
Interesting caption out of Decline...


Dec 7, 2006
Bay Area, CA
I got the Decline Collector's Issue Part 2 which was actually being sold at the local grocery store, which is awesome. when reading thru it i saw an interesting little caption above one of the pics of a single slalom jam saying quote "Twenty-inch wheels were allowed, but no 24's. It was a soul event, ya know.?"

Now, i have heard maybe one thing before somewhere hating on 24's comparing them to 26's, but it seems pretty fycked up that this mag would be hatin on them! i think they meant it in a negative way...unless somehow i misunderstood. either way i like the mag, but i dont like hate at all especially not when they also have pics of guys rippin on 24's from time to time. seems stupid to me, although i really don't care what they think. any thoughts on this?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
Here's my response over on mtbr last nite...

Soul? If they were serious about that statement then whoever wrote it is a dope. People have been getting rad on 24" wheeled bikes long before Mob's w/ 80mm forks were the sh!t. I know Breithrapt and some dudes rode 26" rigs but all I can remember is seeing turnbars from them.

Mike Savage, Crit Plate Factory rider from CT, clicked turndown somewhere in Cali around 1987 on a Profile 24" cruiser. Notice how long he's has the t-down cranked - 2 of the frames?!.

Me, over the water jump at Wakefield, MA's track. I rode my 24" cruiser as much as my 20" bike BITD. I could do all the same tricks and it was just a more comfy ride. From '85 thru '98 I rode that bike racing, jumping, going to the store. O well, guess it doesn't have any soul.

And I'm pretty sure some early DS events saw a few 24" BMX cruiser w/ some gears added on the back - IIRC, John Tomac was one of them.

Seriously, what is wrong w/ 24"s? It's like saying someone can't ride 160 snowboard but a 150 and 165 length are fine.

Add on: Who know's it could be a joke or sarcasm. I haven't seen the issue yet but will look for it next time I'm near a Barnes & Noble.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
agreed, pretty pathetic if they actually have an issue with it.
yeah, why not talk about skateparks that don't allow bikes, or how to get a freeride/dirtjump section built at your local park, plans/how-to for a backyard stunt or ramp. There is plenty of of other stuff to focus on.
Feb 25, 2005
seattle, wa
From looking at the last frame, it looks like he comes up a bit short. None of that sissy suspension to soak up the impact either... now that's soul (and a sore back).


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
From looking at the last frame, it looks like he comes up a bit short. None of that sissy suspension to soak up the impact either... now that's soul (and a sore back).
yeah, it does look like he cases that landing a bit. But seeing Mike Savage ride back then, I can tell you there were a very small few that were smoother. My guess is he soaked that landing like it was nothing or popped his back tire up right at before it hit. I have that issue of BMXA at home and if I can find a scanner will rescan at a larger size and the rest of the frames.
May 12, 2005
roanoke va
an other intersting on from decline...
"As it turns out, Lenosky rides a mountain bike… so he has a front brake on his mountain bike. And he routes the front brake cable like this… on his mountain bike."
caption above the 4th pic.
gawsh, they would really hate my dual 24 rear brake only DJer. too bad it rides awsome, and is exactly what i wanted...


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
they don't care if you care.

they've worked hard to establish themselves in this cliquish market, i for one will support their right to say whatever idiotic thing that comes to mind. why? because the last thing i want is another MBA. or another Bike.

let 'em say stupid things, let 'em say smart things, because those other magazines aren't saying anything at all.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
they don't care if you care.

they've worked hard to establish themselves in this cliquish market, i for one will support their right to say whatever idiotic thing that comes to mind. why? because the last thing i want is another MBA. or another Bike.

let 'em say stupid things, let 'em say smart things, because those other magazines aren't saying anything at all.
100% with corey on this one...well said.


Aug 16, 2005
Here's my response over on mtbr last nite...

Soul? If they were serious about that statement then whoever wrote it is a dope. People have been getting rad on 24" wheeled bikes long before Mob's w/ 80mm forks were the sh!t. I know Breithrapt and some dudes rode 26" rigs but all I can remember is seeing turnbars from them.

