. Take note of which foods make the cat sick and don't give them that one anymore.

Lamb and rice, chicken and rice, and rabbit seem to be the best for our cats.


Nope - I have one too. Fortunately for me - mine craps on the floor as well. I have repeatedly told Julie that when I see Caroline with cat poop in her hand, Julie had better be prepared to see that cat smashed into pieces. I have nothing against cats, but this one thinks it's her f*cking house. I am more than tired of that. The best news, not only do I/Julie clean up after this c*nt, but Julie dropped $50 on the bitch at the vet yesterday. I hate that you can't pet her, but I hate more that she defiles my house several times a day. :redhot:


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
loco said:
I hate that you can't pet her, but I hate more that she defiles my house several times a day. :redhot:

Have you considered cleaning the litter box more often? Usually that will do the trick.


jdschall said:
By your standards or the cats? I don't trust your standards :rofl:
Apparently I don't meet the cat's standards. Unfortunately for her - she can't kill me for not meeting her standards. I, on the other hand, control a much larger portion of her fate.


Jun 10, 2002
jdschall said:
Nope. One of ours throws up a lot. We talked to the vet about it. Here's what she told us: It is probably a food allergy. Try changing food and / or adding more wet food to their diet. The wet food is much easier for them to digest. Look for foods that contain as few ingredients as possible and keep trying new ones. Take note of which foods make the cat sick and don't give them that one anymore.

Lamb and rice, chicken and rice, and rabbit seem to be the best for our cats.
we originally thought food allergy, so we switched foods (multiple times). Lexi wouldn't eat anything else. Mandi has since stuck with a chicken and rice-based food. i can't remember which. one of the ones that causes to say "wow, that's expensive" every time she buys it. we notice she pukes like 5mins after binging, and it's always undigested food.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 24, 2003
There's also one that I'm being forced to live with. She's really fat, I don't get how she stays that obese, 1/2 the time her food ends up in a chewed up disgusting blob on the floor. The dog must have noticed how fat she's gotten lately because he's now eating her food on a regular basis (pre-puke, not post, he's got class), I think he's trying to keep her from binging. He's thoughtlful.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
This time of year the cat is sheading at a crazy rate so we get hairballs pretty regularly. If you get the hairball goop for them that seems to help let it pass thru.

And we get the food puke if he decides to eat all of his food at one time. So we try to breakup it up over the day.

Last thing clean out the water dish. That thing can get nasty and most folks don't even notice.


M.N.F. Beer Wench
Nov 21, 2005
North Carolina
I also think cats are disgusting, and am living with one against my better judgment. When I buy a house, though, deal is off... adios Lucifer.

(he really isn't a bad cat... I just think they are dirty and useless). :rolleyes:


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
Potroast88 said:
Every time the cat starts to gag, kick it sharply right in the throat. It helps keep down whatever is coming up.

im still laughing at this one.....great visual. Not that i condone animal abuse but come on there is only so much cat puke that one can take.