
Is there a safe mode fix for w32 Trojans?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
:disgust1: Not being quite as saavy regarding computers, my wife didn't alert me to the fact we were getting virus alerts on our home computer and just kept clicking "delete virus after reboot". Now our $hit is all messed up. Every time I turn on the 'puter now, I get virus alert messages and it shuts itself down after a minute or so. I am unable to install my new anti-virus software because the 'puter turns itself off halfway into the system scan during install either from CD or online download. I am able to prevent the midstream reboots by starting the 'puter in safe mode, but this prevents me from being able to load the antivirus software without the windows installer element. I looked up manual fixes for the W32 variant we have, but there are none in English currently to my knowledge(all italian, french, cyrillic, etc.)

We run Windows XP and these are the virus names and infected files:




So...how can I manually- in safe mode- disable enough of this fvcker to prevent system reboots during my attempts to load from CD(or download) new virus protection. The Verizon/Yahoo DSL Internet Security Suite is obviously insufficient to protect our 'puter despite regular Windows and Security Definitions updates. :help:


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Thanks, BV. I can't make anything, though, unfortunately. My home 'puter is dead and I have a sensitive firewall/no admin rights on my work one. I guess I'll need to order the Knoppix Version 5 CD or DVD? There are some posts on the hacks page that say it doesn't work...or is that just operator error?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
The hacks page is down for me right now and I didn't notice the comments, sorry.

Don't order it, you'll pay $5 in shipping. I'll burn you a copy, I've got about a thousand CDs kicking around my house. PM me your address and you'll get a care package.

I'll wait until the site gets back up and look at the comments first, though ;)