
iPhone users who aren't Apple fan boys


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Let me break it down for you dude. He works for a competing phone service that the iphone does not support. Also I'd guess that ATT is not a good service in his town thus the iphone is not a good phone for him but he cant just accept that and let everyone enjoy their phone...

He's like a child that sees all the other kids eating chocolate and loving it. But he's either allergic or cant afford it, so he goes around telling all the other kids how chocolate is horrible and that it has poison in it. Seriously though man... the kids aren't buying what he's selling because everyone knows that chocolate is awesome.
Are your reading comprehension skills really that bad? He's not saying that its a bad piece of hardware, but the real hindrance is the network its on.

I've got plenty of friends on AT&T, some of them live in areas where its fine, but some don't. My sister used to be on Verizon, and she almost never dropped a call. When she switched to AT&T, she started dropping calls left and right. A lot of people I know who switched to AT&T have this issue. Yes, AT&T works better in some areas. But not all areas.

I travel frequently, and frequently to places that are faaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr away from major urban areas, in regions where cell phone service gets spotty. In a lot of these places, my friends that are on AT&T start having this problem, spotty/no service, dropped calls, etc. I'm on Verizon, and yes, this does happen to me as well, but not that often. I'll get better coverage than my friends who have AT&T, and often times I'll still get service where they won't.

I'm not an Apple fan-boy, but they make some great products. The Iphone is one of them. I've spent plenty of time using them (both my sis and her hubby have them, as do many of my friends). Hands down, its one of the best pieces of hardware on the market. If it wasn't for the hit-or-miss service from AT&T, I would have one in my pocket right now.

Oh, and you're argument that he doesn't have one because T-Mobile doesn't support it is just flat out WRONG:



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
fwiw i've been happier with ATT service, pricing, plans, and customer service than with T-Mobile or Sprint. i pay less for my ATT iPhone data + voice plan than i did for the comparable service with T-Mobile, for instance.

on the other hand, during my cell phone-owning life i also have only lived in major metropolitan areas (Seattle, Portland, Boston, namely), and don't expect my phone to work out in the sticks or atop ski mountains and the like.

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
you really have 9 pages of apps?! good lawd
Yep, I try to weed out the dogs but if i see something nifty & free I will download it. I check App Shopper every couple days for updates and have found some gems. Of all the apps available I have only purchased three: MLB At Bat, Taipei MRT map, and an angle finder.

My most used/fav apps:

MLB At Bat 2009
AOL Radio
NY Times

-ska todd


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Yep, I try to weed out the dogs but if i see something nifty & free I will download it. I check App Shopper every couple days for updates and have found some gems. Of all the apps available I have only purchased three: MLB At Bat, Taipei MRT map, and an angle finder.

My most used/fav apps:

MLB At Bat 2009
AOL Radio
NY Times

-ska todd
For some reason I find it extremely amusing that you enjoy LOLcats that much.

I have no room to talk. I do too. And I've even taken a few photos to caption as LOLcats myself (i just haven't captioned them yet. llaaaaaaaaaaaaazy).


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
My 8GB microSD card cost me $25 and I can get a bigger one if I want or an extended or extra battery plus I'm not suck with proprietary connectors for anything.
Oh, I definitely hate the proprietary connector on my iPhone. I'm always worried that I may forget my charger at home... and then I remember that ALL of my friends have an iPod or iPhone so if the person to my right doesn't have a wall charger/dock/stereo/car charger, the person on my left probably does.

Just saying... you're really reaching for negatives. So far a lot of the things that you've been complaining about have been features that I find very convenient and useful.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 28, 2004
For the most part, RideMonkey users are typical Apple haters. They will pry the negative and make it sound like the said product is unusable when it actually works without a hitch for about 90% of the users.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
For the most part, RideMonkey users are typical Apple haters. They will pry the negative and make it sound like the said product is unusable when it actually works without a hitch for about 90% of the users.
No people are being realistic. Without coverage and enough bandwidth (from WiFi or 3G) smartphones are useful only for low bandwidth applications like txt, email, and mobile optimized websites. The technological co-founder of Apple, Woz, ranted about and validated people's claims - he would not even touch the iPhone until it gained 3G support and notes the voice quality of the first generation iPhone sucked and that he hopes the 3G is better. His smartphone of choice was RIM's Blackberry Pearl until the 3G (he could just install Opera Mini on it for his complaint about the default RIM browser). Everytime he talks about the iPhone, he has completely valid concerns, some of which seem to make it to the next revision in each case, but who wants to wait as Apple only implements some each generation to milk money from people that don't know any better - typical Apple MO of incremental, well implemented, but merely evolutionary me-too technology:

Woz - October 26 said:
L: Is there anything you would change about the iPhone?
SW: I think it could be more like a computer. It should be open like a computer. Anyone should be able to develop their own games and programs on it. And keep the phone and the phone services off guard so it's protected.

