And so I'm finally getting off my ass and making up a living will. The last thing I want is some jackass congressman trying to get my brain dead body to Washington to testify.
Can you imagine the transcript?
Congressman-Mr Silver, glad you could be here today. How are you.
Congressman-Mr Silver, what are your thoughts on assisted suicide?
Silver-(More drooling. Nurse wipes mouth. Drool continues.)
Has anyone done a living will? I'll do some googling, but I'd like to not have to pay my lawyer to do something like this.
Can you imagine the transcript?
Congressman-Mr Silver, glad you could be here today. How are you.
Congressman-Mr Silver, what are your thoughts on assisted suicide?
Silver-(More drooling. Nurse wipes mouth. Drool continues.)
Has anyone done a living will? I'll do some googling, but I'd like to not have to pay my lawyer to do something like this.