
Israel's brilliant solution!


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
This debate reminded me of this older Onion Article.


By Walter Lolich
Did six million people really visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum since it opened in April 1993? That's what the United States Holocaust Memorial Council would have you believe, and if all you've been exposed to is its Zionist propaganda, you probably do. But just how many people have actually passed through the Holocaust Museum's doors?

Despite the wealth of evidence proving that the museum's visitor numbers are wildly exaggerated, it is truth seekers like myself who are labeled dangerous to society. Swayed by the Jewish agenda and its powerful lobby in Washington, millions of people have been duped into blindly accepting the museum's one-sided view of its attendance history. And those who attempt to set the record straight are promptly dismissed as "kooks," "liars," and, of course, "anti-Semites."

What are you afraid of, United States Holocaust Memorial Council? That the world will find out that the number of people interested in your museum has been greatly distorted?

Let's take a look at this supposedly well-visited museum. Just where do these attendance figures come from? You might be surprised by the answer: Speaking anonymously for fear of retribution, numerous Holocaust Museum workers have admitted that the six-million figure is "only an estimate." Furthermore, this misrepresentation includes not only visitors to the museum's Permanent Exhibition, which requires a pass, but also visitors to the rotating exhibits at the front of the building! Shocked? Anyone with a basic understanding of the way the Zionist propaganda machine works shouldn't be.

So, the supposed six million is not derived from the number of free tickets which have been distributed, but is instead a CAREFULLY AND DELIBERATELY MANIPULATED FIGURE which includes visitors to the museum who were unable to obtain a pass and only visited the all-access Wexler Learning Center. In other words, it includes visitors who could not in any way, shape, or form be counted! Even Sharon E. Underwood, one of the museum's own tour guides, admits that the question of how many people actually visited the museum remains "OPEN TO DEBATE." Yet the American Jewry continues to present six million as reality.

Further, while high-ranking Jews at the Holocaust Museum claim to have records showing the exact number of tickets distributed each day since its opening, none can provide ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER that once a ticket was handed out, the recipient actually used it and entered the museum!

Then there is the fact that a "computer glitch" wiped out all ticket data from May 14 to May 22, 1998. That begs the question, just how reliable are these computers that supposedly contain the museum's visitation records? And is it just a coincidence that those providing the six-million figure have clearly established ties to the museum's board of directors? It seems their "facts" are closer to the dangerous lie the museum and its sympathizers have so successfully gotten the public to buy into.

In addition, there is the issue of what can supposedly be found inside the museum, reported by visitors and accepted as truth by so many. How much of this is elaboration for the sake of currying the favor of the Horowitzes and Greenspans of this world? Why is flash photography EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED in the Hall Of Remembrance? WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO HIDE? And what about that rumored museum gift shop, which supposedly offers Holocaust-related books, videotapes, and teaching materials? There is precious little evidence that it even exists, yet people around the world BLINDLY ACCEPT the trumped-up stories and believe that it is there, somewhere inside the museum.

Some will provide so-called "proof" of widespread interest in the museum in the form of newspaper clippings about its 1993 grand-opening ceremony. In one such article, which ran in THE JEW YORK TIMES, a journalist named DANIEL LEVINE wrote that 3,000 people attended. By studying the accompanying photograph, I was able to verify the presence of only 16 people. If this sort of skewed math, a fact-to-fiction ratio of 16:3,000, is applied to the alleged museum total of six million, the figure is reduced to 32,000.

Considering the Holocaust Museum's proximity to Washington's National Mall, it is plausible that 32,000 people have entered since 1993—even if most did so only to use the bathroom or get a drink of water. But compared to the millions of people who visit the Smithsonian or the National Air & Space Museum each year, can anyone consider the Holocaust Museum's measly 4,500 annual visitors significant? Hardly. It's time the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum closed the door on its lies once and for all.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by Tenchiro
You need to be prepared to accept that people will not agree with you.
If I needed people to agree with me, I'd start my own forum and restrict membership to just me and still get into fights once in a while :blah:


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Originally posted by LordOpie
If I needed people to agree with me, I'd start my own forum and restrict membership to just me and still get into fights once in a while :blah:
Not that I meant you in particular or anything... :monkey:


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Isn't being from a Semite tribe a long, long, long time ago what racially makes a person Jewish? It's a race of people. Some practice a religion called Judaism, but some are Christian or Muslim or Athiests or Lord Opie's?

That's my understanding of the situation. So it is impossible to stop being Jewish, but quite possible to be Jewish and another faith.

Kind of how I can be Mexican and not Catholic.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by ummbikes
Isn't being from a Semite tribe a long, long, long time ago what racially makes a person Jewish? It's a race of people. Some practice a religion called Judaism, but some are Christian or Muslim or Athiests or Lord Opie's?
You are correct, I am the Lord of my religion, which is called Opium. If you wanna be a priest, you start out as an Opiate. Come join us, attain a higher level of being.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Originally posted by LordOpie
You are correct, I am the Lord of my religion, which is called Opium. If you wanna be a priest, you start out as an Opiate. Come join us, attain a higher level of being.
All wit aside, I'll stray far away from opiate abuse. I plan on having a massive wreck on A-line some day and will need all the power of morphine to keep me sane while I heal.