
Intense Tazers and cracks


May 6, 2003
Southampton UK
Hi there

I am in the process of buying an Intense Tazer FS frame and have become aware of an 'apparently common' problem with them.

Has anyone heard of there being a tendancy for them to crack/develop stress risers on the seatstay near the dropout end around where the reinforcing strut comes up from the dropout to the main seatstay?

I only say this as I noticed someone had a Tazer a while ago and saying I was interested in buying he has now had it repaired. Now it does look like the engineering firm did do a very good job of it and the rest of the frame is mint but I cant help worrying that its gonna be prone to cracking somehwhere else or in the same place. He says its gonna be stronger than it ever was but Im not so sure. Also there are stickers still on the frame near where it was welded so I dont reckon its been heat treated after welding.

Apparently its not had much use but is a 2001 so its not exactly brand new but enough use to crack. The other thing is he still wants a fair amount for it and I have found another Tazer FS, 2002 model also mint condition for only a little bit more.

What should I do?? I cant help but feel guilty that he has gone to all this trouble and now I may not go through with it (Never have I said I will definately buy it) but on the other hand I dont want to be stuck with a liability. Should I cut my losses and pay a bit more for a non cracked/repaired one?

Thanks for reading this, any light shed will be greatly appreciated.



May 6, 2003
Southampton UK
Well nevermind as noone replied anyways :(

Ah well. Gonna aboid that welded one like the plague. Getting a 2003 Tazer with 5th element and custom linkage plates, RS Psylo SLs, Hayes brakes, XTR cranks and MRP on Saturday.

If anyones interested in pics ill put some up when ive finished drooling over it.
