
installing azonic cranks


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by gtastro
Ive installed two sets with instrutions and it was no easier than how your going to do it...sorry:angry:
Dude, the instructions SUCK!

The one little page looks like it was produced by a middle school student.

Erastus, make sure when you go to install the bearing cups, the spacer sleeve (that little cromo tube) gets installed between them. You want to tighten the cups until the spacer sleeve is just held in place by the bearings. If the bearing preload is too tight the bearings will be toast pretty quick.

BTW, the drive side gets 2 bearing cartridges.

After the cups are installed, slide the spindle through the bearings and the spacer sleeve. Now you get to experiment with all those cute little flat washers and hat washers to set up your crank width and chainline.

I couldn't possibly tell you how to do this on RM, so good luck.