
It's 9 degrees outside


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
mrbigisbudgood said:
Wanna trade? We're expecting 12" of snow over the next 36 hours.
Hopefully it will all dump on you and be done by the time it gets here. Right now they're saying we could get a foot, or we could get sunshine. Either way it's too damn cold to be outside. It was 0 when I drove to work this morning.


Mar 17, 2002
For those in the frozen states I will try to send you some warm Southern Cali weather..

If I may quote the Arnold Schwarzenneger, from his most recent "State of the State" address..

Of course, with any Arnold quote, you must read it in your best Arnold voice..

"During the last administration, California had 300 days of sunshine...during my administration California has had 320 days of sunshine"

Wakka Wakka Wakka. That Arnold...the Conan of Comedy..