I also know several people (ahem) our age that have bionic hips and still shred all the things. All the docs keep saying to me, "It's your call when you want to do it, no pressure, it seems like you're still doing all the things so if you won't wanna get it done yet then don't." And right now I'm like "But why wait? What's the benefit of waiting?" And beyond 1.) the inconvenience of recovery and 2.) the possibility the bionic hip could wear out and I'd need another surgery at some point (which is less and less likely based on advancements in materials science) I can't see a reason to wait. Shit's fucked, yo... and either I decide when to get it replaced or the hip will decide when. Feeling like I could easily sacrifice a shreddy winter now and be back on the bike at near 100% by April or May.
Also I've had some shit happen this year and I've met my deductible/out of pocket maximum. And that money is real, there's a comma in that number for sure.
Are you hitting on me?