How many more Americans have to die, or suffer needlessly because they cannot afford the medicines they need? Why does this administration allow the perscription drug industry to gouge the Amercan public with pricing twice as high as other countries?
Now, on to the REAL question: This administration has greatly opposed the purchase of perscription drugs from Canada. Can ANYONE defend this policy?
Does anyone see a flaw/scam in this plan? If the goal is affordable perscription drug prices for Americans, how about a bill forcing the perscription drug industry to sell DIRECTLY to Americans at the same price level as every other country in the world? Would that not simplify the situation? I guess the "chain of custody" (read: money grab) has something to do with it.His bill would achieve two main objectives:
Allow drugs manufactured in the United States and sold to Canada and other Western industrialized countries to be reimported into the U.S. as long as the Food and Drug Administration approves the "chain of custody."
How many more Americans have to die, or suffer needlessly because they cannot afford the medicines they need? Why does this administration allow the perscription drug industry to gouge the Amercan public with pricing twice as high as other countries?
Now, on to the REAL question: This administration has greatly opposed the purchase of perscription drugs from Canada. Can ANYONE defend this policy?