
its been a while


Thank you sir may I have another!
May 15, 2002
el cajon
i know i may sound ignorant but the last time i rode was about two years ago. i recently picked up another bike and have itchin to ride. I used to ride anderson every weekend, is it still there? i know its illegal, i know people get crazy, but i just wanna know if its makeable. pm me cause i know its prolly top sercret information. haha.


Thank you sir may I have another!
May 15, 2002
el cajon
i lurked here every once and a while, anyone down for a little ride one of these days, preferrably more of a shuttle run?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
Anderson is still rideable. I just rode it a few weeks ago, there is one trick though if it's been a while. The start of the trail from peutz valley road is at mile marker 1, right across from the propane tank that is painted in festive colors to match the season, follow the tire tracks from there and you'll successfully get past the "great wall of Bofus". Where people used to start looks like a nursery more than a trail head. I believe the road is and has always been legal, just world cup and eco are illegal, last time I rode I was alone and didn't feel much like crashing on world cup and being left for the coyotes to scavenge, so I just rode down the dirt road and it was almost as fun as ridding the illegal trail. The road has gotten really rutted out so you have to keep your wits about you, on the lower section that kind of follows the lake around there are a couple of places where the trail has completely washed out and you have to gap a 2 foot wide ditch 10 feet deep. I recommend ridding up the trail at least once before doing a shuttle run so you'll know what kind of conditions to expect.


Thank you sir may I have another!
May 15, 2002
el cajon
ya i wont be riding up lol. what are the odds of getting in trouble if i was to ride world cup? thats what anderson's is all about! I picked up a tazer. the one for sale in the classifieds. pretty stoked on it, feals like i never stopped riding. where are all these pics from in the latest underwear gallery posts? or is that a secret too? haha


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
You'll be fine ridding world cup, most of the stink put up by the locals has subsided, most of the guys who were shuttling anderson every weekend have subsided too (coincidance?) Like I said, I just don't like ridding world cup alone. In my opinion the fire road is about 90% as fun as world cup is, it just doesn't have all the drops but it's rutted out and fast if you like that kind of stuff and are worried about ridding an illegal trail.

Really though I do recommend at least taking it easy the first run because there are a few tricky spots, the trail has changed alot even in the last 4 months.


Thank you sir may I have another!
May 15, 2002
el cajon
your talking about the dirt road that if you were not to turn into the world cup section right. if that made sense. and world cup pops out onto it before the three way divide?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
That's the one. If you're not into ridding the road though the trail is lots of fun, I never rode it before the fires so I can't give a good comparison but most people say it's not as flowy as it was and a couple of sections have been completely re-routed. The road gap is completely blown out, and I guess some of the bigger hucker lines have been abandoned, actually if you don't know where you're going it's hard to follow the trail in some places.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
What's fight club? I'm suggesting he ride the always legal fire road, the trail is pretty bad anyway...

Steve, are you ridding next wednesday?


Thank you sir may I have another!
May 15, 2002
el cajon
Aquaholic said:

Regarding ATT, "The first rules of Fight Club.......".
thats what i thought, how it has been in the past. ive never riden noble canyon. any route tips? heard its pretty good, and close to me.


Jan 5, 2004
Noble Canyon
Kornphlake said:
What's fight club?

Steve, are you ridding next wednesday?


I'm sticking to the same wednesday routine, pretty much. Climbing by 1600.

"The first rule of fight club.......no one talks about fight club".

Lt. Dan - Noble delivers!


Dec 6, 2002
Hell Cajon, CA.
Anderson Truck Trail is closed to motor vehicles, except for local residents, and Ranger Michelle is on the rampage again, plus there are some local "skinheads" hanging around up top harrassing riders. (jeez, what's next?)

ATT, the dirt road, is OPEN to bicycles, the singletrack is still not. There is hope, the area is finally on the Community Trails Master Plan. But don't hold your breath.

C-ya Wednesday



Mar 5, 2002
off topic: Speaking of Comm Trail MP, where can I get info about it? Who's the county planner assigned to it?

Nature Conservancy bought a huge open space south of Ramona, Monte Vista Ranch, and plans on "handing" this over to the County for a "park." I wonder if this is included in the MP -or if the County even wants it (concern of maintenance, etc).

"skinheads", in Alpine? No....


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
BullittX said:
Anderson Truck Trail is closed to motor vehicles, except for local residents, and Ranger Michelle is on the rampage again, plus there are some local "skinheads" hanging around up top harrassing riders. (jeez, what's next?)

ATT, the dirt road, is OPEN to bicycles, the singletrack is still not. There is hope, the area is finally on the Community Trails Master Plan. But don't hold your breath.

C-ya Wednesday


By singletrack do you mean the old fire road past 4 corners or do you mean just world cup and eco? I've considered the lower part fireroad, even though it hasn't been maintained in the last 20 years and now looks more like singletrack, I've always thought of it as fireroad. Is that part of the trail officially off limits?

Do you know anything about Anita way? I know that from Peutz Valley Rd it services a handfull of homes but I'm not sure if it's public or private. At one point maybe 1/4 mile from peutz valley rd there's a gate with a private property sign, but I'm not sure rather that means the entire road from the gate onward is private or not, there's another gate with a similar sign another 1/4 mile down anita way suggesting that the road crosses a parcel of private property and the owner has refused a public easment. From the map of planned trails it looks like Anita way will become a trail accessing ATT at some point...