


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Are we now so jaded that we've forgotten how to be inspired? Are we so wrapped up in sarcasm and being above others that we cannot feel deeply anymore? If I asked you what inspires you, would you have an answer?

I probably have about 10. Ten things that move me. Make fun all you want, but I think that being moved is the butter to the bread of life. Maybe I think and feel a little too deeply. Whatever, I'm a girl, I'm just used to it. But please don't tell me that America has gone so far off the deep end that we are not inspired by even simple things anymore. Please, restore my faith in humanity.

I was going to put this in the random thought thread, but it is not random, and I really want to hear your answers.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and may you give and receive something other than cheap hipster sarcasm this year.


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
Are you drunk already? (Har, Har)

Eric Thomas is a great inspiration and motivational speaker, and has really helped me figure out what I want to do and how to be great.

302 Found

I'll add some other ideas when I am done packing.

Mr Jones

Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2007
I'm not as inspired as I am motivated.

My family motivates me. I want to give them the best I can. That is all.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and may you give and receive something other than cheap hipster sarcasm this year.
:( That's the only thing I have to give.

Seriously though, I've been dead once. Its been almost 5 years since that bimbo ran me down like a dog, but I'm still fairly inspired by waking up every morning. I know its trite, uninspired, and unoriginal, but every day is a gift.

That's all I got.


Are we now so jaded that we've forgotten how to be inspired? Are we so wrapped up in sarcasm and being above others that we cannot feel deeply anymore? If I asked you what inspires you, would you have an answer?

But please don't tell me that America has gone so far off the deep end that we are not inspired by even simple things anymore. Please, restore my faith in humanity.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and may you give and receive something other than cheap hipster sarcasm this year.
Im inspired in real life. On the intratubes I want to entertain myself. I dont confuse the two much.

Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza,Happy Holidays,Merry New Year, may you give and receive awesomeness.
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Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
I love this thread. JarBear, I come to the intertubes for teh entertainment as well... just not seeing many people in "RL" with teh inspiration, and since I know that behind your screen names exists a soul... I risk crossing the boundary. And I thank each of you for participating :)

I am inspired by music, esp. Rachmoninov, fresh powder, smooth berms on a sunny day, crisp morning air, the funny things my five year old says, the wisdom in my dog's eyes, and the realization that my mother is so much more than I gave her credit for when I was a bratty teenager. I want to hear more of what inspired the rest of the world, your inspirations inspire me as well. I love the videos, thanks for those :)


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
I am inspired by seeing how far I can push myself past my point of comfort. Waking up and trying to achieve more than I did the day before is what keeps me ticking. If that makes any sense.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
I am inspired by seeing how far I can push myself past my point of comfort. Waking up and trying to achieve more than I did the day before is what keeps me ticking. If that makes any sense.
i agree with that 100% whenever im able to do something i previously thought impossible i feel so alive.

right now my big inspiration is finishing school so i can make enough money to start my own family. i have all the ingredients to do it, time to make it happened. my other main inspiration is having the most amazing person in the world by my side for the last four years. i wouldnt have achieved nearly as much as i have without her.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I've been having trouble finding inspiration lately.. That's why I'm moving 8,500 miles away to New Zealand. Hopefully there's some there.
The problem is you will still be you no matter where you are. That and I'm pretty sure New Zealand and the US have a Extradition Treaty. My Relatives have had much success going to Northern Ireland to escape the Law....


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Just curious, Do Red lights mean the same thing in Asseholia as they do in the States? We generally are inspired to stop at them for the Safety of others and to avoid things like death.
Carfeul or Damo will Neg-rep you for implying the french are assholes.


Dec 28, 2011
Asheville, NC
Are we now so jaded that we've forgotten how to be inspired? Are we so wrapped up in sarcasm and being above others that we cannot feel deeply anymore? If I asked you what inspires you, would you have an answer?

I probably have about 10. Ten things that move me. Make fun all you want, but I think that being moved is the butter to the bread of life. Maybe I think and feel a little too deeply. Whatever, I'm a girl, I'm just used to it. But please don't tell me that America has gone so far off the deep end that we are not inspired by even simple things anymore. Please, restore my faith in humanity.

I was going to put this in the random thought thread, but it is not random, and I really want to hear your answers.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and may you give and receive something other than cheap hipster sarcasm this year.

I'm with you on this, I think we're all guilty (myself included) of having a fear of letting folks know that we care (about anything)! So many times it's just easier to be passive and pretend to not give a rip about anything.

