so, if i understand your point of view, it is wrong to give racial profiling any weight whatsoever in the screening process. Imagine if you will, a race/ethnicity/religion that almost exclusively has cornered the terrorism market, and all its like people who could be associated with them do nothing to condemn it, nothing to reverse it, and nothing to erradicate it. They just remain silent because they know it won't come their way. And just how is this scenario non-existent today?Originally posted by Thepagoda
Racial profiling is not the solution and it cannot be part of the solution because is is part of the problem.
so, we should do nothing until we hit a tipping point, some thousands of deaths per year out from where we are now? It certainly seems like that's the point you're making, and if so, i don't agree.Originally posted by Thepagoda
As Mr. Westy pointed out, you can take all the precautions that you want to reinforce your security to reduce the effects of terrorism until you realize that to be totally safe you're locked in a bunker so that the freedom you hold so dear is nothing but a memory. Or, alternatively you could accept the fact the the risk of dying as a result of terror attack is much lower than that of getting killed in an automobile accident. So you do what you do anyway: accept the risk and move on. Terrorism is only effective if it strikes fear in people's hearts, but if you stop and examine the numbers, the amount of stress placed on terrorism is vastly disproportionate to the actual threat. Graphic events such as the bombing of the train is Madrid and 911 inflate the percived level of terrorist threat. Look at how many people have died since the year 2000 in terror related incidents and, say, alcohol related deaths.
i think the worst is over. it just may be the safest spot on the planet for the next few years - they have an incoming socialist administration as of yesterday.Originally posted by Thepagoda
I'm flying into Madrid next week, and people keep asking me if I'm scared. people asked the same thing when I went to Bali last year. I have a much higher risk of getting killed driving to the airport than I do from getting bombed. I'm looking forward to being in Spain.
keep your powder dry.