
Interesting Iran/Brits piece


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi

Counterterrorism Blog

Royal Navy "incident": The larger plan of Teheran's regime

By Walid Phares

The capture of British Navy servicemen by Iranian forces is not simply an incident over sea sovereignty in the Persian Gulf. It is a calculated move on behalf of Teheran's Jihadi chess players to provoke a "projected" counter move by London and its American allies. It is all happening in a regional context, carefully engineered by the Mullahs strategic planners. Here is how:

The Iranian regime's master plan is to wait out the remainder of Tony Blair's mandate (few more months) and the remaining "real time" of President Bush (till about the end of 2007). For the thinking process in Tehran, based on their Western consultants, believe that Washington and London have reached the end of the rope and will only have till 2008 to do something major to destabilize Ahmedinijad regime. As explained by a notorious propagandist on al Jazeera today the move is precisely to respond to the Anglo-American attempt to "stir trouble" inside Iran. Anis Naccash, a Lebanese intellectual supporter of the Ayatollahs regime, appearing from Tehran few hours ago on the Qatari-based satellite and "explained" that the "US and the UK must understand that Iran is as much at war with these two powers in as much as they support the rise of movements and security instability inside Iran." He added that Khamenei is clear on the regime's decision to strike: "we will be at war with you on all levels: secret, diplomatic, military and other." Pro-Iranian propagandists in the region, via media and online rushed to warn that this movement is part of Iran's counter-strike against any attempt to destabilize the regime. Two major tracks emerge from these statements, the Iranian military maneuvers and the capture of British Navy personnel.

1) Iran's domestic front is putting pressure on the Ahmedinijad regime.

From internal reporting, dissidents and anti-Ahmedinijad forces from various social sectors are practically in slow motion eruption against the authorities. Students, women, workers and political activists have been demonstrating and sometimes clashing with the regime's security apparatus. Western media didn't report proportionally on these events over the past few weeks. In addition, ethnic minority areas have been witnessing several incidents, including violence against the "Revolutionary Guards," including in the Arab and Baluch areas. And last but not least, the defection of a major intelligence-military figure early this month to the West was, according to internal sources, a "massive loss" to the regime and a possible first one in a series.

2) The regime "needs" an external clash to crush the domestic challenge.

As in many comparable cases worldwide, when an authoritarian regime is faced with severe internal opposition it attempts to deflect the crisis onto the outside world. Hence, Teheran's all out campaign against the US and its allies in Iraq, Lebanon and the region is in fact a repositioning of Iran's shield against the expected rising opposition inside the country. Hence the Khomeinist Mullahs plan seem to be projected as follow:

a. Engage in the diplomatic realm, to project a realist approach worldwide, but refrain from offering real results

b. Continue, along with the Syrian regime, in supporting the "Jihadi" Terror operations (including sectarian ones) inside Iraq

c. Widen the propaganda campaign against the US and its allies via a number of PR companies within the West, to portray Iran as "a victim" of an "upcoming war provoked by the US."

d. Engage in skirmishes in the Gulf (and possibly in other spots) with US and British elements claiming these action as "defensive," while planned thoroughly ahead of time.

3) The regime plan is to drag its opponents into a trap

Teheran's master planners intend to drag the "Coalition" into steps in engagement, at the timing of and in the field of control of Iran's apparatus. Multiple options and scenarios are projected.

a. British military counter measure takes place, supported by the US. Iran's regime believe that only "limited" action by the allies is possible, according to their analysis of the domestic constraints inside the two powerful democracies.

b. Tehran moves to a second wave of activities, at its own pace, hoping to draw a higher level of classical counter strikes by US and UK forces. The dosing by Iran's leadership is expected to stretch the game in time, until the departure of Blair and of the Bush Administration by its political opponents inside the country's institutions and public debate.

In a short conclusion the "War room" in Tehran has engaged itself in an alley of tactical moves it feels it can control. But the Iranian regime, with all its "political chess" expertise, may find itself in a precarious and risky situation. For while it feel that it can control the tactical battlefield in the region and fuel the propaganda pressure inside the West with its Petro-dollars, it may not be able to contain the internal forces in Iran, because of which it has decided to go on offense.

