
It's Official: Hipsters have ruined/saved Pabst


Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
Wow I was planning on starting a topic exactly like this. Yesterday I was in the Mellow Mushroom in Boone, NC and as I was eating my delicious calzone, a guy rolled up on his fixie wearing girl jeans and a shirt about 2 sizes too small, about fell trying to stop the bike, and walked in and ordered a PBR from the bar. Surprisingly, they had it on tap.

I bet if the tap was hooked up to the urinals in the bathroom nobody would notice.:D


Jul 16, 2007
I was over Pabst a few years ago. I usually drink High Life. But if I'm with a bunch of people and need to buy beer I usually by Pabst to keep everyone happy.

Lately though I've been drinking Schlitz or Milwaukee's Best. Schlitz changed their recipe to the original one from decades ago and its a much better beer than Pabst. Seriously go buy a 6er, its a pretty good beer.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Lately though I've been drinking Schlitz or Milwaukee's Best. Schlitz changed their recipe to the original one from decades ago and its a much better beer than Pabst. Seriously go buy a 6er, its a pretty good beer.
I have been searching for Schlitz, but NJ has failed me. Or maybe I need to stop looking in suburbia.


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
I like PBR. Where I live there are no hippsters, my dad always drank pbr. My redneck friends never heard of it until I brought it over one night. Once I got to college I realized it was a hipster drink. Some hipster accused me of being a hipster when I bought a case of bottles. I got 4 beers in when he continued pissing me off calling me a hipster when my redwing was about half way up his rectum. He still has a black eye and I bet will never call me a hipster again. PSP vs Hipster in smackdown PSP = Winner.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I like PBR. Where I live there are no hippsters, my dad always drank pbr. My redneck friends never heard of it until I brought it over one night. Once I got to college I realized it was a hipster drink. Some hipster accused me of being a hipster when I bought a case of bottles. I got 4 beers in when he continued pissing me off calling me a hipster when my redwing was about half way up his rectum. He still has a black eye and I bet will never call me a hipster again. PSP vs Hipster in smackdown PSP = Winner.
Shut up you fvckin hipster.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I like PBR. Where I live there are no hippsters, my dad always drank pbr. My redneck friends never heard of it until I brought it over one night. Once I got to college I realized it was a hipster drink. Some hipster accused me of being a hipster when I bought a case of bottles. I got 4 beers in when he continued pissing me off calling me a hipster when my redwing was about half way up his rectum. He still has a black eye and I bet will never call me a hipster again. PSP vs Hipster in smackdown PSP = Winner.
I thought rednecks drank Busch? :confused:


my redwing was about half way up his rectum.


Also, since when do rednecks wear Redwings? I thought the footwear of choice was Carhartt or flip flops