
Jesus was a carpenter


took the red pill
I just pretend to be. Yeah, yeah, boring sheit, but something to look at to consume 5 minutes of your day.

Almost complete, well the deck. The patio has consumed major time and thus has not allowed me to ride my bike for weeks :nuts:
So sick of working on this house it's not funny. Anyhow, heres some pics. I used mahogany on the back and ironwood (dense species of mahog) on the front porch. I chose mahog as the synthetic wood has not been around that long and I've heard of molding problems with Trex. So the stuff (synthetic wood) is Leme tell you. Ironwood is the most brutal wood there is. This stuff is so dense, you could probably build a downhill bike out of it.
Here's a close up of the grain of the ironwood

Here's the back. I gutted the existing deck 10x12 and added another section on to it. It is a major time-sucka, leme tell you. I wish Jesus would come and finish it. I've prayed to him, but he's busy over in the middle east sorting sheite out. Knuckle



Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Ya don't say...I heard he was a race car driver. :)

Nice work. When you're done with it, could you help me with mine? I want to replace the top rails on my deck, as they are fairly weathered and one of them has split at the grain. I was considering that syntetic stuff just on the top rails...ya know, so nobody will get a splinter a couple years down the road from leaning on it.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Nice work! :thumb:

Now just build some skinnies and transitions off the back of that thing. :D

I built a deck for my brother about 1.5 yrs ago with the synthetic stuff - don't like it! It was easy enough to work with, but I don't care for the colors or the feel of it. :stosh:


took the red pill
llkoolkeg said:
Nice work. When you're done with it, could you help me with mine? I want to replace the top rails on my deck, as they are fairly weathered and one of them has split at the grain. I was considering that syntetic stuff just on the top rails...ya know, so nobody will get a splinter a couple years down the road from leaning on it.
You can use mahogany dude. Just sand it when your done. You use a special alchohol treatment on it
1. wash it
2. brush this alchohol stuff on it with water
3. wash it, let it dry overnight
4. put special stain on it

Don't use pressure treated, it's crap. Should be illegal. To do this deck in mahogany was not as expensive as you think. I think it was about 1400 total for all the wood. The iron wood was expensive, like 400 for the front porch, but I needed 16'ers as I diddnt' want seams and they diddn't have 16'ers in mahogany, in which case it would have cost only about 150. The mahogany is good though. With proper treatment every couple years, it will outlast all of us and wont end up all split and crap like pressure treated. The stuff is crap, anything with arsenic in it is crap as far as I'm concerned.



took the red pill
Brian HCM#1 said:
You still need to extend the handrail for the stairs all the way up.

Yeah, that was my screw up. I used the existing staircase from the deck instead of cutting new ones. The end result is that they are too wide. If I extend a handrail up beyond that point, it will hit the beam that holds up the deck. I'll figure something out, me and Jesus that's is. Sucks, I hate doing carpentry as I don't have the time to just get it done, that's what bothers me. I haven't ridden my bike (there I inserted bike content) in weeks as every Saturday and Sunday is consumed with patio/deck. Anyhow, I'll have the ballisters done tonight, and I'm riding tomorrow morning (of course it will rain)



took the red pill
SkaredShtles said:
No more pissin' and moanin' outta you, yah friggin' yuppie DBA bahstid. Nice 3000 sq. foot pad you got there............ with the mahogany deck. :rolleyes: :D

Welp, it's only 1700 sq ft actually :nuts: and was 230k new two years ago, the cheapest house in the state of Massachusetts. It's worth considerably more now, but even if I sold it for 400k, I'd have no place to go because there are no houses in Massachusetts less than 400k that don't require an astronomical ammount of work. So glad I bought a new house.
1. Garage floor has sunk 6" and is cracked.
2. Basement floods during downpours.
3. Driveway is 1/2 dirt, 1/2 tar as the house was built 2' too low and after the sidewalk was put in the cars bottom out at the top of the sidewalk

