
Is there an official Christian stance on evolution?


Oct 18, 2003
U-District, WA
I was talkin to this girl, and she was saying how both the biblical and scientific explanations of how we got here are hard to believe, but she said she believes in evolution, even though neither one is proven. so i said that evolution is pretty much proven, and she responded that there's too many christians for it to be considered proven. i thought this was BS because i've heard many christians say they believe in evolution. so what are christians supposed to think about evolution?

(BTW i'm atheist, although that shouldn't affect anybody's reply)


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Well, it depends, there are several lines of thought concerning evolution and creation in the Christian community today. Some take a literal stance from Genesis, some use the 6 days in Genesis to represent ages instead of 6 literal 24 hour days, some think it is just poetry and wasn't meant to give a "hard outline" of what really happened.

There are several more, but those are the ones that I know of off the top of my head.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
freeridekid said:
I was talkin to this girl, and she was saying how both the biblical and scientific explanations of how we got here are hard to believe, but she said she believes in evolution, even though neither one is proven. so i said that evolution is pretty much proven, and she responded that there's too many christians for it to be considered proven.
Mention to her that there are too many Muslims for Christianity to be correct...

Anyways, there is no official stance. There are way to many flavors of Christianity for them to agree on many things.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Silver said:
Mention to her that there are too many Muslims for Christianity to be correct...
argumentum ad populum! argumentum ad populum! argumentum ad populum!

i'm telling robert schuller & benny henn!
Silver said:
Anyways, there is no official stance. There are way to many flavors of Christianity for them to agree on many things.
esp true when mormons & jay-dubs start to muscle in on our territory.

for the record: i'm an old-earth creationist that finds the (evolving) theory of evolution worthy of testing & not to be categorically dismissed; it's not an article of my faith, but i believe evolution is to the kaffirs/infidels

Heath Sherratt

Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
In a healthy tension
I have heard of the "evolution creation theory " but it can't be theologically correct because it would leave no room for the fall of man. We would not have been created perfect we would have evolved that way?


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
freeridekid said:
so i said that evolution is pretty much proven, .....
except for that whole "evidence" thingy. :rolleyes:

my belief is that it takes a just little more faith to believe in evolution than in creationism but i don't think that anyone has it right just yet. i'm not naive enough to take some televangelists word for it and yet i have never come across anything that remotely resembles actual evidence for evolution.

here's the analogious story that i use to explain my stance on the issue:

a scientist from another planet lands in a remote forest. he comes upon an intersting structure. there are approximately 10 head-sized rocks laid out in a circle with a pile of black coal and ash in the center. just outside of the rock-ring is a cyndrilical aluminum object with a hole on one end and some form of artistic graphics on the outside (soda can).
the structure is at the base of a large granite rock wall and is about 20 yards from a stream.

so, the evoulutionary scientists makes the following conclusion:

the ash and coal is from an obvious lightening strike that came down with such force that these ten rocks fell off of the nearby rock face and landed in a perfect circle around the ashes. the can was probably made from sedintary deposits on the stream-bed collecting over time and possibly a chemical reaction made it explode into its current, colorful and cyndrilical shape......but we're still searching for the missing link on that one.

now, the average person, with the use of common sense, will find the following:

hmmm, looks like someone placed these rocks here to build a fire pit and left one of their drinking cans behind.

now, apply that type of thinking to pretty much every evolutionary theory or argument and you'll see why i believe it's easier to understand "intelligence" over evolution.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
manimal said:
here's the analogious story that i use to explain my stance on the issue:

a scientist from another planet lands in a remote forest. he comes upon an intersting structure. there are approximately 10 head-sized rocks laid out in a circle with a pile of black coal and ash in the center. just outside of the rock-ring is a cyndrilical aluminum object with a hole on one end and some form of artistic graphics on the outside (soda can).
the structure is at the base of a large granite rock wall and is about 20 yards from a stream.

so, the evoulutionary scientists makes the following conclusion:

the ash and coal is from an obvious lightening strike that came down with such force that these ten rocks fell off of the nearby rock face and landed in a perfect circle around the ashes. the can was probably made from sedintary deposits on the stream-bed collecting over time and possibly a chemical reaction made it explode into its current, colorful and cyndrilical shape......but we're still searching for the missing link on that one.

now, the average person, with the use of common sense, will find the following:

hmmm, looks like someone placed these rocks here to build a fire pit and left one of their drinking cans behind.

now, apply that type of thinking to pretty much every evolutionary theory or argument and you'll see why i believe it's easier to understand "intelligence" over evolution.
What a load of crap. An absolute load of crap.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
DRB said:
What a load of crap. An absolute load of crap.
I wanted to say the same thing...but in more polite language....


You shouldn’t accept “intelligence” sans any evidence if you discard evolution for the same thing. Evolution is widely held to be correct by the scientific community and if anyone knows something that the rest of us do not, you should publish it and win a Nobel prize.

You want evidence? Why don’t you look at the peer-reviewed scientific publications over the last 150+ years. Or, you can even go online and get a tutorial from talk.origins. But, even the smallest bit of evidence would be more evidence than you can possibly drum up for “intelligence” because there is none. None at all.

(with thanks to my monkey friend) :dancing:


Artisanal Tweet Curator
DRB said:
What a load of crap. An absolute load of crap.
You're too kind......

I need to get manimal a t-shirt that says "science suxx"

Ironically it's the same sort of observations that lead to the chemotherapy he might one day be begging for to treat his cancer that also brings people to the conclusion that biological evolution exists.

That guy carries a gun for a living fer chrissakes........ :help:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
lol, there is not even an un-official agreement on christian on what is a christianity...
Unfortunately you're right.

I think the differences among the small cross section of Christians on this board attest to that.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Sorry, there are several truck laods of evidence supporting evolution. Just because people haven't taken the time to find them doesn't mean they are not there. Ever been to a decent natural History museum? Some of you evidently have not.