
Is soda pop bad for you?


Well, for one thing, most soda has about 6 teaspoons of sugar in a 12oz. soda! That's extremely bad. For another thing, most sodas contain phosforous, which can leach the calcim from your teeth and bones. So, ya, I'd say soda is not such a good thing.


Jul 10, 2002
Yeah, Kind of. You hear about electrolyte content, which is about like sodium content that differs by the type of solution used to dilute the sodium into the beverage.


Jul 10, 2002
Originally posted by radioactiveman
that is probably why I sweat like a pig huh?

I sweat really bad no matter what.

Same here, when I ride everyone makes fun of me post ride because I sweat into about 2 hours later

can we please get back to the question, I am a die hard soda pop drinker and need to know if this is what is holding me back. now steve peat is a die hard Beer drinker so how is it different, except maybe the suger, but how is suger worse that alcohal????

I am just looking for ideas and info thank you


Jul 10, 2002
Another thing to remember is that most diet soda is sweetened with aspartame that definitely helps to grow tumors etc. I know the 2 biggest quirks with soda is mainly the sugar content and sodium content and the mass consumption of empty calories. I was a die hard sodaholic myself. I use to drink like a 12 pack a day. Since I laid off to like 1 soda a day I have lost ~7 lbs. Sugar is worse than alcohol. Your body processes these 2 chemicals in totally different ways. Neither is that great for you though; beer, wine and liquor all have good amounts of sugar in them though.:)


Jul 6, 2002
Woodland Hills
Your basic diet goals should be to cut back on refined sugars (white bread, sodas, candy, etc.) and to try and eat 5-6 meals a day instead of 2-3.

I wouldn't worry about salt that much if your a cyclist.

I sweat a lot also but it's usually due to effort level or heat. If I do a long slow ride with my heart rate around 145 I don't sweat to much (I'll still go through 100oz of water in 3hrs). But if I go at 160-170 or ride on a hot day then I'm gonna be raining sweat. I'm still about 20lbs over my ideal weight so that has a bit to do with it. I'll suck down 100oz in 2-2.5hrs easy.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Calories, calories, calories. They add up really quick, and they all come from sugar. If you want soda, and don't want the calories or artifical sweeteners then buy Fresca. It is pretty acidic, but with 0 calories and no sugar or artificial sweeteners it makes more sense to drink than normal soda's.

I have been trying to cut down on those and milk. I drink alot of juice and water now. I want to get in the habit of drinking water with my meals instead of something fattening, but it takes alot of willpower. So I basically try to reward myself after a ride or before with the bad stuff and limit it otherwise.


I drink water all day long, including with my meals. I have lost all desire for sweets. Soda is so sweet it gags me.:blah: Even when I occasionally have juice, I dilute it with water. It doesn't really take that long to get used to. You'd be surprized.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
i have recently given up my diet coke addiction. this is week number two. i really did it to cut down on my caffiene intake but also because coke rules the world and im sick of them making money off an addiction. i feel SO MUCH BETTER now that i dont drinkg carbonated beverages and caffiene all day long. its amazing how you can get so used to feeling bloated all the time.

i say death to coke and all coke products. drink water its cheap.