Builder wont fix anything. He ignores everyone on the street. I've seen a lawyer, called and mailed the town, wrote letters to everyone (news, newspapers, state reps)
Nobody can do anything. It's like this. Spend 15k in court and 2 years later maybee win. Or take 15k and get the sheit fixed and forget it. I'm going for option 2.
Builders are such slimeballs. He's just pisssed that a house he sold for 230k a couple years ago has almost doubled in value, so he wont do anything for anyone on the street. Luckily I have 1/2 a clue and can do a lot of the crap myself as my dad was a carpenter who learned the trade from Jesus



took the red pill
stosh said:
Whoooo no drinking! I couldn't imagine how Knuck gets after a few beers.

No, I'm a happy drunk. My X was like Dr. Jeckly and Mr. Hyde when she drank. I wont be around anyone like that. I wouldn't drink if I got upset. Most of my rage comes during work hours when I sit and do nothing for 9 hours a day. After work, I'm a different person :cool:

Ima gonna have a big asss bash in Aug when all this crap is done. I wish you cats were local, as I'd invite all of ya's. Sheit, if all you NY monkeys wana come, your welcome to. I always invite people to come to any bash I have. IDGAF, stay over, plenty of room. I love parties. KNUCKLEFEST 2004 :D



Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Knuckleslammer said:
You can use mahogany dude. Just sand it when your done. You use a special alchohol treatment on it
1. wash it
2. brush this alchohol stuff on it with water
3. wash it, let it dry overnight
4. put special stain on it

Don't use pressure treated, it's crap. Should be illegal. To do this deck in mahogany was not as expensive as you think. I think it was about 1400 total for all the wood. The iron wood was expensive, like 400 for the front porch, but I needed 16'ers as I diddnt' want seams and they diddn't have 16'ers in mahogany, in which case it would have cost only about 150. The mahogany is good though. With proper treatment every couple years, it will outlast all of us and wont end up all split and crap like pressure treated. The stuff is crap, anything with arsenic in it is crap as far as I'm concerned.

Hmmmm. How do you resurrect a deck? Mine is structurally fine, but hasn't received any love in the last two years and is starting to give splinters. Should I just use a belt sander on the whole thing and refinish it somehow, replacing just the top rails for contrast to the wood used on the rest of it- perhaps with the mahogany?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Knuckleslammer said:
crap myself as my dad was a carpenter who learned the trade from Jesus


Bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Knuckleslammer said:
No, I'm a happy drunk. My X was like Dr. Jeckly and Mr. Hyde when she drank. I wont be around anyone like that. I wouldn't drink if I got upset. Most of my rage comes during work hours when I sit and do nothing for 9 hours a day. After work, I'm a different person :cool:

Ima gonna have a big asss bash in Aug when all this crap is done. I wish you cats were local, as I'd invite all of ya's. Sheit, if all you NY monkeys wana come, your welcome to. I always invite people to come to any bash I have. IDGAF, stay over, plenty of room. I love parties. KNUCKLEFEST 2004 :D

I think I would be to scared to come...


Jul 18, 2004
Oslo, No(r)way
just the concept of "Synthetic wood" seems totally out of wack to me..
must be a norwegian thing :confused:
the real stuff you got there looks neat though :thumb:


took the red pill
llkoolkeg said:
Hmmmm. How do you resurrect a deck? Mine is structurally fine, but hasn't received any love in the last two years and is starting to give splinters. Should I just use a belt sander on the whole thing and refinish it somehow, replacing just the top rails for contrast to the wood used on the rest of it- perhaps with the mahogany?

