
jdcamb comes to visit


Nam I am
Well jdcamb came to visit since he is in the area this weekend , and we planned to ride today , but the forcast calledfor rain all day today :(

But as usual the Weather man couldn't have been more wrong !
it was an awesome day all day today , cloudy at first and then very sunny :)

so Jdcamb decided to join Berkshire_rider and my self for our 4 hour ride series

Jdcamb asked to see some rock! Oh we shoed him Rock , he got to meet some of it intamatly.

starting with this one , on his first try he did not have enough speed to make it all the way up.

Next Berkshire_rider shows off howthe Rock to bridge works

a rock Garden for Jim to play in

May not be big , butit sure is fun !!!

Takes one look at this and says no F@#@ing way!

Berkshire rider does a smaller one to the left , but still eats it at the end

and finally Berkshire rider conquering a nemisis!

what a Nice day it turned out to be ! They say it is suppose to rain tommorow too ? should I believe them ?


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
Nice pics Splat! I can't believe how wrong the forecast was - it was beautiful here all day too.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Today was a good day. Finally cleaned my nemisis section on the Nemba trail. :cool: I love it when they screw up forecasts in our favor. It was supposed to be upper 50's and rain, but instead it was 65 and sunny. :thumb:


nice - it didn't rain where we were at either. No ride pics. Just screwing around pics.