I'm meditating on going iPhone when my next contract renewal is up in July with Verizon. I've found my Droid Moto to be a bit clunky and I'm not sure I want to try Droid again. The interface lags, I don't do much power using of apps, the Droid camera is weak, and I'm running Mac at home and an iPad.
I know this isn't the most i/Mac friendly hunting ground, but I figured The Oracle of monkey brains here would have some good input (and some lousy input too). Any thoughts from those who have crossed over? Regrets? Epiphanies? Thoughts on waiting a few extra months for the i5 vs snatching up the white i4?
I know this isn't the most i/Mac friendly hunting ground, but I figured The Oracle of monkey brains here would have some good input (and some lousy input too). Any thoughts from those who have crossed over? Regrets? Epiphanies? Thoughts on waiting a few extra months for the i5 vs snatching up the white i4?