
Inglewood Incident

Did police use exessive force in the Inglewood incident?

  • No

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Yes

    Votes: 15 88.2%

  • Total voters

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
It's national news now, so I figure most have heard about the videotaped altercation that occured in Inglewood the other day where police allegedly used excessive force, specifically dragging a 16 year old male by his neck chain, slamming him against the back of the police cruiser and then punching the handcuffed youth in the face.

The kid was riding with his father who had stopped to get gas. The dad had expired tags and was driving on a suspended license. Police initially focused on the father, but turned their attention to the boy after he allegedly assaulted an officer. Apparently the teenager involved is mildly retarded, and has a hearing and speech impediment. The kid had no priors, and had just come out of the station after buying a bag of chips.

I'm pro cop, and I didn't see what precipitated this incident, but I've gotta say that once a perp is in custody and handcuffed, slamming his face onto the trunk of the car and then punching him in the face is way over the top. On the video you can see that another officer actually held Morse's arm back, restraining him from taking a second punch at the kid. Not good. Not good at all.

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
Originally posted by BAH
have you ever been jacked up afraid for your life?? Do you think that clear thought always prevails? what happened before the tape started rolling? of course the kid and his dad are going to say they are sweet and innocent. they donate to the homeless shelters etc etc. Im not saying there are not problems in the police force but when you have a job where you know people HATE you and want- in many circumstances to KILL you- ESPECIALLY IN LA and other big citys- someone doesnt do exactly what you say i say you have the right to kick their A$$ . all you who sit on the safe side and preach - oh he shouldnt have hurt the poor black-white-indian-muslim-whatever- CRIMINAL. you gotta be kidding me. think about this for a bit . A POLICE OFFICER PUTS HIS LIFE ON THE LINE!! its not about having a bad day at the office -ITS ABOUT GETTING KILLED!!! until i see what happened before the kid got punched i side with the police and probably will afterwards anyway.
end rant
As I said, I'm definitely pro-cop and understand that sometimes you have to hit, pepper-spray and even shoot-to-kill. I also know that cops are human and therefore subject to becoming emotionally charged up.

Whether the cop had been mouthed off to, spit on, or even punched in the head by this kid, once the kid was handcuffed, there is absolutely no reason in the world to punch him in the face. He is no longer a threat to anyone's safety. I don't doubt that the kid, being mildly retarded, saw his dad surrounded by a bunch of cops and may have thought he was coming to the aid of his dad, become agitated, possibly even violent with the officers. He has been charged with assault. Fine. If he broke the law, arrest and charge him, using any necessary force to subdue him. If he takes a couple hits or a baton to the back of the legs or neck, well, if that's what it took to take him down, then fine. Once he his is cuffed though, time for using force is over.

What's up with the punch in the face? Come on. I guarantee you that if the cop knew he was being video taped, he would not have thrown the punch. Why? Because he knows he used excessive force. Part of an officer's job is knowing how much force is necessary, and using only that which is necessary. This wasn't someone waving a gun or knife. This was someone handcuffed, surrounded by no less than 6 other officers, with his face and body held firmly against the police cruiser. The kid took a retaliatory beating because officer Morse was pissed off.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Originally posted by BAH
have you ever been jacked up afraid for your life?? Do you think that clear thought always prevails? what happened before the tape started rolling? of course the kid and his dad are going to say they are sweet and innocent. they donate to the homeless shelters etc etc. Im not saying there are not problems in the police force but when you have a job where you know people HATE you and want- in many circumstances to KILL you- ESPECIALLY IN LA and other big citys- someone doesnt do exactly what you say i say you have the right to kick their A$$ . all you who sit on the safe side and preach - oh he shouldnt have hurt the poor black-white-indian-muslim-whatever- CRIMINAL. you gotta be kidding me. think about this for a bit . A POLICE OFFICER PUTS HIS LIFE ON THE LINE!! its not about having a bad day at the office -ITS ABOUT GETTING KILLED!!! until i see what happened before the kid got punched i side with the police and probably will afterwards anyway.
end rant
I agree with you in PART.
The cop can do whatever it takes to get the "dangerous" guy into Cuffs. Once the "perp" is in cuffs though, the cop is no longer in danger for his life. What was the poor "tard" gonna do? Lisp him to death?


