
It is about the oil


no matter how this war ends the bush admistration just ushered in a new way of dealing with international affairs that to me goes beyond the oil issue,this war will be very quick but how the u.s deals with future crisis will be very interesting to see.


Nov 6, 2001
San Diego
Originally posted by ummbikes

Sure Texaco, Shell, Arco and others will benefit, but last time I read the previously mentioned companies annual reports they had stock holders across the globe.
Shell drills in Indonesia.


May 21, 2002
Virginia Beach, VA
Originally posted by ummbikes
Sure Texaco, Shell, Arco and others will benefit, but last time I read the previously mentioned companies annual reports they had stock holders across the globe.
Speaking of stockholders, after the 9/11 terrorist insider trading accusations, it won't be long before the terrorists find a way to reap huge sums of $$$$ in the world financial markets. Buying or shorting stocks and commodities at the right times throughout the world's stock and future markets could make them 10's of millions of dollars.

Simple scenario: Use a crop duster to spread wheat killing pesticide over millions of acres of farm land with emerging wheat seedlings. Do this in at least 2 places so people wonder where else this may already be happening. With a couple hours of research on the web you could find many places to profit from a decreased supply of wheat and the panic that would surround farmers seeing many millions of dollars of wheat turn brown over night.

Somewhere in the world, the growing season for wheat just ended and those countries have huge supplies of wheat. The value of that supply will skyrocket. Profits and investments in the businesses involved will jump as well. Knowing this beforehand could make you bookoo bucks. And the money to be made in the world futures markets is astronomical. I bet there is a company that provides means of securing light aircraft. Investments in that business could double overnight.

What if you knew a deadly cow virus has been introduced to the herds of the 20 largest beef producers in the US (or world for that matter). And you knew it took 3 weeks before cows start falling.

Sell: All companies that rely on the sale, transportation, feed and processing of beef from the fields to the restaurants. Plus the cost of bankrupcies of the companies that were not prepared for such a devestating event. Their employees too.

Buy: All companies that profit from the sale, transportation, feed and processing of pork, chicken, seafood and other beef alternatives. The bio-cleanup and pharmaceutical companies would gain as well. And the list goes on.

Speculation gives you increased rewards in exchange for increased risk. Secretly take away the risk and the reward is like taking candy from a baby.