
It burns priest it burns

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
my legs that is. Wildland Fire training all Saturday, pulling charged hoselines hundreds of feet through the brush, cutting fire breaks with hand tools for over an hour. Sunday was a mix of early AM Mt Biking and afternoon duty on the Rescue.

So this morning I went and did an out and back for 14 miles. The first seven was on the Iron Horse trail between San Ramon and Walnut Creek. The trail has tons of intersections and stop signs that I use for sprint intervals out of each stop. It help that there are tons of babes jogging on the path.:cheers: At the turn around I swing out onto Danville and San Ramon Blvds which have almost no lights or stops, and hammer back to the office, shower and start my work day

my legs were dead all day [and my arms were nor far behind]