


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus

went to the sign shop yesterday and had some stickers made for the P2. the dude made them for free too...can't complain about that :thumb:

now i don't have to worry -as much- about my bike's security if/when i have to ditch it on patrol. most thugs would be less likely to steal it w/ POLICE written all over, makes it a little harder to pawn :D

note the reflective walmart onces i put on the fork


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Tenchiro said:
Damn that is a good idea. Would it be illegal to do that if you're not a police officer?

Nice bike :thumb:
dunno....some might construe it as "impersonating a police officer". the only downside is that i'll have to carry my backup gun when riding it off duty. not the best thing to ride in some of the erbun neighborhoods with police paraphernalia and not be armed. at least it's a fairly small gun and i'm used to riding w/ it.

edit: it should make some good skatepark shots, will have to head to the park soon ;)


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Would it be illegal for non-police people to put police decals on their bikes? It would be funny if everyone started doing that to deter thiefs :D

edit: dang, tench beat me to it
manimal said:
dunno....some might construe it as "impersonating a police officer". the only downside is that i'll have to carry my backup gun when riding it off duty. not the best thing to ride in some of the erbun neighborhoods with police paraphernalia and not be armed. at least it's a fairly small gun and i'm used to riding w/ it.

edit: it should make some good skatepark shots, will have to head to the park soon ;)
Please refrain from discharging firearms at the skate park. :D


Artisanal Tweet Curator
stinkyboy said:
Dear God, that bike is screaming for an FSA Pig headset!

I used to go hauling ass past campus cops in college with my lights off at night because it was funny to lose them as soon as you had to bunny hop something.

If I'd seen that bike underneath one of them I'd have second thoughts.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
manimal said:
it should make some good skatepark shots, will have to head to the park soon ;)

Only if you are in uniform getting tabled out of a bowl, prefferably in Lt. Dangle shorts:p


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Sweet! What kind of people have you chased down with it so far?

manimal said:
dunno....some might construe it as "impersonating a police officer".

I would construe it as "Freedom of speech." If someone can wear a shirt that says "FBI" or "security" on it, why cant I ride a bike that says "police" on it?

I think the difference would be me riding it in shorts and a tee shirt, or you riding it in full uniform with a badge on.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Definitely the coolest bike-cop bike ever. One of the cops I lived near in NH rode around a Schwinn Moab Disc... My buddy used to race the local races with him so we both knew we could outrace him ;)

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
BigMike said:
I would construe it as "Freedom of speech." If someone can wear a shirt that says "FBI" or "security" on it, why cant I ride a bike that says "police" on it?
"Security" personnel are not police officers. I don't know where "FBI" falls but it's certainly less believable (and less specific) than "POLICE" on the side of your bike.

One of Jenn's brother's friends in NH was just arrested for impersonating a police officer because his buddy found a state trooper's hat on the side of the road, they were joking around, and the kid put it on -- just as a state trooper drove by.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
binary visions said:
One of Jenn's brother's friends in NH was just arrested for impersonating a police officer because his buddy found a state trooper's hat on the side of the road, they were joking around, and the kid put it on -- just as a state trooper drove by.

some some bullsh!t. Thats called angry state cop on a power trip. I would understand pulling over and asking for the hat back and saying you shouldn't do that, but arresting them?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
BigMike said:
some some bullsh!t. Thats called angry state cop on a power trip. I would understand pulling over and asking for the hat back and saying you shouldn't do that, but arresting them?
Well, the whole situation sounded ridiculous, the kid who found the hat got arrested for having it, and the "impersonating a police officer" charge was pretty silly considering they were standing in a gas station parking lot next to their cars, but regardless, my point is that if that can be interpreted as impersonating a police officer, I probably wouldn't put POLICE stickers on my bike and count on walking away from an angry officer by pulling the "free speech" card.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
BigMike said:
I would construe it as "Freedom of speech." If someone can wear a shirt that says "FBI" or "security" on it, why cant I ride a bike that says "police" on it?

I think the difference would be me riding it in shorts and a tee shirt, or you riding it in full uniform with a badge on.