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Originally posted by BAH
have you ever been jacked up afraid for your life?? Do you think that clear thought always prevails? what happened before the tape started rolling? of course the kid and his dad are going to say they are sweet and innocent. they donate to the homeless shelters etc etc. Im not saying there are not problems in the police force but when you have a job where you know people HATE you and want- in many circumstances to KILL you- ESPECIALLY IN LA and other big citys- someone doesnt do exactly what you say i say you have the right to kick their A$$ . all you who sit on the safe side and preach - oh he shouldnt have hurt the poor black-white-indian-muslim-whatever- CRIMINAL. you gotta be kidding me. think about this for a bit . A POLICE OFFICER PUTS HIS LIFE ON THE LINE!! its not about having a bad day at the office -ITS ABOUT GETTING KILLED!!! until i see what happened before the kid got punched i side with the police and probably will afterwards anyway.
end rant
I did most of my growing up in LA...and have had MANY unpleasant interactions with the police...and until you have been through what most minorities who have to deal with the police in LA have been through....I hardly think you qualify to make such uninformed comments....there is no reason a cop should be beating on a suspect after he has been cuffed, period!

As for the cops being in danger all the time..that's what they get paid to do and if they can't keep there cool in situations such as this one then they shouldn't be cops...plain and simple....D


Aug 9, 2001
Idaho (no really!)
No doubt in my mind the cop was way out of line. What's really disturbing to me is the idea that if this wasn't filmed and broadcasted............ The kid would be prosecuted, the cops probably wouldn't report their colleague and this cop would still be on the streets protecting the public with his unique skills....

Props to the cops who serve our communities with honor and committment, but when you cross the line... Tell it to the judge.... see you in court bucko.


Nov 6, 2001
San Diego
Originally posted by BAH
have you ever been jacked up afraid for your life?? Do you think that clear thought always prevails? what happened before the tape started rolling? of course the kid and his dad are going to say they are sweet and innocent. they donate to the homeless shelters etc etc. Im not saying there are not problems in the police force but when you have a job where you know people HATE you and want- in many circumstances to KILL you- ESPECIALLY IN LA and other big citys- someone doesnt do exactly what you say i say you have the right to kick their A$$ . all you who sit on the safe side and preach - oh he shouldnt have hurt the poor black-white-indian-muslim-whatever- CRIMINAL. you gotta be kidding me. think about this for a bit . A POLICE OFFICER PUTS HIS LIFE ON THE LINE!! its not about having a bad day at the office -ITS ABOUT GETTING KILLED!!! until i see what happened before the kid got punched i side with the police and probably will afterwards anyway.
end rant
heh, have you been shoving food up your ass?

(south park reference for those with confused faces)

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by BMXman

I did most of my growing up in LA...and have had MANY unpleasant interactions with the police...and until you have been through what most minorities who have to deal with the police in LA have been through....I hardly think you qualify to make such uninformed comments....there is no reason a cop should be beating on a suspect after he has been cuffed, period!

As for the cops being in danger all the time..that's what they get paid to do and if they can't keep there cool in situations such as this one then they shouldn't be cops...plain and simple....D
Yes and no D, one of my best friends is a cop and I have seen some of the sh*t he has to put up with, and this is in a more upscale area. I have watched first hand were police have asked nicely for a person to cooperate and that person failed to do so the police got phyical. That person had there chance to cooperate in the first place. The streets are a scary place these days where people will shoot you for not looking at them correctly. I'm not saying they (cops) are all angels cause quite a few of them are not, but their jobs are to protect the innocent. When I was growing up disputes were settled with fists, now it guns the cowardly approach with tragic results.:(


Aug 9, 2001
Idaho (no really!)
Originally posted by BAH

and how exactly in a do you judge a "dangerous" guy? 12 year old kids and younger are gunning people down every day. this is a little extreme but to prove a point - did ted bundy look dangerous? jeffrey dahmer? the kids that shot up the colorado school? like i said its easy to sit here in our comfortable chairs and say - he should have taken some time to really figure out what was happening - and who cares if while he was pondering his options he gets knifed or blown away- thats his job-- PUH-LEASE when a cop tells you to do something - just do it??!! otherwise spare me the poor me attitude when you get slammed.
sorry if im real argumentative on this. I am not so naive as to believe there are no bad cops but i think that in adrenaline situations things get done that maybe arent the wisest choice but give a guy who has his life on the line the benefit of the doubt.
If the cop can't control the situation with three cops on a twelve year old in cuffs he is not a professional. He fVcked up period. No need to make excuses for him.

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
Originally posted by BAH

and how exactly in a do you judge a "dangerous" guy? 12 year old kids and younger are gunning people down every day. this is a little extreme but to prove a point - did ted bundy look dangerous? jeffrey dahmer? the kids that shot up the colorado school? like i said its easy to sit here in our comfortable chairs and say - he should have taken some time to really figure out what was happening - and who cares if while he was pondering his options he gets knifed or blown away- thats his job-- PUH-LEASE when a cop tells you to do something - just do it??!! otherwise spare me the poor me attitude when you get slammed.
sorry if im real argumentative on this. I am not so naive as to believe there are no bad cops but i think that in adrenaline situations things get done that maybe arent the wisest choice but give a guy who has his life on the line the benefit of the doubt.
Again, I think you're completely missing the point. I agree that when a cop tells you to do something, you do it. Last night I was pulled over by the CHP for not wearing my seatbelt. They saw me fiddling around with something in the car and I guess needed a reason to pull me over and check it out. (I was messing with the strap on my new heart rate monitor and had unbuckled my seatbelt to adjust it....bright move huh?). They had every right to pull me over. I was courteous and cooperative, kept my hands in full view, took keys out of the ignition, and answered "yes-sir." If I hadn't, I could see why they might take actions necessary to assure their own safety.... If it took some muscle to bring him down, so be it. I happy to assume that this kid was a threat to officer safety and needed to be taken into custody, but he wasn't a threat once cuffed! That's why they cuff em- to keep potentially dangerous people from hurting others or escaping - not so it's easier to take free shots at their face.

Officer Morse f#%ked up and should lose his job.

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
Originally posted by BAH

hehe man you guys really gotta rub it in :D i give! i give! :eviltongu
LOL. I hear where you're coming from. I sure tried to hold on to giving the cop the benefit of the doubt as long as I could as well. But man, when another cop has to stop you? Wassap wit dat? It really is too bad that the whole thing happened at all.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Originally posted by BMXman

I did most of my growing up in LA...and have had MANY unpleasant interactions with the police...and until you have been through what most minorities who have to deal with the police in LA have been through....I hardly think you qualify to make such uninformed comments....there is no reason a cop should be beating on a suspect after he has been cuffed, period!

As for the cops being in danger all the time..that's what they get paid to do and if they can't keep there cool in situations such as this one then they shouldn't be cops...plain and simple....D
I hear you Donnie, I grew up in LA and felt a few unwarranted billy club wacks from LAPD just for being out of place in a rich neighborhood, I guess my hair was a little to long for the cops taste. I do not have any faith in the benevolence of the members of the LAPD:angry:

My best man at my wedding is a Santa Cruz Sheriff so its not an anti cop thing its an LA cop thing, you had to have grown up there to understand.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
Yes and no D, one of my best friends is a cop and I have seen some of the sh*t he has to put up with, and this is in a more upscale area. I have watched first hand were police have asked nicely for a person to cooperate and that person failed to do so the police got phyical. That person had there chance to cooperate in the first place. The streets are a scary place these days where people will shoot you for not looking at them correctly. I'm not saying they (cops) are all angels cause quite a few of them are not, but their jobs are to protect the innocent. When I was growing up disputes were settled with fists, now it guns the cowardly approach with tragic results.:(
I can see you point but I think that's what cops get paid to do...deal with their life being in jeopardy all the time and still be able to conduct themselves in a responsible manner. If you can't then you should be a cop.

For example...I wouldn't ever be a cop because I lack the ability to remain level headed when someone is threatening me...I would take it personally and my anger would probably take over...good/well trained cops should be able to deal with it though.....D