L: So you're in favor of the unlocking and jailbreaking for third-party applications?
SW: From a business point of view, Apple owns what they have done. They have a right to lock it. But I am really for the unlockers, the rebels trying to make it free. I'd really like it to be open to new applications. I'd like to install some nice games. Why in the world can I not install a ringtone that I've made? How would that hurt AT&T's network? Here is Steve Jobs sending letters to the record companies saying [they] should provide music that's unprotected, but here he is taking the opposite approach with the iPhone. I don't know to what extent AT&T is involved in the thinking and direction.

L: Does carrying one phone cut it for you?
SW: I really like to be a technology buff and offer advice to people on devices and be in the know. I'm enamored with different features in different phones. For some of the phones it's the style that I like, for example, Bang & Olufsen's device. The iPhone is just a "got to have" because everyone knows what it is. I like my little BlackBerry Pearl because I like the size for what it does. It's a creditable smart phone but not very pleasing for Internet surfing. I like my RAZR because it has better voice quality than the iPhone; it's a bit louder. Someday I will switch to the iPhone for voice.
Woz - March 2 said:
Wozniak's main gripe against the iPhone is that it only supports EDGE and standard 2G networks, which may offer speeds above GPRS networks but aren't quite as fast as 3G, which are capable of providing a downlink in hundreds of Kbps.

Steve Jobs has previously noted that the decision to put out an Iphone without 3G connectivity was based on problems with battery life, but this claim is one that Wozniak rejects. "I get as much life on my 3G phones as I get on my non-3G phones," he said.

He added, "When things are going too slowly, I'll get frustrated and I'll do it on my laptop later". Wozniak admitted to also carrying around a Motorola Razr for taking calls and browsing the web, highlighting yet another of the Iphone's pitfalls. "For voice, I still want another phone," he said.
Woz - June 10 said:
We are happy to report that his questions on the pricing have been answered by AT&T. In response to what the iPhone is still lacking, Woz had this to say. “Most of my list still missing (tethering, full bluetooth support, voice dialing, true navigation built-in, maps and all like Garmin, etc. Also, is it legal to use for voice calls while driving in California? I am planning to use the 3G iPhone as my main cell phone because I believe that the audio will be better. I’ll be in line on 7/11!”


What do you think of Apple’s entry into Cloud computing?
I think that is the most important thing they announced. Apple has made a huge step in allowing people to sync their computers with the cloud and their phones. 3G makes it possible to really get that information at any time. I have mostly everything on the Internet.
Which provider did he use for cellular broadband, Verizon's 3G, not ATT which had 3G aircards at that time but their 3G coverage is inferior:

Woz - June 10 said:
Isn’t there just one that sticks out?
I would have really liked the ability to tether the phone’s connectivity to my laptop. I use a Verizon card every where I go. You can’t rely on there being working Wi-Fi everywhere. In situations where the Verizon card doesn’t work I use my phone’s Bluetooth to tether and get on the Internet. I wish the iPhone had that capability for when I have to travel.
He also makes fun of people who think they need to be constantly connected. I agree its better just to wait until you are front of real computer rather than trying to do everything on smartphone. Smartphones are best for quick short tasks and electronic leashes can be annoying:

Woz - June 10 said:
I sit there with my iPhone and I think I could try and do more on a small device or I can wait until I get onto my laptop with a larger screen and keyboard. I don’t force myself to live the 24/7 Internet life. Bluetooth headsets and everything else can get in the way. To constantly be on your smart phone is an interruption to the people you are with and it’s a social distraction. I minimize it.
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
For the most part, RideMonkey users are typical Apple haters. They will pry the negative and make it sound like the said product is unusable when it actually works without a hitch for about 90% of the users.
In case your English comprehension skills aren't up to par (which I'm guessing they're not judging by the above comment), we're not hating on Apple, we're hating on AT&T's mediocre network.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Just saying... you're really reaching for negatives. So far a lot of the things that you've been complaining about have been features that I find very convenient and useful.
Dropped calls and spotty 3G coverage aren't what I would consider "features" :huh:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Okay...now tell me if it's really worth while to get the 3Gs where I live (in the sticks without amazing ATT coverage and no, the others aren't better) or will I be fine with the 3G? I've made my decision iPhone instead of BB Curve but I am having difficulty rationalizing the extra $100 for the 3Gs. I'll use it for calls, e-mail, and a quick check of the net when I don't have my laptop with me, some tunes and some pics...nothing too amazing (atleast I say that now).


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Okay...now tell me if it's really worth while to get the 3Gs where I live (in the sticks without amazing ATT coverage and no, the others aren't better) or will I be fine with the 3G? I've made my decision iPhone instead of BB Curve but I am having difficulty rationalizing the extra $100 for the 3Gs. I'll use it for calls, e-mail, and a quick check of the net when I don't have my laptop with me, some tunes and some pics...nothing too amazing (atleast I say that now).
What many people do not understand is having phone coverage is not the same thing. Try to find coverage maps for data (especially 3G - its called EVDO on Verizon) otherwise a smartphone or full data plan (versus an email only plan) is of no-to-limited use. For smartphones the most important feature to choose is on coverage, not equipment because its nothing without it. You might be better off with very good cell phone and separate regular iPod if you live in the sticks.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
What many people do not understand is having phone coverage is not the same thing. Try to find coverage maps for data (especially 3G - its called EVDO on Verizon) otherwise a smartphone or full data plan (versus an email only plan) is of no-to-limited use. For smartphones the most important feature to choose is on coverage, not equipment because its nothing without it. You might be better off with very good cell phone and separate regular iPod if you live in the sticks.
Thanks. I have been doing the cell phone & MP3 Player (not an iPod fan) thing, but I really need access to e-mail when I am not home (i.e. out riding, at an event, etc.) or carrying my laptop. I checked out the 3G coverage and it looks to be good where I am, but I am still weary.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Thanks. I have been doing the cell phone & MP3 Player (not an iPod fan) thing, but I really need access to e-mail when I am not home (i.e. out riding, at an event, etc.) or carrying my laptop. I checked out the 3G coverage and it looks to be good where I am, but I am still weary.
There are plenty of smartphones with email so you could buy a blackberry (most polished push email solution on the market) with an email plan rather than a costly full data plan. Depending on the provider and device email-only plans start at $10 which is a fraction of the cost of a full data plan. Most smartphones can replace your mp3player as they can play mp3s, videos, hold photos etc and all you need is a microSD 8-16GB card which are very cheap ($14 for 8GB, $40 for 16GB). Keep in mind any smartphone/integrated device you use more often due to its multiple roles will need to be charged more often. On Amazon renewals/new contracts can get you many different smartphones, even the higher end ones, for free.

Also something to consider right now most of ATT 3G is 1900 MHz and building penetration is inferior. Verizon's 3G uses both 850 and 1900 MHz. This is why some people have to leave their homes to make a call - the shorter wavelength 1900 MHz cannot pass through the walls and other objects as easily. ATT is working on migrating to 850 MHz but it may be slower than announced due the economic downturn.
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Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Are your reading comprehension skills really that bad? He's not saying that its a bad piece of hardware, but the real hindrance is the network its on.

I've got plenty of friends on AT&T, some of them live in areas where its fine, but some don't. My sister used to be on Verizon, and she almost never dropped a call. When she switched to AT&T, she started dropping calls left and right. A lot of people I know who switched to AT&T have this issue. Yes, AT&T works better in some areas. But not all areas.

I travel frequently, and frequently to places that are faaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr away from major urban areas, in regions where cell phone service gets spotty. In a lot of these places, my friends that are on AT&T start having this problem, spotty/no service, dropped calls, etc. I'm on Verizon, and yes, this does happen to me as well, but not that often. I'll get better coverage than my friends who have AT&T, and often times I'll still get service where they won't.

I'm not an Apple fan-boy, but they make some great products. The Iphone is one of them. I've spent plenty of time using them (both my sis and her hubby have them, as do many of my friends). Hands down, its one of the best pieces of hardware on the market. If it wasn't for the hit-or-miss service from AT&T, I would have one in my pocket right now.

Oh, and you're argument that he doesn't have one because T-Mobile doesn't support it is just flat out WRONG:

Dude, you are totally right. Apple does make some fine products.

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
Rant with Woz quotes
1. Did AT&T rape your sister and murder your child?
2. Does Woz thank you when you fellate him?

I understand you might not like the iPhone and/or AT&T's service or coverage area but jeeze-louise do you read what you post? You come off as bitter & douchey in the same fashion that the anti-Appleites claim that the fanbois are in love of Jobs and all things OS-X. Reminds me of the douchery in the Microsoft "we'll pay for your laptop" ads. The Apple "I'm a PC, and I'm a Mac" ads were funny and became iconic. Mac's responses (while done by the CP&B folks) lacked that funny quirky appeal. They just seemed bitter.

Not everything has to be "good vs bad", "my way or the highway".

-ska todd


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
1. Did AT&T rape your sister and murder your child?
2. Does Woz thank you when you fellate him?
No I am just stating the reality of the situation. Sorry if it bother end-users who want to justify their overpriced toy to themselves/others, but that's the reality.

Those hundreds of lines I was talking about are for regional and area sales managers of medium to large chain stores - they manage the contracts for the contractors that take care of almost all the nation's chain stores needs. These employees work at almost every strip mall in North America (US(50 + PR and Guam) and Canada). They must frequently visit all these chains and even if ATT or T-mobile could save us significant money switching from Verizon, it would not work because they HAVE to have coverage unless they want to lose customers. We have custom smartphone applications for data entry/lookup for evaluating our contractor's at the site - if they can't reach our intranet on their devices, they can't do their job. Verizon has the best coverage and for those few gaps, we kept T-mobile after our extensive three month trial with the three carriers.

Who do you suggest I quote, Steve Ballmer? I quoted Woz because he is the brains who built Apple's original core ideals and even with bias after working for Apple so long he is able to be honest now that he does not. Woz truly wants to make computing better, he's not a slimy marketing bull**** businessman like the infamously arrogant Jobs.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Who do you suggest I quote, Steve Ballmer? I quoted Woz because he is the brains who built Apple's original core ideals and even with bias after working for Apple so long he is able to be honest now that he does not. Woz truly wants to make computing better, he's not a slimy marketing bull**** businessman like the infamously arrogant Jobs.
He was on Dancing With The Stars. :monkeydance: He is irrelevant. Jobs changed the world a few times.



resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
hmmmm....my brother has stepped up to kool aid punch bowl.....it will be interesting to play with when he gets it.....going to look at a pre today or tomorrow.

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
Now, here's a question for you? What if I actually bought my "overpriced toy to *justify* themselves/others" b/c I actually wanted one because I thought it was a pretty cool and/or nifty gadget that I wanted to splurge on for self indulgence and what if I am actually overall pretty danged satisfied with my purchase?

If that statement alone doesn't explain the psyche of 9/10 of us here on ridemonkey than what does? We ride bikes! Most of us here ride really, REALLY expensive bikes in the grand scheme of things...and most of us have multiples of them. Unless your bike is used exclusively for transportation, exclusively for fitness, or you are a professional athlete then yes, your bike is an overpriced toy to justify themselves/others. Is this not along the same vein of desire and self-gratitude over practicality?

Prior to my iPhone I had this behemoth of a Samsung global phone via Verizon. I had that particular phone for 3+ years. The display was busted and the keypad could no longer be read from use. My blackberry was the OG blue one with the non-color display via T-Mobile. I used that for 2 1/2 yrs until it gave up the ghost. It's not like I'm some tech geek who MUST have the latest greatest every 3-6 months. I simply WANTED :shocked: the iPhone, both as a functional device and as a little self indulgence and pleasure (plus, my old phones weren't able to stream pr0n like the iPhone, another +).

Regarding the Woz, like anyone else who has come out of silicone valley and the tech side of stuff he is shilling something all the time. Whether it is a book deal or waiting for his seed money in a start-up to pay off he, like everyone else, is shilling. He hasn't worked for Apple directly for 20+ years. Sure he has done a ton of philanthropic work but he also has been of Dancing with the Stars and dates Hollywood C listers. I'm not bagging on the guy at all (aside from banging Kathy Griffin I wouldn't mind being him), I'm simply putting into context to ask is he the most relevant voice in this and/or does he possibly have other conflicting personal business interests?

-ska todd


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I really don't understand the whole brand-hatred/brand-felating thing.

I don't have an iphone, but it is a fun little gadget from my limited experience. AT&T wont work where I live, so I cant get one, but if I could, I certainly would. I'll probably go with a blackberry curve later this summer, unless Verizon gets an iphone version that's been rumored.
I use a Macbook, and I like it, but I wouldn't call myself a fanboi. I've had a half-dozen warranty issues with the thing, but Apple has always fixed everything that went wrong, and it's only been hardware issues.... dead LCD, cracked housings, overheating sensor, etc. But I bought the macbook the first week they came out, so I guess that's to be expected with a first run of anything. The OS is great, and compared to my past PC experiences, 100% trouble free with regard to viruses, crashes, etc.
Im not a techy person at all, I just go with what works. No sense getting all emotionally invested in some brand name.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
I'm simply putting into context to ask is he the most relevant voice in this and/or does he possibly have other conflicting personal business interests?
Yeah so which interests conflict with choice of cell phones or carrier? He was using two different cellular carriers - a Verizon EVDO Aircard and ATT 3G RAZR and RIM BB Pearl smartphone, unspecified carrier) along with an Apple laptop. He now owns an ATT 3G iPhone which Apple hooked him up with without waiting on-line at a premier store on the release day. All of his critiques are perfectly reasonable and many of his personal feature requests he mentions (not all) made it into either the 3G or later into the 3Gs.

Stinkyboy, what exactly is the point of your childish posts, reputation comments, and thread tags? No wonder you can't hold job.
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Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Stinkyboy, what exactly is the point of your childish posts, reputation comments, and thread tags? No wonder you can't hold job.
Like this?

What's childish about being happy with the Apple products I have purchased over the years? Droning on and on about how Apple sucks is just so sad as the iPhone is quickly headed to the top of the smart phone market.

Don't respond, just STFU and sit there gritting your teeth fvcktard.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
There are plenty of smartphones with email so you could buy a blackberry (most polished push email solution on the market) with an email plan rather than a costly full data plan.
i would recommend not following this advice to get an email only plan. TreeSaw, if you have 3G coverage where you want it then by all means get an iPhone. a large part of its appeal is having access to the internet anywhere: i check my email, sure, and i even use it as a phone (!!) but i spend a lot more time in safari reading this and that.


3G vs. 3G S isn't a huge difference, but if you want voice control and movie recording then it might be worth it to you.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Its not too hard to remember that's a different thread and previous to that your reputation comment used the same tired non-sense: "Please STFU...". If you don't have anything to add then don't.

Its more surprising an much older company like RIM is still beating the marketshare growth points despite Apple's best effort after two releases. The only claim in this thread I made about marketshare is that smartphones in the are minority compared to total handset sales which they are.

Dual device setup is what most professional users go with often, and its often a better option. In regards to the iPhone alternative, that was 4xBoy's advice:


Free voice control 411 and data services from any phone in the US: http://www.livesearch411.com/ or if you just want the best free standard 411 services - http://www.google.com/goog411/
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ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
Yeah so which interests conflict with choice of cell phones or carrier?
I'm simply saying "don't be so fast to drink the cool-aid". Sure, he still owns a chunk of Apple stock and will be an icon in the company forever but according to a quick wiki search he also has been involved with some other telcoms and is on the BoD for the maker of the T-Mobile SideKick. I'm not saying there is a conflict of interest but in these circles of folk I almost expect it these days.

-ska todd


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
Why should I care so much about the carrier if I get consistent signal from AT&T in my hometown, where I got to school, and just about everywhere else that I travel to?

The iPhone is much more convenient and useful and the 3gs will be correcting the dislikes about my older iPhone. That being that it is louder, supports a2dp so I can listen to music wirelessly through my ski helmet, can send media texts, and has copy and paste ability.

Syadasti, you should just let it rest. You always get involved in Apple threads like a used Chevy car salesman at another brands dealership.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Why should I care so much about the carrier if I get consistent signal from AT&T in my hometown, where I got to school, and just about everywhere else that I travel to?
That's fine as long as its good 3G coverage. As I have been saying all along a smartphone is not worthwhile if it does not have good coverage.

