
Info on Cadet/Mighty Mights class for Sugar DH


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
i just noticed that they have a 10 and under "mighty mights" class for DH at sugar and i'd love to let noah race. does anyone know where they start at? any rock gardens or is it just down the slope?
all he rides now is his full rigid 16" bike and he'd be ok as long as the course wasn't too tech.
i think he'd absolutely love to try a mtb race and this seems like an excellent start.

what's the youngest you've ever seen race?



Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
i don't think they'd send 10 and under kids down the beg. course. it crosses through the upper wooded rock garden perpendicular to the sport/expert course. it also has that steep off-camber section through the grass that passes where lizards lane comes out. i don't know many 10 yr old kids that could very safely navigate both the rock gardens (including the stupid uphill section) and that fast sweeper at the bottom.
i mean think about it...how many XC riders freak out on just the beginner course....i saw several yesterday go down hard and i can't imagine them sending the 10 and under crowd down that same course.

i've heard that they just start them up the slope a bit. also, the race fee is only $10 which seems too cheap if lift service is included.

i emailed sugar but haven't received a reply yet....will probably get one after the weekend.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
I just got this email response to my question:


You are correct that the Kids DH course is just on the open slope. It starts there on the flat right where you drop in to Lizard's lane and runs the cross country track down. So it is pretty much just on road with limited bumps. If I can help you with anything else just let me know or give me a call.

David Johnson
1-800-Sugarmt ext. 202"

so does that mean no rock garden at all? anybody ride the XC course going down? does it follow the same line as the 2nd half of the beg dh course and merge into the really fast section at the end of lizard lane to the finish?