
It's always Florida...

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
Who's idea was it to start a SECOND war before trying to at least finish the first? Not mine.
SECOND hell...we are in our THIRD your forgetting Libya.

I see you have a hard on for Bush and I’m not going to bring up the dead horse about WMD’s and the such EVERYONE suspected that Saddam had them along with how many UN resolutions had he violated since gulf war #1.

The issue is we are a buffer being in Iraq from Iran invading the whole Middle East and Israel that’s pretty simple the question is why in the hell are we in Afghanistan?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
SECOND hell...we are in our THIRD your forgetting Libya.

I see you have a hard on for Bush and I’m not going to bring up the dead horse about WMD’s and the such EVERYONE suspected that Saddam had them along with how many UN resolutions had he violated since gulf war #1.

The issue is we are a buffer being in Iraq from Iran invading the whole Middle East and Israel that’s pretty simple the question is why in the hell are we in Afghanistan?
I never said Saddam was a threat, nor did I fall for the hype of him having some super secret plot, either. So NOT everyone thought that, but thanks for lumping me in with the rest. And for use "being a buffer" they wouldn't need a buffer had we not gone into Iraq to begin with.

We went in the ANA because that is where the issue originated from, or so was thought. We went into Iraq because someone needed to secure some oil interests and hide it as a humanitarian effort to free some people and spread some freedom.

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
It must be refreshing to be clueless and naive all the time.

I sure do wish the War was about Oil as you believe then perhaps it would not be costing me $140 to fill up my diesel truck.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 23, 2002
Roanoke, VA
Are you so rich that your posts are written by content mills in India?

If you're interested I can get you a hookup with $.07 per word.
These are guys are really top notch too.
They even have the ability to elaborate ideas past reflexive platitudes without any excess fees.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Leftist see things in shades of gray rather than simple-mindedly black and white.
capitalism & conservatism are absolutely evil, according to the left
Things are either right or wrong period.

This concept is so difficult for leftists because they have no consistent & ethics-based core beliefs, values or common sense, but rather possess an anthropomorphic & situationally convenient world view
another slight correction

back to the OP, i believe Hamze has been co-opted, either willingly or not. you cannot be both for religious freedom and its imposition by fiat/compulsion (ref: CAIR). but in fairness, he is a cultural muslim, so therefore not very discerning.

good thing we don't have a religious litmus test for public office, eh?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
Moar Florida:

Typical Florida political story of the day: an answering machine captured a call (embedded below) from a volunteer with the Republican Party of Clay County, FL, who was reaching out to potential voters with several important lies about the upcoming presidential election.


"Yall sound like yall are senior citizens, right? Yeah. You don't want Obama. You really don' want Obama. Because he'll get rid of your Medicare. You might as well say goodbye to it."

"I don't know if you've done any research on Obama or not, but he is a Muslim... if he had his way, we'd be a socialistic country."

"Pay attention to Fox News."

The head of the Clay County GOP told the St. Augustine Record that the woman was "off-script completely." Embarrassing admission of script inadequacy.

As per usual, gold in the comments.
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sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
The issue is we are a buffer being in Iraq from Iran invading the whole Middle East and Israel that’s pretty simple the question is why in the hell are we in Afghanistan?
I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. So the NEW reason we invaded Iraq is to be a "buffer" against Iran? Is that the latest Fox News analysis 12 years later? Is that how you rationalize it? The same way you rationalize Iraq, other people rationalize Afghanistan. Heck, in another post you said:
Nicely played chickenhawk dig however I too have been wondering since “mission accomplished” and seal team six double tap on Osama why in the hell exactly are we over there still getting our troops killed for a bunch of 7th century throwbacks on a pile of dirt.
Seems you were riding along that Bush parade and all for invadin them mooslim countries. Only after we get OBL you question why we are there? That means you were ok with and rationalized it prior, which doesn't agree with your above quote.
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sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Like I said earlier we don’t have a REVENUE problem in this country we have a SPENDING problem nowhere did I say eliminate that or that program although there are many that need to disappear or be de-funded. Do you REALLY believe that the problem with education in this county is a lack of funds? Or is it the funds are not used wisely? Name one government entity that you believe actually needs 100% of its funding or it would collapse.

Citizens and Private business have to live on a budget or else…yet we have folks here in this county that think nothing about extending the credit limit of the federal government and think that the “rich” need to cover the note by paying more in taxes.
We do have a revenue problem. We have a regressive tax system. It might be progressive on paper, but due to shifting money, tax sheltering, write-offs, capital gains, offshore accounts, and a myriad of other techniques, those with the most money are allowed to pay a smaller percentage of their income as taxes. Warren Buffet proved it. Mitt Romney proved it. It's only progressive on paper. In reality, it's regressive. Oh how I'd like to not have to pay the % that I am supposed to pay, but I can't because I'm poor compared to them. Allowing the rich to do this is one thing that keeps the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. And before you go saying that having people making more than $250K wouldn't actually make a dent in the pot, it's the same with savings via spending cuts. It's the big picture and we have to really want to solve it. Cutting defense, cutting other spending, a fair tax system that can't be as easily manipulated, etc, it all adds up.

The rich absolutely need to pay more in taxes...because they don't pay very much in taxes. If I pay 30% in taxes, they need to at least pay that much, but as you know, they exploit all the loopholes. At least taxing their income at a higher rate serves the same purpose as eliminating some of those loopholes. Hopefully we can get a handle on that as well, but the higher income tax is a start...

And if we are going to name government organizations that need 100% of their funding...hmm, maybe the CIA? Maybe with 99% of their funding they'd miss out on an important intelligence lead once every 20 years or so. They could probably do most everything and catch everything with 99% of their funding, but maybe something would slip through because they weren't able to exploit all their leads, have more contacts, get more information, and something horrific would happen to US citizens, either abroad or in our own country. So is that a chance we should take? The same logic can probably be used for nearly any government agency. It's those overly simplistic ideas that are going through your head that are causing you so much trouble. I'm not against cutting government spending, but these are the kind of issues that have to be well thought out. Just because you cut them, they fire a bunch of people that need jobs, and they operate successfully the next year does NOT mean there isn't a problem that was created by cutting them. It may lay dormant for years, such as issues with aviation or industrial safety. It's not about the government entity "collapsing", it's about them doing their job for the citizens of the US. Can they do it with 99% funding? Maybe, but it's not so cut and dry as you would like to believe.
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