was wondering what other peoples feelings on this was as it is something i have obsessed with for quite a while. For jumping and drops, with style. would a 19" bike be too big if your about 6'3'' as i am? i have this compulsion that says it shouldnt be bigger than 17.5'' inches or so (most medium frames) even though i almost never run my seat all the way down. Am i bugging out? I ask because i want to pick up a large Bullit to replace my previous big bike, a Medium banshee scream. The cockpits are aboput the same but the Bullit just seems soo much larger. Is it a visual thing and i should relax or is the Bullit a bigger bike and most guys (Spangler for instance) who use it ride sizes OTHER than L and XL? just need some reassurance here, on either side of the argument. thanks!