Well do what I did, it's probably not as expensive as you think. I just left the structure itself, and added on a section, and moved the stairs. Time consuming, but not that hard. Hey, look at your average carpenter that spends his check on a 30 pack of budweiser, whores, scratch tickets, and lives in a room for 30 a week. I just tell myself "hey, if that donkey can do this sheit, I can too"

It's not that hard. Just level everything, and use your eye too. The something can be perfectly level, but when you look at it, it's way off. I use a combo of both. Use a square too. Nothing worse than an end of wood that is cut improperly. Buy plenty of drill bits if your using mahog as you will break them. I used stainless steel 2" ribbed siding nails that you would use for wood siding on the deck. They are faster to put in than screws and almost impossible to get out. If you bend one, forget trying to take it out with a hammer, you have to break it off with alignments pliers. Also, take your time and have the proper tools for it. Mahogany is tough stuff. You have to predrill everything or the screws/nails will break/bend. I like to recess all the wholes too for the railings/ballustrades, that way the screws fit nice into the recessed holes and people wont cut/nick their hands on screws sticking up.

I wouldn't bother sanding your deck man. Especially if it's pressure treated. Gut it down to the frame and get rid of that garbage. Replace the posts with Douglas fir 4x4's which are cheap and do the floor with mahogany. I used 3.5 x 1/2" mahogany vs. 5/4 for the floor. It's not as wide and takes longer to nail/screw, but looks a bit nicer. I used 5/4 for the railings. 5/4 is a thicker, wider mahogany and is what most flooring is done with as far as decks. Put it this way. You'll probably spend more time sanding that pressure treated crap than you would replacing all the railings/floors. Mahogany will need to be sanded too, but only slightly and once you seal it, stain it, you wont get many splinters. Just tiny ones that you can't see :evil: . You can sand, seal, sand, seal pressure treated till your eyeballs are falling out of your head and it will still crack and split. Mahog is for life. Light sanding and treat it properly and your good. I don't want to replace my deck in 5 years again. That's why I chose not to go with PT lumber again.


took the red pill
XpeteX said:
just the concept of "Synthetic wood" seems totally out of wack to me..
must be a norwegian thing :confused:
the real stuff you got there looks neat though :thumb:
Well some of the synthetic wood is real nice looking and looks real. However as I said, it's warrantied for 10 years, but has only been out for 3-5 years. So with my luck on the first day of the 11th year the sheit would collapse or something would happen. Trex is a pioneer in the synthetic wood technology and they now have a class action law suit due to molding problems. There are a zillion other places that make synthetic wood as well. Some use actaul trash/garbage to make the stuff. Other's use paper and glue. So who knows? Wood is wood and time tested and it's known what type of wood lasts and what type doesn't.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Knuckleslammer said:
Welp, it's only 1700 sq ft actually :nuts: <snip>
Does that include the basement? It sure looks bigger than that...... :D

So glad I bought a new house.
1. Garage floor has sunk 6" and is cracked.
2. Basement floods during downpours.
3. Driveway is 1/2 dirt, 1/2 tar as the house was built 2' too low and after the sidewalk was put in the cars bottom out at the top of the sidewalk
Hey, you're the one who bought a new house.......... ;) Seriously, though. Bust that builder and have him get those things fixed. :nuts:



took the red pill
SkaredShtles said:
Does that include the basement? It sure looks bigger than that...... :D

Hey, you're the one who bought a new house.......... ;) Seriously, though. Bust that builder and have him get those things fixed. :nuts:

