
It's official, the truth hates America...


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
U.S. Leaks Report of No Weapons in Iraq
Sat Sep 18,12:50 PM ET
By CHARLES J. HANLEY, AP Special Correspondent

In Washington, in the tense months before war in Iraq, Charles Duelfer was confident. "Of course he is developing his weapons of mass destruction," the American arms expert wrote of Saddam Hussein .

In Baghdad, however, Hans Blix was much less convinced. The U.N. weapons inspector, on the eve of the conflict, remarked sadly on the likelihood that armies would be "waging the war at a tremendous cost, and in the end find there was very little."

In the end, as a hurricane distracted Americans, as terrorist car bombings and U.S. air strikes bloodied Iraq, the findings of a Duelfer-led investigation were quietly leaked in Washington. And after 16 months of trying, what his teams have found is less than little.

In fact, the only unconventional weapon turned up in Iraq wasn't turned up by the Americans at all, but by the other side, Iraq's shadowy resistance. In May, in an incident causing no serious injuries, insurgent fighters in Baghdad rigged an old artillery shell as a roadside bomb, apparently unaware it was loaded with sarin nerve agent.

Otherwise, two or three stray shells have been discovered with traces of degraded agent — far short of the 100-500 tons of usable chemical weapons that Colin Powell warned of on Feb. 5, 2003, as he sought a U.N. blessing for the U.S.-British invasion.



bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
I want to help N8 out on this one for a change.

Well they haven't found Hoffa yet either? Does that mean he didn't exist?!?

Silly dims......


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
So let's see:

No WMD, No imminent threat to anyone, way less mass graves than purported (not that that makes it OK, but you guys have the death penalty too, and detention without trial/rights), No link to Osama (ask the CIA about him) - So why was Iraq invaded again?
Changleen said:
So let's see:

No WMD, No imminent threat to anyone, way less mass graves than purported (not that that makes it OK, but you guys have the death penalty too, and detention without trial/rights), No link to Osama (ask the CIA about him) - So why was Iraq invaded again?
In regards to the mass graves, I can tell you from expirience that there were WAY more graves found than reported. After the first few, it becomes a mute point with the media.

I do agree with you about the invasion. I fought that war for the US because dubya wanted to finish what Sr couldnt. Not to mention, there was that thing about the price on his daddy's head. Until I see hard evidence about the link with al-queda, we wasted over 1000 american liv es doing it.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
genpowell71 said:
we wasted over 1000 american liv es doing it.
Unfortunately 1000 is just the begining. That leak CIA report pretty much summed it up saying the best case scenario for 2005 is that things won't get much worse!!

At this point I think that I would like to see Bush retain his presidency, so he will have to handle the cluster**** he started.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
genpowell71 said:
In regards to the mass graves, I can tell you from expirience that there were WAY more graves found than reported. After the first few, it becomes a mute point with the media.

I do agree with you about the invasion. I fought that war for the US because dubya wanted to finish what Sr couldnt. Not to mention, there was that thing about the price on his daddy's head. Until I see hard evidence about the link with al-queda, we wasted over 1000 american liv es doing it.
If what you say about mass graves is true, that is very interesting (I'd like to see some evidence of numbers) and in my opinion does give the case for invasion much more credance. However I have two reservations:

1) As you said, helping out the poor, oppressed, Iraqi people was SOOO not one of the reasons GW invaded, and was only tabled after the other excuses turned to sh1t. As far as I'm concerned , I could invade the US and say it was to save the lives of all those on death row. I mean most of them are black. You could easily spin it to show the US intollerant of racial groups and unfairly subjects them to oppression and harsher treatment under law.

2) Why the hell are we not doing the same in the 50 other states where leaders routinly kill, oppress and maim their own population or their neighbours? We could start with Israel.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Changleen said:
2) Why the hell are we not doing the same in the 50 other states where leaders routinly kill, oppress and maim their own population or their neighbours? We could start with Israel.
Saudi Arabia would be even better. No religious freedom, oppression of women, no political dissent...sounds pretty much like a place US leaders would abhor, right?
Why on ridemonkey.com does everyone hate Israel so much? Other than fighting terrorism with total disregard for the rest of the world and done pretty good job at it, what have they done to anyone in here?

Another reason foe Saudi arabia would be just because the country is so crooked. Lets find out how much money actually is going to terrorism


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
I don't think everyone on Ridemonkey does hate Israel. A number of people do disagree with their foreign policy however, and see hypocrisy in the Israeli government's approach to the rights of people in the occupied territories, their flagrant disregard of UN resolutions, civilian deaths of Palestinians and their use of extra-judicial executions.

To use a crap analogy, they are fighting fire with fire yet complaining that someone is fighting them with fire.

Personally I also believe that their policy only breeds more conflict, more terrorists and is ultimately harming both the people and state of Israel.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
To use a crap analogy, they are fighting fire with fire yet complaining that someone is fighting them with fire.
They are fighting a few guys with burning sticks with a battlalion of tank mounted flame throwers.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Changleen said:
So let's see:

No WMD, No imminent threat to anyone, way less mass graves than purported (not that that makes it OK, but you guys have the death penalty too, and detention without trial/rights), No link to Osama (ask the CIA about him) - So why was Iraq invaded again?
Pissing contest.
fluff said:
I don't think everyone on Ridemonkey does hate Israel. A number of people do disagree with their foreign policy however, and see hypocrisy in the Israeli government's approach to the rights of people in the occupied territories, their flagrant disregard of UN resolutions, civilian deaths of Palestinians and their use of extra-judicial executions.

To use a crap analogy, they are fighting fire with fire yet complaining that someone is fighting them with fire.

Personally I also believe that their policy only breeds more conflict, more terrorists and is ultimately harming both the people and state of Israel.
So Israel is supposed to sit back and stop fighting back because the world condemns the way they fight. Ok, but lets be fair about it. Why dont we hear about world condemnation when the PLO or Hamas or Abu Nidal blows up a bus full of INNOCENT civilians. Where's the outrage then? Where's the world condemnation about that? All the world talks about peace and how Israel needs to support the peace initiative. HEY GANG, NEWS FLASH!!!! They supported about all of them that came down the pipe. Clinton's, Bush sr's, and Reagan's. Who backed out first? Give you a hint. His name starts with Yasser and ends with Arafat. So if we want to be outraged, lets put the outrage where it belongs. Palestine attacks, get pissed at them. Israle attacks, we get pissed at them. Let's all be impartial, not predjudice because one country has it together and the other one doesnt


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
genpowell71 said:
Why dont we hear about world condemnation when the PLO or Hamas or Abu Nidal blows up a bus full of INNOCENT civilians. Where's the outrage then? Where's the world condemnation about that?
Again, If you watch the BBC, or pretty much any Euro news source, you would be seeing these acts condemned by most Euro leaders as well.

Let's all be impartial, not predjudice because one country has it together and the other one doesnt
I totally agree, the problem I have is the American media and Leaderships total bias towards the Israelis, which is not fair, especially since they are in the posistion of power over there. You know what comes with great power, now don'tcha?


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Changleen said:
You know what comes with great power, now don'tcha?
Bigger weapons and the right to ignore people who complain...

Isn't that part of the platform the GOP is running on


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
genpowell71 said:
All the world talks about peace and how Israel needs to support the peace initiative. HEY GANG, NEWS FLASH!!!! They supported about all of them that came down the pipe. Clinton's, Bush sr's, and Reagan's. Who backed out first? Give you a hint. His name starts with Yasser and ends with Arafat.
Please elaborate the part about who backed out first..