
Interesting Read


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Especially in light of the Republican Party Platform,
which states that they intend to outlaw all abortion,
take marriage away from being a states-rights issue
and various other far-right ideas.



not sure how that copy/paste went so wrong... :)

edit: ok, now RM is just f**king with me... :angry:


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
BTW - Did you her McCain's speech when he dissed MM last night... I thought it was a great line, and the place erupted: TWICE!

That night on the news they showed the clip, and MM was there... man that must have stroked his ego. The entire convention went crazy with chants and cheers, all because of a thinly veiled refernce to him.

That shows you how powerful his movie was that the delgates reacted SOOO strongly!

It must have felt great to be him at that moment...


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
s1ngletrack said:
Michael Moore - politics aside - is a bloated windbag.
Yeah, too bad he backs his statements up with facts.

Of course there are many bloated windbags out there... I don't need to name them. C'mon, if you're going to bash someone, at least say why he's a bloated windbag.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Ciaran said:
Yeah, too bad he backs his statements up with facts.



Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Slugman, I have to actually agree with Nate here. I'm not a political partisan, and this isn't a political statement...but Michael Moore's movies are on par with Nazi propoganda in terms of content and technique. He's an absolute master at using emotion to both cover huge logical contradictions in his own theses and hide his manipulation of facts. I'm not talking about opinions...every documentarian and documentary has these...but his fabrications. He often distorts/amends timelines in opposition to reality, and patches together fragments as if they were organic, using good editing to cover it visually and emotion to cover it logically.

His movies, distortions aside, often present several viewpoints that contradict one another...all manage to attack his enemies, but he manages to glibly cover his own copious ass through brilliant control of viewer's emotions.

Frankly, he could make much better movies that would have the same effect if he just presented facts, and explicity named his opinions as such. Unfortunately, the American moviegoing public wouldn't even buy a ticket, much less sit through, a less-maudlin product.

I still don't think that's an excuse. He's perhaps the most egotistical figure in politics and movies today, hiding behind his pseudo-humble, tearful facade.



Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
MikeD - I agree that MM films are inflammatory, edgy, and a spin on facts... but that does not negate all of the facts. The people claiming this are putting just as much spin on it as he did. There is still truth in them and there are still points that need to be considered and discussed.

It's the same as watching the news, you have to understand that there are some "stories" that are presented the way someone else wants you to hear them ( Trust me - my wife has worked for CNN in the USA and the UK, and big and small markets in the USA. I can't tell you the number of times she has called me to vent b/c she was not allowed to air/report on a story she wanted because management wouldn't let her ).

My Original posting was a comment about how it must have made MM feel that on the opening night of the RNC, one of the biggest supporters for Bush felt it necessary to address MM's work. That is HUGE... regardless of your opinion of the man.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
I'm not arguing that many others do what Moore does...they certainly do. I'm saying he sucks just as bad, and elevating him to some kind of heroic-dissenter status is absolutely sickening.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
RhinofromWA said:

I don't have 2 linked 19 inch monitors to see that post all at once. Man, I was dizzy after the first few lines.


Can you edit that down a little...not length....W---i--d--t--h. ;)
did you try dragging that little box at the lower right to make the window "smaller" and "narrower"? :D

(i didn't have any text wrap problems with dante's post)


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Toshi said:
did you try dragging that little box at the lower right to make the window "smaller" and "narrower"? :D

(i didn't have any text wrap problems with dante's post)
:confused: I have the screen maximized and when I do shrink it down it just narrows the window. On your post with thewindow maximized I read all the way to, "'smaller' and". Then when scrolled over to the right I see most of, "narrower"

I would need two screens to read his post and not zip back and forth. Of course I am on a kinda small screen (16 diag viewable)


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
dante said:
Rhino, sorry about that, to make up for it here's
Moore's take on McCain. Have to admit, I feel
sorry for McCain too, I voted for him in the primary
(was a Republican at the time)...


:( :nopity:
I see the link in the quote box but I didn't see it in the post before....:think: :confused:

It was definately easier to read the link for the first article. Thanks. :cool:

So are RINO's Confused Democrats or are they Moderate Conservatives? I guess it is all a middle ground grey area. I will have to check that link to McCain after I post this.



Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
RhinofromWA said:
I see the link in the quote box but I didn't see it in the post before....:think: :confused:

It was definately easier to read the link. Thanks. :cool:

So are RINO's Confused Democrats or are they Moderate Conservatives? I guess it is all a middle ground grey area. I will have to check that link to McCain after I post this.

got rid of the cut/paste but the box didn't shrink.... :angry:

RINOs are like my parents: they usually vote Republican, but disagree with
just about EVERYTHING GWB stands for (war, less education $$, fewer social
services, outlawing abortion, anti-gay-rights, etc). If people like them wake
up and vote the issues, GWB is in trouble (not them specifically, they're in NY
so their votes not really going to matter anyway).

edit: and I do feel bad for McCain... he got SHAFTED in 2000. Now because
he has an (R) after his name, he has to get up and defend the guy who
basically stabbed him in the back (and questioned his military service, and
implied that he had a black child, etc). If McCain was running now, I would
have probably voted for him over Kerry, but not after this sellout. :angry:


Aug 16, 2002
"It was a funny angle!"
I agree with Mike Moores stance on most of the issues he presents, I just hate the way he presents them. I feel like he is preaching to the choir so that in the end he can pat himself on the back and say "Everyone!!!!! Look how many people agree with me!!!!!!!! I am correct in everything I do and write...everyone else is wrong!!!!!"


In Far. 911, he says things like "In 19XX George W. Bush started an Oil Drilling Company named Arbusto that was really good at digging up dry oil wells." (not an exact quote but pretty close).

Where was he going with this quote? Was he trying to show that Bush was unfit for office because he was CEO of a company that was not good at what they did? Why did he not show statistics? By him taking that jab at Bush without any evidence to back it up, he opens himself up to critisizm from the Right which makes voters that are still on the fence disregard what Mike Moore has to say. It's not like the evidence is hard to find.

He just wanted people who hate Bush (me) to get a good chuckle in the middle of his movie so they could feel good that there is a movie on screen that says that Bush is an idiot. preaching to the choir.

Another instance. Halfway through the movie, he is interviewing someone and he decides just to throw his $0.02 in when the camera is on the interviewee(sp). WTF is that!!!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!! You can't STFU for 30 seconds to let your interviewee answer the question you asked them? I thought you were here to give the little man a voice?

There are little jabs and instances that I feel ruin Mike Moores credibility as a documentary author. He could do a lot more for the US by taking the challenge to change the minds of the undecided voters instead of ensuring he will get a big applaus from commie reds such as myself who prefer ham sandwich in Nov. 2004.

edit-sorry about the off topic rant post, but I just saw Far. 911 and everyone I saw it with was floored because I was critical of the movie even though I hate Bush. If you hate Bush you are allowed to not like Mike Moore's Documentaries.