
****ing Apple


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I have google apps running on my domain. Love it. Works great.

I can sync my calendar to my iphone over the air, and I can also sync my google contacts. Fantastic.

Mail is IMAP, works perfectly. No complaints.

So why can't I sync my address book on my laptop? The iphone talks to google, google talks to the iphone, and my address book on my laptop acts like a teenage girl who is mad at one of the other two, and won't talk to either. iCal talks to my phone and google calenders just fine.

(By the way, if you google this, the solution you see online doesn't work. You simply cannot sync your OS X address book to your google contacts.)

This really isn't a huge deal, as I like having everything in the cloud, as much as possible, and I don't really use the address book app very much. It's just really annoying that it doesn't work. There's no reason for it, except to get me to pay whatever Mobile****ingMe costs...


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
does missing sync have any sort of product that would help you out?


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
As far as I know the missing sync iphone thing doesn't do contacts, and it only does stuff locally anyways. I just export my contacts after i sync and import to google if i need to. I do it once a month or so?

Mobile me was super handy, but i'd never pay $100 a year for it. Especially not seeing as when I had it free, it was always broken.