
Introducing myself and my bike.

Tuup J

Apr 24, 2008

just new here, my real name is Jeroen, live in the Netherlands. Ride in a Belgium team, get sponsored by animal clothing, singletrackbikeparts.be and maybe soon Vans shoes. I ride almost 2 years of freeride/downhill/trails, before that rode 1,5 year bmx and a half year dirt/street.

Here my bike and some action pictures.

Small part of al the pictures I have :biggrin: The bleu bike is my old kona stinky-deeluxe.

Damm!!!! I need to come ride in the Netherlands. Nice pics.

Welcome to the internet site where guys who go in the woods with other guys come to talk about it with other guys who go in the woods with other guys :poster_oops::imstupid:

Just kidding - welcome to ridemonkey man.

Tuup J

Apr 24, 2008
Damm!!!! I need to come ride in the Netherlands. Nice pics.

Welcome to the internet site where guys who go in the woods with other guys come to talk about it with other guys who go in the woods with other guys :poster_oops::imstupid:

Just kidding - welcome to ridemonkey man.

the only thing that is in Netherland is the skatepark what you see. The trails are in Belgium and the indoor dirts in Germany. I live close to the boarder off Belgium and I live 30 seconds away from Germany. Here in the Netherlands where I live youve got some freeride spots, but the best spots are in Belgium one hour away from me in the Hills over there.

Check the pictures and movie here under, thats 15 minutes away from me, the only cool thing in Netherland:

