which is why I stopped posting in this thread early onsurfinguru said:It started off with some fairly inciteful debate.
Post #120 isn't bad.surfinguru said:My god, this thread went into the crapper pretty quick.
OK, I don't think he should be allowed to develop a nuke, but I have to say you're making some BIG steps there. He develops a nuke therefore he will use it? Hmm, actually this is fairly unlikely. He may be religious, but it doubtful he is that stupid to think he could use a nuclear weapon without being assured of his own place as part of the glass parking lot. He may supply a device to a terrorist organisation, but once again, everyone is going to know where it came from and the result is the same.This guy's rhetoric is unbelievably inflammatory at best. He's clearly stated his intentions. Whether they are simply political boasting or not, you have to make preparations in relation to what is actually happening. He wants the bomb and is doing everything in his power to obtain it. Now let's extrapolate a little shall we? Suppose they do develop a deployable nuke and use it? Or maybe sell it to some terrorist group that sets it off in the EU, US or any other Western Ally state. Then what? The whole middle east turns into a glass parking lot and we all suffer the political and ecological fallout as a result.
Please explain what you mean by "doing their jobs like they are trained to". Killing even more people? Yeah, that's worked out really well for you hasn't it?F*ck that. The US is the super power of the world, accept it. Does it give us the right to use that power unscrupously? Absolutley not...but we have an obligation to keep things in check. This head in the sand, kumbia, let's drum in a circle mentality that the libs exibit needs to stop tying the hands of the most powerful armys in the world and let the soldiers on the ground do their f*cking job. Why do you think NK and Iran are beating their chests so hard right now? Because of the pussy libs I just mentioned. If the Western Allies were allowed to do their job in Iraq like they are trained to do, the crap in Iraq would have been over by now and I seriously doubt Ahmadinejad would be flapping his fat mouth like he is.
Please, put the grammar police badge away already. If I go back and fix it will it make you happy? Pay attention to the thought that was being expressed instead of focusing on the irrelevant spelling of a few words. Didn't realize that this was a graded forum.LordOpie said:which is why I stopped posting in this thread early on
Really? Are you 100% sure? Will you base your life and all the people of the Middle East on that bet? Or how about the potentiality that one goes off in a nearby city to you? Do you risk that chance and throw the entire world into chaos, or do you go in and take out the ability to even create such a weapon and risk the politcal fallout? Certainly not easy choices....changleen said:He develops a nuke therefore he will use it? Hmm, actually this is fairly unlikely.....He may supply a device to a terrorist organisation, but once again, everyone is going to know where it came from and the result is the same.
At least we have the option to even express our opinions. Think about that one. As far as Jong-Il goes, he might be a little nutty but he wasn't running around saying **** like all South Koreans should be wiped off the face of the earth along with the West now was he? These are two very different situations. Iran has a commodity in oil reserves. What does NK have to offer the rest of the world? Umm....not much that I can think of. NK was obviously more of an economic ploy rather than a religious / ideological stand.changleen said:People like you were saying the same thing about North Korea - A madman with a nuke cannot be allowed. NK have nukes now and what has happened? Well, nothing. Actually NK has a better position in negotiations, so actually they achieved their objective, which if you apply a little logic is the same thing Iran are trying to achieve. It's still a far from desirable situation, but you can't assume it will result in mushrooms.
Dude, you say that **** like they're out there shooting women and children. Please, they're after the guys that would just as soon see you in front of the camera getting your head sawed off as your mom, or your dad, or your neighbor. The problem is those *insurgents* only understand force. Until the chains are removed from the Coalition Forces that inhibit them from really going out there and getting those guys, the **** will be perpetual. And why is it that Coalition Forces are unable to do just that? Because of the fear of being politically incorrect. War is ugly, and war is downright evil. I only wished we actaully lived a world that could exist in peace. However, that's not the reality we live in today. There are megalomaniacal men of the world that would indeed risk the destruction of everything around them because they are so blinded by their beliefs. And yes, that just might include good ol' Dubbya.changleen said:Please explain what you mean by "doing their jobs like they are trained to". Killing even more people? Yeah, that's worked out really well for you hasn't it?
Interesting take. What specifically would you like to have seen US forces do that they weren't allowed to do, and what would the result have been of those actions. Or conversely, what were the specific actions of the "pussy libs" and what have been the effects?surfinguru said:This head in the sand, kumbia, let's drum in a circle mentality that the libs exibit needs to stop tying the hands of the most powerful armys in the world and let the soldiers on the ground do their f*cking job. Why do you think NK and Iran are beating their chests so hard right now? Because of the pussy libs I just mentioned. If the Western Allies were allowed to do their job in Iraq like they are trained to do, the crap in Iraq would have been over by now
It's a fricken war, people die. Innocent people die that shouldn't. It sounds callous, but that's a hard fact. The Coalition Forces should have been allowed to go in and use all the weaponry and tactics available at their disposal. The intense focus by the media and the Liberal politicians about loss of civilian life in addition to the loss of troops, forced the military to fight a war it wasn't really designed for - policing instead of fighting. Armies are built for one thing and one thing only: kill the other guy first and kill more of them. As soon as *feelings* or *political correctness* come into play on battlefield decisions, that edict becomes unatainable.ohio said:Interesting take. What specifically would you like to have seen US forces do that they weren't allowed to do, and what would the result have been of those actions. Or conversely, what were the specific actions of the "pussy libs" and what have been the effects?
So the coalition should be able to use nuclear, chemical and biological weapons as well as executing prisoners and torturing non combatants for information?After all these are things they have at their disposal. Putting constraints on the conduct of combatants is nothing new. Are you saying that the Geneva convention should be torn up?surfinguru said:It's a fricken war, people die. Innocent people die that shouldn't. It sounds callous, but that's a hard fact. The Coalition Forces should have been allowed to go in and use all the weaponry and tactics available at their disposal.
Use all available weapons against who? Define your enemy. Are you suggesting using Nukes? What are you even trying to achieve? You have no idea dude.surfinguru said:It's a fricken war, people die. Innocent people die that shouldn't. It sounds callous, but that's a hard fact. The Coalition Forces should have been allowed to go in and use all the weaponry and tactics available at their disposal. The intense focus by the media and the Liberal politicians about loss of civilian life in addition to the loss of troops, forced the military to fight a war it wasn't really designed for - policing instead of fighting. Armies are built for one thing and one thing only: kill the other guy first and kill more of them. As soon as *feelings* or *political correctness* come into play on battlefield decisions, that edict becomes unatainable.
Like what? Which weapons and which tactics?surfinguru said:Coalition Forces should have been allowed to go in and use all the weaponry and tactics available at their disposal
I hate to point out the obvious, but you didn't answer any of my questions. What specifically should the military be doing, or would they be doing if they weren't under such intense scrutiny? Assume that there is no transparency and the US public doesn't get to see any of it, what steps should the military take to win this war? What tactics should they use but aren't?surfinguru said:As soon as *feelings* or *political correctness* come into play on battlefield decisions, that edict becomes unatainable.
You do have the beginnings of a point, but attacking Iran will throw the region into Chaos for sure just as much, if not more. Like people have said, this is complicated question.surfinguru said:Really? Are you 100% sure? Will you base your life and all the people of the Middle East on that bet? Or how about the potentiality that one goes off in a nearby city to you? Do you risk that chance and throw the entire world into chaos, or do you go in and take out the ability to even create such a weapon and risk the politcal fallout? Certainly not easy choices....
Actually, I think they mostly bomb women and children.Dude, you say that **** like they're out there shooting women and children.
Uhhh, didn't the US invade THEM? And why was that again?Please, they're after the guys that would just as soon see you in front of the camera getting your head sawed off as your mom, or your dad, or your neighbor. The problem is those *insurgents* only understand force.
Get who? Every Iraqi male who resents having his country illegally invaded?Until the chains are removed from the Coalition Forces that inhibit them from really going out there and getting those guys, the **** will be perpetual.
What are you trying to achieve? Who are you trying to kill?And why is it that Coalition Forces are unable to do just that? Because of the fear of being politically incorrect.
And your side started it. Why was that?War is ugly, and war is downright evil.
That's the most intelligent thing you've said.I only wished we actaully lived a world that could exist in peace. However, that's not the reality we live in today. There are megalomaniacal men of the world that would indeed risk the destruction of everything around them because they are so blinded by their beliefs. And yes, that just might include good ol' Dubbya.
Well, he's doing such a fine job. After all, he won it months ago.The Amish said:And yet the country still decided to leave the war to George.
*slaps forehead*surfinguru said:I'm saying we should have went in there and absolutely kicked the living crap out them. Like it or leave it, that's my opinion and you do not have to agree.
I love how the Reps. are in control of Congress and the White House, but it is the liberals' fault that the war planning and execution sucked.surfinguru said:Ok, it's clear I should have been much more specific with this crowd. I never meant to imply that the military should operate outside the boundaries of the Geneva Convention - are we clear on that one? I'm saying we should have went in there and absolutely kicked the living crap out them. Like it or leave it, that's my opinion and you do not have to agree.
The US Military has enough capable, conventional equipment and training (tactics) to conduct a battle that chemical, biological and nuclear weapons really aren't necessary in Iraq.
The enemy I refer to is the Iraqi military personnel that shed his uniform and blended into the societal fabric who is now deploying road side bombs, strapping explosives to their bodies and blowing up innocent civilians in markets, Iraqi policeman, people in mosques and anywhere else they deem fight to terrorize. Those hardly seem like men defending their country and way of life. Those are the people I imply we should be hunting after with minimal constraints.
And quite frankly, no we didn't start it. Saddam did when invaded Kuwait and then continued to violate the numerous UN sanctions imposed upon him by the rest of the free world. Hardly a US only led effort. We're the only country with the means to actually do something about it.
Yes, invading Iran now would absolutely throw the region into chaos. I never disputed that. However, I did preposition the idea of do you want a smaller problem now, or a much larger one later with bigger ramifications. This is good reading for what I'm talking about:http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/HB14Ak02.html
Look, there's absolutely no clear right or wrong answers here. Only subtle shades of gray the have no positive outcome. It reall sucks we even have to contemplate this topic in todays age, but the reality is this crap has been going on since the beginning of time and will more than likely continue to well beyond our lifetimes. It all comes down to *my god is better than your god.*
How about seventeen of them?Old Man G Funk said:Also, could you enlighten us as to which UN sanctions Saddam violated?
Really, all of them are about weapons of mass destruction, correct? Did Iraq have any WMD? Did Iraq force out the weapons inspectors before we invaded, or did we pull them out so that we could attack?surfinguru said:How about seventeen of them?
UNSCR 1441 - November 8, 2002
* Called for the immediate and complete disarmament of Iraq and its prohibited weapons.
* Iraq must provide UNMOVIC and the IAEA full access to Iraqi facilities, individuals, means of transportation, and documents.
* States that the Security Council has repeatedly warned Iraq and that it will face serious consequences as a result of its continued violations of its obligations.
(Snipped for brevity)
The best part about your post is that we did drop white phosphorous on some Iraqi towns.Silver said:Since we're tapdancing around the point, I believe the surfinguru is calling for the good old days where dropping napalm on gook kids was a-ok!
****ing liberals...don't they know those raghead kids grow up into raghead terrorists?
Yeah, but we didn't get any photos of a little naked girl burning. Until we have that, the terrorists are still winning.Old Man G Funk said:The best part about your post is that we did drop white phosphorous on some Iraqi towns.
