Damn True said:If someone who believes in God is wrong about God, no big deal.
If someone who dosen't believe in God is wrong.......
so...do you think a lot of people 'believe' in God just to make sure they don't get sent to hell?
That's a pretty crappy reason to believe.
I was 'sent' to a military chaplain (why I was sent to a friggin chaplain instead of somewhere else, I have no clue).
The chaplain said "if you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior, all of your problems will disappear"
to which I responded...I don't believe in Christ, or God for that matter...so you're telling me I am going to hell unless I say that I believe in Jesus. So if I say I accept Christ and don't believe it, I still go to hell, right?
Apparently I am going to hell. I've known this for quite some time, so it's no shock...please, no condolence cards....
I think that God is a 'grown up imaginary friend'.
I think that the reason that people believe in God is because they don't want to believe that they are on this Earth for no reason at all....it's kind of like showing up at work and not being given anything to do....there's no reason to be there.
I think that humans are the most masochistic animals on the face of this planet. We torture ourselves to no end, blaming 'God' for the loss of a loved one...when it was really just a driving accident. "What has God done to me? What sin have I committed?"
People need to think more, love more, and rely on organized religion less.....
just because you own a genuine vatican crucifix, doesn't mean your soul is saved for eternity....