
Interview number ?


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
You know its bad when you cant remember how many interviews you've had :rolleyes:. Anyway, here we go again. I went in for a lunch interview to meet the rest of the staff, get a tour of the office, etc, etc. It went fine but I STILL dont have the job! They want me to do a test project. They are going to give me a project of theirs to do. Sounds a little overboard to me but, whatever. I will be keeping track of my worktime just like I do with a freelance project. If they dont hire me they will be getting an invoice from my freelance DBA.

If I do make this move their office would be a pretty drastic change for me. Right now I have a large office with 3 computers (single G4-single monitor, dual g4-single monitor, and a G5-dual monitor) with a giant desk that wraps around the whole office. I aloso have a large format color laser C9500 ($7000).

They are in the middle of expanding so currently the Senior Art Director and the head of interactive share an office :rolleyes:. The Sr. Art director's Mac is fine (dual G5) but the desk is tiny and the boat anchor displays are in need of an upgrade. Looks like when the old print designer left the interactive department may have absorbed some of her equipment (all their equipment is top notch). Their printer is a Xerox Phaser that can only print as large as legal size. I was really fighting my desire to say, "how the hell do you guys function as an ad agency with equipment like this? My office is equipped better than your whole print department!". Its totally amazing the quality of work they do while not having suitable equipment. They must really be tight asses... the large format Phaser is only $4-500 more than the smaller one, WTF?. Anyway, needless to say, the state of their print equipment is lacking. Still, it will be a good change for me if I can turn the department around and not only have it churning out good work but actually having it looking like a normal print department.


I'm not so sure it's patience, so much as desperation to want to leave the current job. Never the less - hang in there, golgi.


Oct 17, 2002
That's frustrating.

I'm always leary of companies that want me to audition. I mean, you saw my portfolio, are you that ignorant that you can't see if I'm a good fit?

And on top of that, they want you to do it for free? I usually tell them that they should compensate me whether they hire me or not.


I just did a quick search and it's #5, providing you haven't had an interview since the 4th.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
loco said:
I'm not so sure it's patience, so much as desperation to want to leave the current job. Never the less - hang in there, golgi.
I wouldn't screw around that long. "I need to know right now if I work here or not!"

It's graphic design for God's sake, not brain surgery. I've given Mac tests to designers and production people, but never to AD/Sr. AD levels... Good personality. Great book. "When can ya start?".


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I had one company try to pull that with me. "I want you to develop a complete test plan based on a product functional spec. We will review it and let you know what we decide from there."


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
That place sounds like a clusterf*ck. Offer to work as a contractor and keep looking.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Still havent heard back... this is what they did to me before. Had a great interview, they said, we'll check your references soon (which they finally did a week later). This time they said, we'll give you the test project this weekend... that was last week and now it's the end of the day on Tuesday. Maybe they are interviewing several people, doing 1-2 interviews per week. They are well known in the local community so I guess there is a good chance.

I guess it really isn't affecting me, I have a good job. I just dont like being in the dark about things like this.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
golgiaparatus said:
Still havent heard back... this is what they did to me before. Had a great interview, they said, we'll check your references soon (which they finally did a week later). This time they said, we'll give you the test project this weekend... that was last week and now it's the end of the day on Tuesday. Maybe they are interviewing several people, doing 1-2 interviews per week. They are well known in the local community so I guess there is a good chance.

I guess it really isn't affecting me, I have a good job. I just dont like being in the dark about things like this.
What was the project? Logo? Ad? Whole campaign?!