Now we're talking!Silver said:Since we're tapdancing around the point, I believe the surfinguru is calling for the good old days where dropping napalm on gook kids was a-ok!
****ing liberals...don't they know those raghead kids grow up into raghead terrorists?
Jesus Christ, we gave them how much time to move it, bury it whatever? The majority of the worlds leaders and politicians were in agreement that he had them. Hell, even H. Clinton was quoted as saying such. Funny how those facts are so easily forgotten....Old Man G Funk said:Really, all of them are about weapons of mass destruction, correct? Did Iraq have any WMD? Did Iraq force out the weapons inspectors before we invaded, or did we pull them out so that we could attack?
You sure about that?surfinguru said:Did you forget that Saddam was firing on UN sanctioned No Fly Zone patrols?
I remember that happening when Clinton was in office, I think.fluff said:You sure about that?
I don't want your dodgy recollections, I want to see UN sanction of no-fly zones.BurlyShirley said:I remember that happening when Clinton was in office, I think.
Sorry saladtosser, best I can do.fluff said:I don't want your dodgy recollections, I want to see UN sanction of no-fly zones.
http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/issues/iraq/nofly/2002/1119nofly.htmsurfinguru said:http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/northern_watch-2002.htm
Click through the yearly updates on the right. That info is only for the northern no fly zone....
Aye, you are.BurlyShirley said:Sorry saladtosser,
Aye, it is.BurlyShirley said:best I can do.
Changleen said:You do have the beginnings of a point, but attacking Iran will throw the region into Chaos for sure just as much, if not more. Like people have said, this is complicated question.
I love how you said that as if the entire region wasn't already in complete and utter chaos.
NO. But that doesn't mean that I have the right to tell them that they can't.surfinguru said:Again, let's get back to Iran...do you guys HONESTLY want them to posses a nuke?
Exactly. No one wants a nutjob to have a really really big stick. That said, no one really has the right to tell them what they can and cannot have.Ciaran said:NO. But that doesn't mean that I have the right to tell them that they can't.
The Amish said:Changleen said:You do have the beginnings of a point, but attacking Iran will throw the region into Chaos for sure just as much, if not more. Like people have said, this is complicated question.
He didn't say it, because it isn't.I love how you said that as if the entire region wasn't already in complete and utter chaos.
Oh wait, did you mean they didn't have US style democracy, christian citizens, McDonalds and "freedom"?
Transcend said:The Amish said:Are you just completly oblivious to everything thats goin on outside your own ass? Why dont you pull your head out for a minute and take a good look around. Theres the whole Palestinian/isreali conflict. Iraqis killing other iraqis on a daily basis over some sunni vs. shiite B.S.. Hardline Iranians supressing a genuine push for reform in Iran. The whole syria/lebanon, conflict, as well as all the craziness goin on in pakistan and afghanistan, not to mention millions of durka durkas runnin around threatening to kill the world over a cartoon as well as killing each other in the process. Thats just whats goin on today. Its the defintion of chaosChangleen said:You do have the beginnings of a point, but attacking Iran will throw the region into Chaos for sure just as much, if not more. Like people have said, this is complicated question.
He didn't say it, because it isn't.
Oh wait, did you mean they didn't have US style democracy, christian citizens, McDonalds and "freedom"?
hahaha, too true.The Amish said:Thats just whats goin on today.
Have you ever heard of a thing called counting?The Amish said:Are you just completly oblivious to everything thats goin on outside your own ass? Why dont you pull your head out for a minute and take a good look around. Theres the whole Palestinian/isreali conflict. Iraqis killing other iraqis on a daily basis over some sunni vs. shiite B.S.. Hardline Iranians supressing a genuine push for reform in Iran. The whole syria/lebanon, conflict, as well as all the craziness goin on in pakistan and afghanistan, not to mention millions of durka durkas runnin around threatening to kill the world over a cartoon as well as killing each other in the process. Thats just whats goin on today. Its the defintion of chaos