Well, I phucking bought a new house so I wouldn't have to do anything as I can't stand carpentry and crap. The only thing I actaully like doing besides normal everyday life stuff is work on/ride bikes. That's the extent of my hobbies really. Well, plus I play banjo when I have 5 minutes to spare.
I bought a new house and it shouldn't have a garage floor that has sunk 6" and cracked. It should not have a cracked foundation. It shouldn't have a perimeter drain that doesn't function. There is no use with the builder. I've done everything short of having a fist fite with him in the street. I've dropped the rage and Ima fix the sheite myself. It's really only 1700 sq/ft or so. Basement is not finished, but it has a big boom boom room above the garage with a 60" TV and 600W SS system plus I wired the entire crib with cat 5, there's even a jack in the master bath :D
Most people say it looks like a tiny house on the outside, but the inside is bigger. It's not that big though. The master bedroom is tiny. I don't care, all I care about the is the garage and the boom boom room. I wish I did have a jacuzzi, but settled for a foot tub with jets in it (LAME) but the wife likes it.
The yard is ridiculous. It's less than an 1/8th acre or something like that. I can look out my bathroom window and wave to my neighbor as he's taking a piss. That really pissses me off, but could be worse I guess.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Knuckleslammer said:
Well, I phucking bought a new house so I wouldn't have to do anything as I can't stand carpentry and crap. The only thing I actaully like doing besides normal everyday life stuff is work on/ride bikes. That's the extent of my hobbies really. Well, plus I play banjo when I have 5 minutes to spare.
I bought a new house and it shouldn't have a garage floor that has sunk 6" and cracked. It should not have a cracked foundation. It shouldn't have a perimeter drain that doesn't function.<snip>
Too bad you didn't have my wife to give you advice..... we recently bought a house and we didn't want to look at anything newer than about '94, because in her words "If the older place was gonna have structural issues, it already will have had them" - smart woman, that. :D

Sorry to hear about your $hite house problems. I think that maybe the fist fight would be appropriate in this case.

What did your state Attorney General have to say about this?



took the red pill
TickTock said:
Two words: Finishing Nails!

Jk, looks good man!
Word, but I was thinking about a 50lb box if 1.5" roofing nails. Good thing is the builder is building a new house (mansion), while he lives in my neighborhood in a REGULAR house. His new house has just a gravel driveway. Now imagine how long it would take to pick up a 50lb box of roofing nails off a gravel driveway. Of course I wouldn't do it as the first place the police would come is my house. Yeah, the builder and I, we have some issues.

HOLY SHEIT, they got a website I just found on the web. The last one was shutdown for NON-PAYMENT
Ima get some of my web buddies over for a party :D




Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Knuckleslammer said:
Of course I wouldn't do it as the first place the police would come is my house. Yeah, the builder and I, we have some issues.

HOLY SHEIT, they got a website I just found on the web. The last one was shutdown for NON-PAYMENT
Ima get some of my web buddies over for a party :D


I know some guys in Southie that could help, and they don't charge as much as a lawyer...


Jul 18, 2004
Oslo, No(r)way
Knuckleslammer said:
Some use actaul trash/garbage to make the stuff. Other's use paper and glue. So who knows? Wood is wood and time tested and it's known what type of wood lasts and what type doesn't.
ah.. I see.. I read "synthetic" and all of a sudden plastic pieces of "wood" popped into my mind :eek:


May 23, 2004
Moscow, ID
Knuckleslammer said:
Welp, it's only 1700 sq ft actually :nuts: and was 230k new two years ago, the cheapest house in the state of Massachusetts. It's worth considerably more now, but even if I sold it for 400k, I'd have no place to go because there are no houses in Massachusetts less than 400k that don't require an astronomical ammount of work. So glad I bought a new house.
1. Garage floor has sunk 6" and is cracked.
2. Basement floods during downpours.
3. Driveway is 1/2 dirt, 1/2 tar as the house was built 2' too low and after the sidewalk was put in the cars bottom out at the top of the sidewalk

Builder wont fix anything. He ignores everyone on the street. I've seen a lawyer, called and mailed the town, wrote letters to everyone (news, newspapers, state reps)
Nobody can do anything. It's like this. Spend 15k in court and 2 years later maybee win. Or take 15k and get the sheit fixed and forget it. I'm going for option 2.
Builders are such slimeballs. He's just pisssed that a house he sold for 230k a couple years ago has almost doubled in value, so he wont do anything for anyone on the street. Luckily I have 1/2 a clue and can do a lot of the crap myself as my dad was a carpenter who learned the trade from Jesus

TOOT TOOT.........thats your horn