The Ahmedinijad regime wishes to crumble the international consensus to avoid the financial sanctions: that is true. But as important, if not more, it wants to be able to crush the revolt before it pounds the doors of the Mullahs palaces.

Dr Walid Phares is a Senior Fellow with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington and the director of its Future Terrorism Project. Author of the newly released The War of Ideas: Jihadism Against Democracy www.thewarofideas.net


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
c. Widen the propaganda campaign against the US and its allies via a number of PR companies within the West, to portray Iran as "a victim" of an "upcoming war provoked by the US."
Tell 'em not to waste their money, George is doing it for them.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
not sure what to make of this captured u.k. troop kerfuffle, as something similar happened back in '04 w/ little fanfare. but add to this they've kicked out (or at least stymied) weapons inspectors, and with last year's support of hezbollah during the israeli conflict, and i'm not sure what to make of it all. probably taking advantage of the dismantling of u.k. leadership & waning public support for all things iraq...

they did discover chess, so they are not to be dismissed as simply desperate & fanatical.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Everyone is saying it has nothing to do with the Iranian "diplomats" arrested last month in Iraq....
amazing you were able to hear that, what with all their heads stuck in the sand.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Oil prices go down, Iran has to do something to jack them up.

Keep Iraq in turmoil, make noises about nuclear "power", caputre some soldiers.
do you believe they are doing this for their economic gain, or our economic pain?

or something else?


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
do you believe they are doing this for their economic gain, or our economic pain?

or something else?
Their economic gain or should I say survival. Iran isn't in very good shape right now. The petroleum industry is in the crapper and its not getting better. And the rest of OPEC, except for Venzeula, isn't going to lift a finger to help them.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
So where's the uproar about the flaunting of the geneva convention by Iran? Do they get a free pass because they are.... well I don't know why they would get a free pass.
so they collected a bunch of seamen & put it on display. big deal.

you have absolutely no art appreciation.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.

Wait I thought they weren't related....

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- A senior Iraqi Foreign Ministry official said on Tuesday that the government was "intensively" seeking release of five Iranians detained by the U.S. military more than two months ago in northern Iraq.

"We are intensively seeking the release of the five Iranians," the senior official said.

"This will be a factor that will help in the release of the British sailors and marines" held by Iran since March 25


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
and from a very, very, very reliable russian source:
Tehran says two U.S. Air Force bombers violated Iran air space

TEHRAN, April 2 (RIA Novosti) - Two U.S. Air Force bombers violated Iranian air space last week, a Tehran-based Arabic language news channel, Al-Alam, said Monday.
the fact that someone was able to report on it belies the fact. either that, or iran has as loose a definition of sovereign territory in air as they do sea

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Looks like they're gonna let them go just like last time. Iran has got their little bit of humiliation out of the Poms. Interesting game they're playing. Wish I knew what it was.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
arab culture's funny like that. the stuff i'd do for a nickel would otherwise bring shame to a generation of $tinkles. (above & beyond the current, of course)


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Looks like they're gonna let them go just like last time. Iran has got their little bit of humiliation out of the Poms. Interesting game they're playing. Wish I knew what it was.
Driving up oil prices. Plain and simple. The markets had given them about as much on this issue as they were going to give. The prices will drop some but won't give all the gain back for awhile. Iran is a very dangerous game right now that most people aren't seeing. You'll see more and more of these little "incidents".

Their petroleum industry is an absolute mess. The facilities throughout the process are in horrible shape. Anytime you hear about oil being underpriced or mention a $100 a barrel guess where the roots of that are. They can barely keep their heads above water at $60 a barrel. The few remaining places for them to get capital are slowly drying up because of their actions.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
More than likely DRB. Wouldn't discount the degree to which it is all designed for local consumption also, to pump up the regime, make the mullahs look good. Every little "incident", every provocation makes the Iraq f*ck-up ever more apparent.