
&&& It's wash away Friday&&&


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
A manager who I worked for and crossed swords with a few years ago left to work for one of our suppliers, I assume they thought he could provide an advantage doing business with us. He royally fucked up a project that I had to take over and fix after he left, with much pain and suffering on my part. He is currently managing a very large and important project. The people working on the project despise him and fear he is going to royally fuck things up and have started a high level campaign to get him shit-canned, a full on mutiny. This pleases me very much. I normally would enjoy seeing someone lose their jobs but he also ruined several peoples careers to get ahead himself. So fuck him.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Not too far from the lovely Maumee river

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Ahhh... the Mighty Maumee. When I was a kid my uncle taught Biochemistry at Defiance college. One summer the bridge into "town" was under construction, so my unc took my sister and I (probably 7 & 8yo at the time) over the train trestle to get into town. Fortunately, the train came shortly after we made it across the bridge - my uncle instructed us to shimmy out on the trestle if the train came *while* we were on the bridge.

I wonder if my mom every knew he did that. :rofl:




the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Ahhh... the Mighty Maumee. When I was a kid my uncle taught Biochemistry at Defiance college. One summer the bridge into "town" was under construction, so my unc took my sister and I (probably 7 & 8yo at the time) over the train trestle to get into town. Fortunately, the train came shortly after we made it across the bridge - my uncle instructed us to shimmy out on the trestle if the train came *while* we were on the bridge.

I wonder if my mom every knew he did that. :rofl:


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What is the worst that could have happened? Jump in the river, start a new career as a superhero?



The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Also, what an epic fail of a V day. All sorts of restaurants had special events lined up and everything is shut the fuck down due to weather.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Finished house sitting then off to a friend's for gin and lamb backstrap night.
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I can't cook on a weber Q, they are the most illogical BBQ ever made.
It's weird that they can make such good traditional grills but the Q is all sorts of silly, it's what's wrong with the industry.
I can only assume @Banshee_Rider@73 has seen this and is hard at work on his TED Talk about everything wrong here.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I have a nice Weber Genesis. well, y'all would scoff at it being gas: it's plumbed into the house NG on the patio.

anyway, I never use it, because I cook my fancy steaks in a Le Creuset inside, in the electric oven


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
My sister works for a Weber dealership, I have pointed out everything dumb about the Q.
She doesn't share my opinions but she has an American made Weber BBQ which is all sorts of magical.
Is that the one you put water in? If so my friend has one of those, the grill plate is annoying, stuff falls off the edge into a little moat thing.