There are numerous iPhone users on this thread who admitted ATT coverage and voice quality sucks, what is wrong with reflecting the reality of an expensive long term contract device? I am offering a realistic picture of the situation based on a large sample and professional knowledge not shot in the dark from inexperienced end-users who sampled only a few products on one or two carriers. All devices and carriers have pluses and minuses.

In regards to other Apple issues, the history of IT is fact. Just because Apple says they were first does not make it so. Steve Jobs is not an engineer or designer, he's a CEO not much better than the slimeballs who tanked the US auto makers or the world market.

Before Apple was founded, what did Jobs do to his partner - the guy that designed their first products, he lied and stole from him:

He returned to his previous job at Atari and was given the task of creating a circuit board for the game Breakout. According to Atari founder Nolan Bushnell, Atari had offered US$100 for each chip that was reduced in the machine. Jobs had little interest or knowledge in circuit board design and made a deal with Wozniak to split the bonus evenly between them if Wozniak could minimize the number of chips. Much to the amazement of Atari, Wozniak reduced the number of chips by 50, a design so tight that it was impossible to reproduce on an assembly line. At the time, Jobs told Wozniak that Atari had only given them $600 (instead of the actual $5000) and that Wozniak's share was thus $300.
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i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002

edited - Well I assume you aren't too drunk since you aren't tell me to STFU yet again. I hate coffee, you don't have knife do you:brow:

[i]So you made this all up then since you don't recall - [url]http://www.ridemonkey.com/forums/showthread.php?t=199631[/url][/i]
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Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
Syadasti... at some point you need to realize that Apple makes nice products.

Do they always have the most technically advanced features? Hardly ever.

They do offer products that perform well enough that a large percentage of consumer and professionals alike could never notice the performance difference and their products work together seamlessly. That's something unheard of in the PC world.

The useability of the iPhone is bar-none, the highest level, no questions asked.

Anyone can pick up an iPhone and start using it no problem and it uses a tried and true market leading music/movie/photo/application managing software in itunes (another incredibly simple program that works flawlessly).

If you're a software/computer engineer by trade, then sure, you may want a different phone that scores higher on your homemade-max-speed-phone-performance-measurement-calculator, but 99% of the people out there don't want that, and all of that extra customization and extra drivers/ incompatibilty issues just cause wasted time.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Syadasti... at some point you need to realize that Apple makes nice products.
As far as the iPhone my concerns apply to any smartphone - ATT 3G coverage on any smartphone, the lack of certain common features, and choice/cost - all valid, genuine concerns.

I never said they don't make good products, I just point out the reality that they aren't perfect. Like any other hardware or software product, things don't always "just work", no brand makes every product perfect especially something as complex as IT (if they were perfect why do many Apple users run out and buy the latest model after almost every new product revision). Like other hardware or software makers the first few revisions often have had minor to serious flaws/omissions/etc but Apple acts as if it never happens to them. They have both technological and product failures of varying degrees for various reasons - most recently AppleTV and MobileMe - their first attempt at push/sync/cloud computing which was put on hold due horrific launch - RIM dominated Apple with their mature and much more capable BIS/BES solutions but that could change after a few revisions.

Apple's frequent claims of innovation and revolution are hollow - they aren't any more original than MS just because they implement their copy of existing technology/products better and/or use better marketing. (yes I know you agree with your "hardly ever" comment, but most people don't know any better and take whatever they say as gospel)

I've been using Apple products almost from the beginning, Apple II on. I even had a Newton 120, most iPhone users probably have never heard of or seen one before and I learned the Graffiti interface well.

Apple makes things simple which is good for average users but can cause frustration in both hardware and software. For example in current times in hardware, forcing glossy screens on users or in software, the iPhone being locked down and tied to iTunes/the iTunes store (lots of people complain about the bloatware that is iTunes, its simply not true that it works flawlessly).

Today Apple by far is first and foremost a consumer electronic's company, thats were almost all their income and marketshare is now. The iPod and related product are clearly the dominant market leader on all fronts. It did not happen overnight and if it happens in the much more varied and complicated cellular market, it will take long due to all the extra variables in play like carriers, contracts, coverage, etc.
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