I've only had one chase so far, remember, i don't ride it full time...just when call volume is low enough for me to hit our "project" areas of concern. so maybe about 1-2 hours per 10.5 hour shift. but the dude i did chase didn't run for long....he started to slow down as i passed him and then did a cool "pacific blue" skidding 180 :D just a dumb kid running from us after we broke up a gang fight at a local high school. nothing really fun yet....but i go back on 3rd shift tomorrow :thumb: :D

the sticker isn't a freedom of speech issue, more of a safety issue. i doubt any cop would even notice the sticker on your bike, let alone, give you grief about it. however, it may be hard to believe, but a lot of people don't like cops and would be glad to start something with a seemingly unprotected guy on a bike. just food for thought.
i actually had the trek police edition helmet way before i started riding a bike at work....it was more of a joke with me because i'd use it on less than legal erbun rides :devil:


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
manimal said:
the sticker isn't a freedom of speech issue, more of a safety issue. i doubt any cop would even notice the sticker on your bike, let alone, give you grief about it. however, it may be hard to believe, but a lot of people don't like cops and would be glad to start something with a seemingly unprotected guy on a bike. just food for thought.

Right, I understand its a safety thing for you, and fully understand why you would want to carry your backup weapon when not on call and riding.

But what I was going at was someone asked if other people could put a "POLICE" sticker on their bike. I say yes, as it would fall under freedom of speech. This was in no way associated with you, who is a cop, putting a sticker on your bike, i'm talking about me, who is a regular citizen, putting a sticker on my bike. It would not be a safety issue for me, as it would be pretty odvious i'm not a police officer. The question was not one of safety, but of legality of whether or not I could put a POLICE decal on my bike.

I see it as kind of like the "THIS BIKE IS A PIPE BOMB" stickers. Its odviously not a pipe bomb, just like i'm odviously not a police officer.

Good luck tomorrow night, kick some ass like Pacific Blue :eek:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Changleen said:
I think you should take the other decals off. Just have the 5-0 stain. It'd be cooler.
wish i could, but they're clear coated.

bigmike - as i said before, i don't think any cop in his/her right mind would construe that as impersonating a cop. put it this way....would a reasonable person allow you to detain or stop them just because you have a police sticker on your bike? i think not. the "impersonation" laws are for those idiots that drive crown vics with blue strobes in them and pull people over to harm them or just to get off.

i say go for it, it'll at least be a conversation starter if you do get hassled for riding some places :D


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I recommend this for a light:

And I hope you bust some skaters. They try to get away, and you wheelie up to them or do a stair drop...


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
blue said:
Most of the bike cops in Salt Lake are slow. Teeehehehe.

yeah, wearing 30lbs of gear tends to slow you down a bit. i've had to adjust my method of manualing and j-hopping while in uniform. the vest and belt don't allow much room for quick movement.

sanjuro - that light system is sweet! i wish i had that for the night DH race in 2 weeks


Jan 20, 2006
SoCal Supermarket Shelves
So, whadja do in the USMC? Force Recon?

BTW, the cops where I used to live were afraid to ride with me. Every once in a while they'd try to race me in the downtown area and I'd smoke them while riding a 50lb Schwinn cruiser.

Cops hate it when a dispatcher is more physically able at something than they are.


I suck at Tool
Feb 15, 2004
Chintimini Bog
manimal said:
<snip> ... i'd use it on less than legal erbun rides :devil:
I was wondering about that. What do you do if a property owner comes running out threatening to call the police? Ever had your work pals respond to a call ... and find you? :p


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
BuddhaRoadkill said:
I was wondering about that. What do you do if a property owner comes running out threatening to call the police? Ever had your work pals respond to a call ... and find you? :p
it's not an issue if i'm riding in my city, i can just play the community policing role and i know most of the cops from the next big city that i usually ride in. i haven't had a problem w/ it so far because they know that i'm not out there damaging stuff, just riding.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
manimal said:
yeah, wearing 30lbs of gear tends to slow you down a bit. i've had to adjust my method of manualing and j-hopping while in uniform. the vest and belt don't allow much room for quick movement.
Guess my 40lb messenger bag doesn't... :p

I know it's probably dept specific, but how often do bike cops like...ride ride? Do they train at all?


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
blue said:
Guess my 40lb messenger bag doesn't... :p

I know it's probably dept specific, but how often do bike cops like...ride ride? Do they train at all?

hahahahahahaha! ok, that was funny. i can only speak for my department, but i am the only one, out of 4, that actually rides more than just at work. All of us that ride semi-regularly have been to the Law Enforcement Bicycle Association's standard course http://www.leba.org/....but it was EXTREMELY basic. our larger partner city hosted the course and they have a permanent bike unit that rides their entire shift, we just ride when we want and if time allows....but i'm working on getting a permanent unit.

So to answer your question, no...there is no continuing training, it's main purpose is better mobility in small communities and downtown. ...but i'm trying to broaden that job description :D