
It is like looking in a mirror.....US/Canada politics. :o)


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
World Digest
Canadian candidates at odds in televised debate

In the first of two televised debates before the June 28 election, the leader of Canada's major opposition party last night accused Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin of broken promises and dishonesty.

"We have a government that has a record of scandal, waste and incompetence, which is the worst in Canadian history," said Martin's chief rival, Conservative leader Stephen Harper.

Harper, who has emerged as front-runner in the first three weeks of the campaign, drew attacks over his opposition to gay marriage and over whether the country can afford his tax cuts.

"Mr. Harper would either be forced to make draconian spending cuts or go into deficit," Martin said, adding, "The economy is going really well, and I'm not prepared to throw that in the garbage bin."

The debate was in French, the main language of Quebec, which accounts for 75 of the 308 seats in Parliament.
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These guys sound like fighters......:)

It is nice to see other nations politics aren't so different.
