
Jews for Jesus sue Google

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Jews for Jesus sues Google over blog
Reuters | Thu Dec 22, 2005

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Christian evangelical group Jews for Jesus is suing Google Inc., saying a Web log hosted through the Internet search leader's Blogspot service infringes its trademark.

The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in New York on Wednesday, seeks to force Google to give Jews for Jesus control of the site as well as unspecified monetary damages.

"We have a right to our own name and Google has allowed the use of our name on Blogspot without our permission," said Susan Perlman, associate executive director with Jews for Jesus.

"Our reputation is at stake," Perlman told Reuters.

Google's Blogspot and Blogger services allow people to set up Web logs, or online journals known as "blogs" for short, for free. A Google spokesman was not immediately available for comment on the lawsuit.

The disputed blog, http://jewsforjesus.blogspot.com, was started in January 2005 by someone taking the name "Whistle Blower" and airing critical views of the San Francisco-based organization, which seeks to convert Jews to Christianity.

The site has only three entries, the last of which was made on May 9.

Comments on the blog showed that Jews for Jesus attempted to persuade Whistle Blower to transfer the domain to the group but was rebuffed.

Perlman said the critical tone was not behind the suit.

"One of the wonderful things about the Internet is that there is freedom of expression, but there should be a protection ... so that organizations like ours can represent ourselves," Perlman said.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
fluff said:
She'll be coming around the mountain jew when she comes...
Ah, yes, mountain jews. They're sort of like other Jews, but they can spring 6' into the air to avoid predators, and scale rocky slopes which are untenable for, say, desert catholics or sea-muslims.

They've also been known to bash heads and tangle earlocks during the rutting season. Their survival, however, is threatened by diminishing supply of naturally-occuring Kosher food in their habitat.



Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
When I was riding Whistler in early summer, I spotted 2 mountain jews on Dirt Merchant. I was pedaling hard; they came after me jumping over the steps downs. One nearly grabbed my wheel when jew came off the rock drop above. Jew would have been scared too!!