
Jill Carroll's Release


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Echo said:
I wonder what excuse George and Dick would come up with for blowing up Arabs if insurgents stopped insurging?
They would claim blowing up insurgents stopped the insurging, then redefine insurging then blow up those insurgents.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
stinkyboy said:

What would have been America's (and the world's) reaction had they killed her? Why was she released? Her captors were just kidding?
America's reaction would have been mixed...I say that because everyone would've put their spin on it. Just like all the rest of the bullsh*t going on.

Right Wing: "These terrorists hate everything that America stands for!!" - What? Invading their country and not doing it right in the first place???

Father: "I can't believe someone would kill my little girl because she was there to help them." -By doing what exactly? We need reporters over there...not some chick that "thinks" she needs to be there...

America's bleeding hearts: "We lost a champion of justice, she will forever be remembered as a hero whose life was cut short...blah blah blah..." -Um...Someone missed the boat....

Left Wing: "We've said from the beginning this was a bad idea...but no one listened...hello? hello?....anyone..????" -Well, isn't that a surprise....

When I read or hear about stuff like this, I'm always reminded of the Family Guy episode where Bin Laden is making a video and just keeps cracking up and busts out the moustache glasses....

"Ahahaha...dis guy...dis iz da guy...right here.....dea...hahahah....death....ahahahah...ok...whew...ok....Death to Ameri....HAhahaahaha.....deathtoamerica cut!!"


Feb 8, 2005
Monterey, CA
I'm not overly paranoid nor am I really a conspiracy believer, yet something just doesn't seem right about her story. Am I the only one? They showed footage of her before her capture, and she seemed to look less healthy, now she looks loke she has been eating well and fairly rested. Plus, she talks of how nice evrybody was and how they seemed fair and nice? What about her interpter who was gunned down?Anyway, anybody???