I think a major reason for this is partially just natural mental preservation, because we're overloaded with so much information on what we're "supposed" to care about that we almost want to dismiss everything and throw up a big middle finger at it all.

I try to spend at least a few minutes of my time a day (usually right before bed) in quiet prayer and meditation so I can gather my thoughts, find some degree of peace of mind, and decide what really matters and is worth occupying my mind, and what I need to just let go of. Here's one of my favorite quotes in this vein: “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” Marcus Aurelius I keep a list of quotes in a .doc file on my desktop that strike me. As I hear quotes that move me, I add them to the list, and I tap into that little goldmine when I need it most.

A large chunk of my motivation comes from a personal desire to see change in something, and a belief that I'm capable of making that happen to some degree.

One other source of inspiration for me is what I guess I would call a self-check. I look at the simple things that I have, and often get overwhelmed by a sense of thankfulness for the blessings in my life. An example of this is my hands. A few months back I thought about how much I love building things, wrenching, typing, and climbing. I then imagined my life without them... I immediately felt an overwhelming rush of thankfulness by just looking at my own two healthy hands. That alone was enough inspiration for me to stay motivated all week.

Thanks for the thoughtful thread,


Mr Jones

Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2007
I'm with you on this, I think we're all guilty (myself included) of having a fear of letting folks know that we care (about anything)! So many times it's just easier to be passive and pretend to not give a rip about anything.

I think a major reason for this is partially just natural mental preservation, because we're overloaded with so much information on what we're "supposed" to care about that we almost want to dismiss everything and throw up a big middle finger at it all.

I try to spend at least a few minutes of my time a day (usually right before bed) in quiet prayer and meditation so I can gather my thoughts, find some degree of peace of mind, and decide what really matters and is worth occupying my mind, and what I need to just let go of. Here's one of my favorite quotes in this vein: “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” Marcus Aurelius I keep a list of quotes in a .doc file on my desktop that strike me. As I hear quotes that move me, I add them to the list, and I tap into that little goldmine when I need it most.

A large chunk of my motivation comes from a personal desire to see change in something, and a belief that I'm capable of making that happen to some degree.

One other source of inspiration for me is what I guess I would call a self-check. I look at the simple things that I have, and often get overwhelmed by a sense of thankfulness for the blessings in my life. An example of this is my hands. A few months back I thought about how much I love building things, wrenching, typing, and climbing. I then imagined my life without them... I immediately felt an overwhelming rush of thankfulness by just looking at my own two healthy hands. That alone was enough inspiration for me to stay motivated all week.

Thanks for the thoughtful thread,

Damn... hell of a 3rd post buddy. :thumb:


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Are you drunk already? (Har, Har)

Eric Thomas is a great inspiration and motivational speaker, and has really helped me figure out what I want to do and how to be great.

302 Found

I'll add some other ideas when I am done packing.
I watched this last week and the phrase "Do you love sleep more than sucess?? " Has really stuck with me. I would often rather sleep in than get up and start my day, but this changed that. Thanks!

I'm with you on this, I think we're all guilty (myself included) of having a fear of letting folks know that we care (about anything)! So many times it's just easier to be passive and pretend to not give a rip about anything.
....I try to spend at least a few minutes of my time a day (usually right before bed) in quiet prayer and meditation so I can gather my thoughts, find some degree of peace of mind, and decide what really matters and is worth occupying my mind, and what I need to just let go of. Here's one of my favorite quotes in this vein: “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” Marcus Aurelius I keep a list of quotes in a .doc file on my desktop that strike me. As I hear quotes that move me, I add them to the list, and I tap into that little goldmine when I need it most....
Thanks for the thoughtful thread,

And truly thank you for this reply! That quote is perfect. +rep


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
In the movie "City Slickers" Curly (Jack Palnce...) tells Billy Crystals character (Name escapes me.) how to deal with his problems: by concentrating on the "one thing" that is most important in his life. I have a great family, and a decent career type job that I will soon move on from. After I am done here, I want to find that "one thing" that will inspire me, beyond taking care of my family and such. As of yet, it escapes me.

What does a man do, Walter? A man provides. And he does it even when he’s not appreciated, or respected, or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it. Because he’s a man...


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
I'm inspired by our visits to St. Judes, our local veteran's home and Arlington Cemetary. It inspires me to shut the hell up about my silly life, SIUP, HTFU and enjoy every day I'm given. Executing that philosophy is a bitch sometimes.