Mike Savage, Crit Plate Factory rider from CT, clicked turndown somewhere in Cali around 1987 on a Profile 24" cruiser. Notice how long he's has the t-down cranked - 2 of the frames?!.

Me, over the water jump at Wakefield, MA's track. I rode my 24" cruiser as much as my 20" bike BITD. I could do all the same tricks and it was just a more comfy ride. From '85 thru '98 I rode that bike racing, jumping, going to the store. O well, guess it doesn't have any soul.

And I'm pretty sure some early DS events saw a few 24" BMX cruiser w/ some gears added on the back - IIRC, John Tomac was one of them.

Seriously, what is wrong w/ 24"s? It's like saying someone can't ride 160 snowboard but a 150 and 165 length are fine.

Add on: Who know's it could be a joke or sarcasm. I haven't seen the issue yet but will look for it next time I'm near a Barnes & Noble.
I'll quote this whole thing just to see the pic again... f'in unreal. Don, I hope you find that issue. I can remember studying this picture for hours on end. For some reason I'm thinking it might have been shot in Florida though. Of course, I could just be remembering the shot of Bill Madden doing an unbelievably tweaked turndown which was shot at Zellwood???


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
Trust - only you would know what's what with the pic! I searched my back issues of BMXA's and yes it is Zellwood in FL. Madden is on the previous page to this. It was an East vs West jump spot article. And I got Savage's bike wrong. He's on a Free Agent not Profile. He rode Profiles when I saw him at the local races.

I did find some more rad 24" cruiser pics and will scan them in the next day or 2.


Dec 7, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Trust - only you would know what's what with the pic! I searched my back issues of BMXA's and yes it is Zellwood in FL. Madden is on the previous page to this. It was an East vs West jump spot article. And I got Savage's bike wrong. He's on a Free Agent not Profile. He rode Profiles when I saw him at the local races.

I did find some more rad 24" cruiser pics and will scan them in the next day or 2.
word bro, awesome stuff. this is what i would consider "soul"


Oct 20, 2004
On their first album, Funkadelic suggested that "soul" could be a joint rolled in toilet paper.

I'm no art scholar, but I think a lot of modern art is intended to invoke a feeling, rather than perfectly capture a glance and should not be taken literally.

That said, cranking a turn-down in leathers feels like a pretty soul move to me.

Where as calling out someone for wheel size does not.

Decline magazine has an admittedly tough job...providing cohesion to many incohesive parts (Troy Lee vs. T-shirts anyone?). I'd be stoked if they joined the rest of the world and dropped their 24" bias, but I'm also just another voice in the peanut gallery (and admittedly, a fairly biased one.)

They have a tough job, and for the most part, I think they do their job well.

But what do I know?

If I owned a Mountain Bike magazine, the first thing I'd probably do is hire Sean Burns. He would be required to interview mountain bike industry executives, as well compose a single sentence/single photo editorial each month. Between shocking the mountain bike industry, and spending an entire month on a single (hopefully bizarre) sentence he would also be required to construct the course for an event which would compete with Crank Works. Would a downhill Bone Deth Challenge be enough?



Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2004
If I owned a Mountain Bike magazine, the first thing I'd probably do is hire Sean Burns. He would be required to interview mountain bike industry executives, as well compose a single sentence/single photo editorial each month. Between shocking the mountain bike industry, and spending an entire month on a single (hopefully bizarre) sentence he would also be required to construct the course for an event which would compete with Crank Works. Would a downhill Bone Deth Challenge be enough?

I would def look foward to his biggest drop to flat monthly editorial :biggrin:


Aug 16, 2005
Trust - only you would know what's what with the pic! I searched my back issues of BMXA's and yes it is Zellwood in FL. Madden is on the previous page to this. It was an East vs West jump spot article. And I got Savage's bike wrong. He's on a Free Agent not Profile. He rode Profiles when I saw him at the local races.

I did find some more rad 24" cruiser pics and will scan them in the next day or 2.
Hehehe... you know, the amount of time I spent studying BMXA back then is frightening when I look back on it. BMXA also ran an issue titled "24 Wars", with a shootout of various cruisers inside. I can remember the cover with RL riding a 24" Redline (go figure) with another rider (maybe Buff?), both airing a quarter. Of course, they were clad head to toe in full leathers.