
It's Been 12 Years...


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
It's almost impossible to believe that it has been 12 years since Southern California residents were rocked out of bed by the massive Northridge earthquake.

At the time, I was a teenager living with my parents about 2 miles from the epicenter; to this day it was single scariest moment of my life. Once the quake hit, it sounded like my parents' house was going to collapse.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
rooftest said:
12 years, huh? I slept right through it - was partying pretty hard the night before.
That must have been one heck of a party! I was far from sober when I went to sleep at about 3:30 a.m., and less than an hour later I was up and sober...


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
It took 10 years for Kaiser to get the FEMA money to rebuild the hospital where I work. You can still see cracks in places. New hospital should be awsome though.


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
I remember it, I was about the same age 12-13. No school because the power was out and such, it was the best.

But I remember we were jumping a jump we made in the street and all the cars were rocking back and fourth from an afterschock and we were like WTF is going on? LOL we were moving and I guess you can't feel them when you're moving. But it was neat seeing a whole line of cars rocking around :)


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Ohh man, I remember that. Like 4:30am and you wake to the craziest earthquake I've ever been in. Walked out on my deck at my parents house to see a huge blue flash in the sky (power transformer in Oxnard exploding) then another blue flash (Ventura) then it was awfully dark and quiet. Wow, its been 12 years already!


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Almost died that night driving back from Fresno. I was in the back middle seat of my dad's jeep, driving down the Grapevine when I woke up to headlights. Some drunk was coming down the wrong side of the road, my dad reacted fast and pulled over onto the shoulder and right next to some drainage ditch. I just remember seeing the lights coming closer and closer and then feeling the car wrench off the road and seeing the car zoom past us.

We got back and that night was the northridge. Crazy that it has been so long.

The Ito